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Dockets by EPA Region 06

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Complaint DateStatusCase
12/08/2010  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) OGRE, Inc., dba The Mur-Tex Company
11/26/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Lone Mountain Contracting, Inc.
11/24/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2011-4501) Hilcorp Energy
11/23/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4852) Conoco Phillips Company
11/22/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4817) XTO Energy, Inc.
11/16/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3613) Albermarle Corporation - West Plant
11/16/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3622) Copano Energy, LLC, Lake Charles Gas Plant
11/16/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) TLC Company, Inc.
10/28/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) GCC Rio Grande, Inc.
10/28/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) New Mexico General Services Department
10/25/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Bird Creek Lease
10/25/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Citation Oil and Gas
10/20/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Four R Operating Company, LLC
10/13/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Enerco Operating Corp.
10/13/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) NuCo Energey, Inc.
10/12/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Coastal Chemical
10/05/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Lion Oil Company
10/04/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) On Site Fuel Service
09/30/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3383) Strata Enterprises, LLC
09/30/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3384) ASAA, Inc.
09/29/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4521) Milagro Exploration
09/29/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Milagro Exploration
09/29/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Stone Energy
09/28/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-1834) J & B Oil, LLC
09/28/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4806) Enterprise Crude Pipeline, LLC (F/K/A TEPPCO Crude Pipeline, LLC)
09/28/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Delek Refining, Ltd.
09/28/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) Enterprise Crude Pipeline, LLC (F/K/A TEPPCO Crude Pipeline, LLC)
09/28/2010  Closed  (CWA and .....) The City of Santa Fe
09/27/2010  Closed  (CAA and .....) Agrifos Fertilizer L.L.C.
09/27/2010  Closed  (CERCLA and .....) Agrifos Fertilizer L.L.C.
09/27/2010  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) Agrifos Fertilizer L.L.C.
09/27/2010  Closed  (RCRA and .....) EXXON MOBIL OIL CORPORATION
09/23/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3591) City of Arlington Pierce-Burch Water Treatment Plant
09/23/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3603) Crosstex CCNG Processing Goforth Processing Plant
09/22/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4360) Kelsey/Alred Consolidated Tank Battery
09/22/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4361) MP Erwin A, Gulfport Energy Corporation
09/21/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-2724) Bonanza Creek Energy Resources, LLC
09/21/2010  Closed  (FIFRA-06-2010-0311) Darvel Devaun Richins Farm
09/15/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-1751) Broken Arrow Recyclers LLC
09/15/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-1881) Lee Ranch Coal Company
09/15/2010  Closed  (RCRA-06-2010-0921) Great American Treating
09/14/2010  Closed  (EPCRA-06-2010-0514) Bayshore Industrial, Inc.
09/13/2010  Closed  (EPCRA-06-2010-0515) The Conley Corporation
09/08/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4355) Harley 2-8
09/02/2010  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) Matrix Service, Inc.
08/24/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-1796) G & S Jewelry Manufacturing
08/23/2010  Closed  (FIFRA and .....) Cheminova, Inc.
08/19/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3601) Western International Gas - Geismar
08/19/2010  Closed  (CAA and .....) Huntsman Petrochemical LLC - Dayton Plant
08/18/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4512) Jimmy Roberson Energy
08/16/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4359) Bassinger Facility
08/12/2010  Closed  (EPCRA-06-2010-0513) Webco Industries, Incorp. Mannford Specialty Tube Division
08/11/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4357) Cameron Meadows Gas Plant
08/10/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-1717) All Saints Catholic School of Roswell, Inc.
08/10/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-1733) La Bajada Development, LLC, a Limited Liability Co.
08/06/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3582) BASF Corporation- Freeport Terminal
08/04/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4513) Hilcorp Energy
07/29/2010  Closed  (Class and .....) Chaparral Energy, L.L.C.
07/29/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4337) Groos National Bank Tank Battery
07/28/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4808) Velvin Oil Company, Inc.
07/28/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4809) BlueStone Natural Resources, LLC
07/28/2010  Closed  (TSCA-06-2010-6119) Ervay Residential Limited Partnership
07/21/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4322) Taylor Ferry Marina & Resort
07/21/2010  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) Frymaster
07/21/2010  Closed  (FIFRA-06-2010-0313) Valent BioSciences Corporation
07/20/2010  Closed  (SDWA-06-2010-1106) Gary Robinson
07/20/2010  Closed  (SDWA-06-2010-1108) Wachtman-Schroeder
07/20/2010  Closed  (SDWA and .....) GOLDEN WEST ENERGY, LLC
07/14/2010  Closed  (Class and .....) Allen Brothers
07/14/2010  Closed  (Class and .....) Lynn Creek Marina
07/12/2010  Closed  (CAA and .....) Citgo Refining and Chemical Company, L.P.
07/07/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2009-1789) Miner-Dederick Construction, LLP
07/06/2010  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) Johnson County Pipe, Inc.
07/01/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-1730) BLUELINE CONSTRUCTION, INC.
07/01/2010  Closed  (EPCRA-06-2010-0508) Exide Technologies Frisco Recycling Center
06/30/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3571) Champion Technologies Odessa Plant
06/30/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3576) Chemtura Corporation - Taft Facility
06/30/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4309) Marine Quest, Captains Cove Marina
06/30/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4807) LPD Energy Company, L.L.C.
06/30/2010  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) DUCO, INC.
06/24/2010  Closed  (FIFRA and .....) DalMex, Ltd.
06/11/2010  Closed  (Class and .....) Toro Rock Products, LLC
06/07/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4346) ERG Resources, LLC
06/07/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4347) ERG Resources, LLC
06/07/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4351) ZK Petroleum
06/07/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4352) Farmer, J.R. by ZK Petroleum
06/07/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4353) Farmer, J. R. by ZK Petroleum.
05/28/2010  Closed  (CAA-06-2010-3568) Champion Technologies' Fresno Facility
05/20/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4340) Cornerstone Marina Group
05/20/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4345) Mary Ann Cannon Tank Battery
05/20/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4348) Houston Oil Producing Enterprises, Inc.
05/20/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4349) Magnum Producing, LP
05/20/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4350) Pierce & Peterson, Inc. (PAPCO)
05/20/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4511) Texas Blending & Warehousing Corp.
05/20/2010  Closed  (SDWA-06-2010-1354) Midway Mobile Home Park
05/19/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-1723) Home Builders Redi-Mix
05/19/2010  Closed  (SDWA and .....) Town of Dustin
05/07/2010  Closed  (SDWA-06-2010-1348) Westmoor Mobile Home Court
05/06/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4338) Dewbre Petroleum
05/06/2010  Closed  (CWA-06-2010-4339) Eisenhower Yacht Club

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