Binghampton Burial Vault Co., Inc.
- Docket Number: CWA-02-2017-3303
Status: Closed
Statute: CWA Clean Water Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date:
Closed Date: 09/13/2017
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 02
(11/09/2016) #1 Complaint
(12/06/2016) #2 Order granting extension of time to file an answer to complaint.
(02/16/2017) #3 Answer
(04/06/2017) #4 Letter to Atty's Murphy & Somma regarding rules of practice.
(05/25/2017) #5 Order granting an extension of time to file an answer to the complaint.
(08/15/2017) #6 Consent agreement and final order.