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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
09/27/2017  CWA-02-2017-3803 Expediated Settlement Agreement. (Skylands Energy Services)
09/27/2017  CAA-02-2017-1201 Consent agreement and final order. (Genpak LLC)
09/27/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9106 Consent agreement and final order. (Cycle Chem, Incorporated)
09/27/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0184 SCAFO (AAI Corporation, RCRA, SCAFO)
09/27/2017  CAA-03-2017-0198 SCAFO (USS Achey, Inc., SCAFO)
09/27/2017  EPCRA 06-2017-0514 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Lucite International, Inc.)
09/26/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2538(b) CAFO (Paul Davis Restoration of North Florida)
09/26/2017  CWA-07-2017-0102 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (American Water Enterprises, Inc)
09/26/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0199 SCAFO (Clean-Flo International, LLC)
09/26/2017  RCRA 06-2017-0910 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Macy's Retail Holdings, Inc.)
09/26/2017  RCRA 06-2017-0944 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Chemquest Chemicals, LLC)
09/26/2017  CAA(112R)-09-2017-0008 (Americold Logistics)
09/25/2017  CWA-07-2017-0135 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Bull Moose Tube)
09/25/2017  CAA-10-2017-0161 ESA (Leader Creek Fisheries, Inc.)
09/25/2017  EPCRA-10-2017-0177 CAFO (Cascade System Technology LLC.)
09/25/2017  CWA-07-2017-0108 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Forterra Concrete Products)
09/25/2017  CWA-08-2017-0024 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement (RIVERFRONT APARTMENTS, LLC)
09/25/2017  CAA-05-2017-0042 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Meyer Industrial Container LLC -CAFO- (Chicago, Illinois))
09/25/2017  CAA-05-2017-0041 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Lithographic Industries, Inc. -CAFO- (Broadview, Illinois))
09/25/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0027 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Atlas Oil Company - EPCRA-17-ESA-018 - (Niles, Michigan))
09/25/2017  EPCRA-03-2017-0201 SCAFO (Nupro Industries Corporation)
09/22/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2534(b) CAFO (Arcadia Restoration)
09/22/2017  FIFRA-02-2017-5101 Consent agreement and final order. (Pharmaceutical Innovations, Inc.)
09/22/2017  CWA-04-2017-5505(b) CAFO (Long County Georgia Board of Education)
09/22/2017  EPCRA-04-2017-2016(b) CAFO (Brenntag Mid-South, Inc.)
09/22/2017  CAA-05-2017-0040 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Rubbermaid Incorporated, and Ignite USA, LLC -CAFO- - REMEDIATION ACTION - (Atlanta, Georgia))
09/22/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0189 CAFO (Dallastown Area School District, CAFO)
09/22/2017  SDWA-06-2017-1106 Transmittal of Final Administrative Order (Diamond 3S, LLC)
09/21/2017  CWA-04-2017-5126(b) CAFO (Shriners Hospitals for Chidren)
09/21/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9241 Consent agreement and final order. (Marubeni Specialty Chemicals, Inc.)
09/21/2017  CAA-04-2017-1755(b) CAFO (Red Rock Global, LLC)
09/21/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0179 SCAFO (Justin Bird d/b/a Bird's Eye View Construction)
09/21/2017  EPCRA 06-2017-0509 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Forged Components Inc.)
09/21/2017  CAA(112R)-09-2017-0005 (Quadren Cryogenic Processing)
09/21/2017  CAA(112R)-09-2017-0006 (Basha's Distribution Center)
09/21/2017  CAA(112R)-09-2017-0007 (Sysco Arizona Inc.)
09/20/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0169 ESA no penalty (Cumberland Valley Cooperative Association, FIFRA, ESA)
09/20/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0170 ESA (Hydro Dynamics, FIFRA, ESA)
09/20/2017  RCRA-07-2017-0352 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Bertch Cabinet Manufacturing, Inc)
09/20/2017  CAA-03-2017-0182 SCAFO (B&V Environmental Services, CAA, SCAFO)
09/20/2017  CWA-01-2017-0067 Expedited Settlement Agreement (In the Matter of Thibeault Corporation of New England, Londonderry, NH)
09/19/2017  RCRA-02-2017-7707 Expediated settlement agreement. (New England Motor Freight)
09/19/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9285 Consent agreement and final order. (Brian A. Nash dba Quality Customs Construction)
09/19/2017  CAA-04-2017-1752(b) CAFO (Carroll County, Georgia)
09/19/2017  CWA-04-2017-4508(b) CAFO (Dunbar Foods Corporation)
09/19/2017  FIFRA-07-2017-0350 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Acro Dishwashing Service, Inc.)
