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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
06/07/2017  CAA-05-2017-0026 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Viking Chemical Company- CAFO - (Rockford, Illinois))
06/07/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0040 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Elbow Lake Co-op Grain -ESA- (Elbow Lake, Minnesota))
06/07/2017  RCRA 06-2017-0931 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Texas Oncology, P.A.)
06/06/2017  CWA-05-2017-0011 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and Final Order (EES Coke Battery, LLC (River Rouge, Michigan))
06/06/2017  EPCRA 06-2017-0507 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Rocure Southwest Inc.)
06/06/2017  EPCRA 06-2017-0511 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Gulbrandsen Technologies, Inc.)
06/06/2017  CWA-02-2017-3307 Consent agreement and final order. (Village of Patchogue)
06/05/2017  CWA-05-2017-0010 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and Final Order (Bennett Quality Homes, Inc., (Westlake, Ohio) and Talp, Inc. (Westlake, Ohio))
06/05/2017  CWA-07-2017-0031 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Lincolnway Energy, LLC)
06/02/2017  CAA-05-2017-0025 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation and Swift Pork Company -CAFO- (Beardstown, Illinois))
06/01/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0038 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Hicksville Grain Company -ESA- (Hicksville, Ohio))
06/01/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0037 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Goodwill Manufacturing, Inc. -ESA- (Greendale, Wisconsin))
06/01/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0039 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Great Lakes IPM, Inc. -ESA- (Vestaburg, Michigan))
06/01/2017  CWA 06-2017-4307 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Tessera Energy, LLC)
06/01/2017  EPCRA 06-2017-0512 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Liberty Forge, Inc.)
06/01/2017  TSCA-09-2017-0005 (Samirian Chemicals Inc.)
05/31/2017  EPCRA-07-2017-0141 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Belfonte Ice Cream Company)
05/31/2017  CAA-07-2017-0119 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (GFG Ag Services)
05/31/2017  CWA-02-2017-3452 Consent agreement and final order. (Marina PDR Operations, LLC)
05/31/2017  CAA-10-2017-0071 ESA (RainSweet, Inc. East Plant)
05/31/2017  RCRA-07-2017-0151 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Sivyer Steel Corporation)
05/31/2017  CWA 06-2017-4305 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Global OK Production, LLC)
05/31/2017  CWA-03-2017-0108 SCAFO (Borough of Steelton Municipal Bldg., CWA, SCAFO)
05/30/2017  CAA-01-2017-0040 CAFO (Kimball Sand Company, Inc. )
05/30/2017  RCRA-02-2016-7105 Consent agreement and final order. (Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center)
05/30/2017  CAA-03-2017-0104 CAFO-ESA (Hain Pure Protein Corp - Plainville Farms, CAA, ESA, CAFO)
05/30/2017  CWA-07-2017-0033 Complaint, Consent Agreement and Final Order (Iowa City Ready Mix, Inc)
05/30/2017  CWA 06-2017-4311 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Urban Oil & Gas Group, LLC)
05/30/2017  CWA 06-2017-4310 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Randy & Jan Walker Oil Company, LLC)
05/25/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2510(b) CAFO (Imerys Carbonates)
05/25/2017  EPCRA-04-2016-2025(b) CAFO (United Plating, Inc.)
05/25/2017  FIFRA-04-2017-3000(b) CAFO (Archer Ace Hardware)
05/25/2017  TSCA-01-2016-0034 CAFO (Pike International LLC, et al:)
05/25/2017  CAA-01-2017-0004 CAFO (Pawtucket Power Associates, LP)
05/25/2017  FIFRA 06-2017-0300 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Flame Engineering, Inc.)
05/24/2017  CAA-03-2017-0127 SCAFO (United States Department of Navy, Naval Foundry and Propeller Center, CAA, SCAFO)
05/24/2017  RCRA-07-2017-0121 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form for Expedited Settlement (Super Saver)
05/24/2017  EPCRA-10-2017-0103 CAFO (Dyno Battery Inc.)
05/24/2017  TSCA-10-2017-0118 CAFO (The Glass Nook, Inc)
05/24/2017  FIFRA-01-2017-0051 Consent Agreement and Final Order (In Re: Bolger & O'Hearn, Inc.,)
05/24/2017  CAA 06-2017-3340 Consent Agreement and Final Order (City of Alexandria)
05/23/2017  CWA-04-2016-4519(b) CAFO (TruNorth Transport, LLC)
05/23/2017  RCRA-07-2017-0120 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form for Expedited Settlement (Quick Trip #587)
05/23/2017  TSCA-04-2015-2904(b) CAFO (Wade Sand & Gravel Company, Inc.)
05/23/2017  CWA-05-2017-0008 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and Final Order (Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corporation (Minneapolis, Minnesota) )
05/23/2017  EPCRA-04-2017-2012(b) CAFO (Plycem USA LLC)
05/23/2017  UIC-09-2012-0004 (Tahiti Nui Enterprises)
05/22/2017  TSCA-05-2017-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Miron Masonry Company -CAFO- (Park Ridge, Illinois))
05/22/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0031 Expedited Settlement Agreement (South Central Seed & Chemical d/b/a Hefty Seed Company -ESA- (Janesville, Minnesota))
05/22/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Hitchcock Industries, Inc. d/b/a Consolidated Precision Products (Bloomington, Minnesota))
05/22/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0035 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Scot Laboratories -ESA- (Chagrin Falls, Ohio))
05/22/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0034 Expedited Settlement Agreement (`Dozen of Deals, Inc.-ESA- (Michigan City, Indiana))
05/22/2017  TSCA-07-2017-0122 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Mr. Bryan J. Timmermeyer)
05/22/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0030 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Pool & Spa Warehouse, Inc. -CAFO- (Toledo, Ohio))
05/22/2017  CWA-05-2017-0007 FINAL Consent Agreement and Final Order (Asphalt Cutbacks, Inc. -- SEP -- (East Chicago, Indiana))
05/22/2017  CAA-05-2017-0023 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Real Alloy Specification, Inc. -ESA- (Coldwater, Michigan))
05/22/2017  CAA-05-2017-0024 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Sunoco Partners Marketing and Terminal LP River Rouge -ESA- (Detroit, Michigan))
05/22/2017  CWA-07-2017-0113 Order and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Pierce Lumber, Inc)
05/22/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0033 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Multi-Pack Solutions, LLC -ESA- (Mount Prospect, Illinois))
05/22/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0036 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Yorba Organic, LLC -CAFO- (Sarasota, Florida))
05/22/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0017 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Leonhardt Plating Company - INSTALLMENTS - (Cincinnati, Ohio))
05/22/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0032 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Seeler Industries, Inc. -ESA- (Joliet, Illinois))
05/18/2017  CWA 06-2017-4309 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Graham Oil Company)
05/17/2017  CAA-07-2017-0003 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (National Cold Storage, Inc)
05/17/2017  CAA-07-2017-0153 Consent Agreement and Final Order (PB Leiner USA Corporation)
05/17/2017  CWA 06-2016-4852 Consent Agreement and Final Order (PSC Industrial Holdings Corp.)
05/16/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0130 SCAFO (Two Bulls Construction, LLC., TSCA, SCAF0)
05/16/2017  CWA-04-2016-5006(b) CAFO (CSX Transportation, Inc.)
05/16/2017  CWA-04-2017-7002(b) CAFO (Demopolis Yacht Basin - Demopolis, Alabama)
05/16/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0130 SCAFO (Two Bulls Construction, LLC., TSCA, SCAF0)
05/16/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0125 SCAFO (Fruit Hill Orchard, Inc., Target Housing (2) complainants, SCAFO, TSCA)
05/16/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0129 SCAFO (Lancaster Craftsman Builders, Inc., TSCA, SCAFO)
05/16/2017  CAA-04-2017-1750(b) CAFO (Eikon Partners, LLC)
05/16/2017  FIFRA-07-2017-0147 Consent Agreement and Final Order (ROC Enterprises)
05/16/2017  FIFRA-07-2017-0003 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Heinen Brothers Agra)
05/16/2017  CAA 06-2017-3354 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Blanchard Refining Company LLC)
05/12/2017  CWA-02-2017-3451 Consent agreement and final order. (Del Valle Group)
05/11/2017  CWA-10-2017-0094 ESA (Jackson Store #22 Middleton)
05/11/2017  CAA 06-2017-3358 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Cott Beverges Inc.)
05/11/2017  RCRA-02-2017-7702 Expediated settlement agreement. (Stewart P. Wilson Inc. d/b/a Lakes Gas)
05/11/2017  UIC-09-2016-0003 (Aloha Petroleum - Hawaii)
05/10/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0028 Consent Agreement and Final Order (MID America Distributing, LLC -CAFO- (Fairmont, Minnesota))
05/10/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0029 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Arcadia Chemical, LLC -ESA- (Lawton, Michigan))
05/10/2017  FIFRA-09-2017-0005 (Wonder Farm Inc.)
05/10/2017  FIFRA-09-2017-0006 (Rockwood Chemical Company)
05/10/2017  FIFRA-09-2017-0007 (NuFarm Americas Inc.)
05/09/2017  CERCLA-08-2017-0003 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (EP ENERGY E&P COMPANY, LP)
05/09/2017  TSCA-10-2017-0091 ESA (Simi Roofing & Construction)
05/08/2017  CAA-07-2017-0007 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Rock County Agronomy Services)
05/08/2017  CWA-07-2017-0025 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Agriland FS)
05/08/2017  CWA-07-2017-0021 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Buckeye South St LouisTerminal, LLC)
05/08/2017  CWA-07-2017-0100 Complaint Consent Agreement/Final order (City of Parsons, Kansas)
05/08/2017  CWA-07-2017-0022 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (ICM Biofuels, LLC)
05/05/2017  CWA-03-2017-0101 SCAFO (Antrim Township CWA, SCAFO)
05/05/2017  CWA-02-2017-3306 Expediated settlement agreement. (Church Communities NY, Inc.)
05/04/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2506(b) CAFO (H&W Windows and Repair Service, Inc.)
05/04/2017  CWA-04-2017-7003(b) CAFO (Petroci USA, Inc.)
05/04/2017  CWA-10-2017-0069 CAFO (Cheesman Construction, LLC)
05/04/2017  TSCA-04-2016-2531(b) CAFO (Strategic Management Partners d/b/a Sienna Heights Apartments)
05/04/2017  CWA-04-2017-5001(b) CAFO (Venture Oil & Gas, Inc.)

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