09/19/2017  RCRA-04-2017-4011(b) CAFO (Southern States LLC)
09/19/2017  EPCRA-04-2017-2010(b) CAFO (City of Plant City, Florida)
09/19/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0026 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Archway Marketing Services, Inc. (Rogers, Minnesota))
09/19/2017  RCRA-04-2017-4012(b) CAFO (EnerSys Delaware, Inc,)
09/19/2017  CAA-04-2017-8017(b) CAFO (Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Co., Inc.)
09/19/2017  CWA-02-2017-3802 Expediated settlement agreement. (Bolkema Fuel Company, Inc.)
09/19/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2545(b) CAFO (Realm 102, LLC d/b/a Realm Apartments)
09/18/2017  CWA-10-2017-0132 cafo (City of Wilder, OR)
09/18/2017  CWA-10-2017-0141 CAFO (City of Plummer Wastwater Treatment Plant )
09/15/2017  CWA-08-2017-0023 CCCA (PETER K. ROOSEVELT)
09/15/2017  EPCRA-02-2017-4105 Consent agreement and final order. (Henry RAC Holding Corp. dba Henry Repeating Arms Corp.)
09/15/2017  FIFRA-10-2017-0178 CAFO (Western AG Improvements, Inc)
09/15/2017  CWA-08-2017-0018 CCCA, FO and Public Notice (FIELDSTONE HOMES, LLC)
09/15/2017  CAA/CWA/CERC/RCRA-03-2017-0164 SCAFO (Radford Army Ammunition Plant)
09/15/2017  CAA-09-2017-0006 (Wal Mart Transportation)
09/14/2017  CWA-08-2017-0022 CCCA and FO (PETROLEUM WHOLESALE, L.P.)
09/14/2017  CWA-08-2017-0021 Combined Complaint Consent Agreement (PETROLEUM WHOLESALE, L.P)
09/13/2017  RCRA-04-2017-4004(b) CAFO (Valmont Composite Structures)
09/13/2017  CWA-10-2017-0140 ESA (Trilogy Development Inc. & Liberty Development Inc.)
09/13/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9170 Consent agreement and final order. (Taras Home Designs, LLC)
09/13/2017  CAA-05-2017-0038 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Korff Holdings d/b/a Quaker City Castings -CAFO- -- SEP -- (Salem, Ohio))
09/13/2017  CAA-05-2017-0039 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Bunting Bearings, LLC -CAFO- (Holland, Ohio))
09/13/2017  CWA-04-2017-5506(b) CAFO (City of Lake Wales, Polk County, Florida)
09/13/2017  RCRA-04-2016-4018(b) CAFO (Antennas for Communications, Ocala, FL, Inc.)
09/13/2017  FIFRA-04-2017-3007(b) CAFO (DG Hardware, Inc.)
09/13/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0185 SCAFO (ArcelorMittal Weirton LLC, RCRA, SCAFO)
09/13/2017  TSCA-10-2017-0158 CAFO (Black Butte Construction, Inc.)
09/13/2017  EPCRA-10-2017-0154 cafo (BBC Biochemical Corp.)
09/13/2017  CAA 06-2017-3517 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Wylie WTP)
09/13/2017  CAA-06-2017-3512 Expedited Settlement Agreement (George's Further Processing Plant)
09/12/2017  CWA-10-2017-0149 ESA (Snug Harbor Seafoods, Inc. )
09/12/2017  RCRA-10-2017-0163 CAFO (US Coast Guard, Kodiak Base Support Unit, AK)
09/12/2017  TSCA-07-2017-0345 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Dana and Lori Schultz
09/12/2017  FIFRA-07-2016-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Monsanto Company)
09/12/2017  CWA-07-2017-0219 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Ronald Fricke)
09/12/2017  CAA-03-2017-0175 Expedited Settlement Agreement (George's Chicken, LLC, )
09/08/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0172 Expedited Consent Agreement (Customized Distribution Services, Inc., FIFRA, Expedited Consent Agreement)
09/08/2017  RCRA-10-2017-0166 CAFO (Emerald Services, Inc)
09/07/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9269 Expediated settlement agreement. (Bluecrest Construction Inc.)
09/07/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2523(b) CAFO (Chuck Bennett Contracting, Inc.)
09/07/2017  FIFRA-08-2017-0008 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (BIOXY USA, INC.)
09/07/2017  CWA-03-2017-0024 SCAFO (Super Concrete Corporation, CWA, SCAFO)
09/07/2017  CAA(112R)-09-2017-0004 (Unilever NA Distribution Center)
09/07/2017  OPA-09-2017-0006 (Pacific Environmental Corporation)
09/06/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9274 Consent agreement and final order. (Skyline Restoration, Inc.)
09/06/2017  CWA-02-2017-3311 Expediated settlement agreement. (Accurate Builders & Developers of NJ)
09/06/2017  CAA-01-2017-0065 CAFO (INEOS Melamies LLC)
09/06/2017  CWA-01-2017-0066 CAFO (REF Trucking, Inc. )
09/06/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0159 SCAFO (QG Printing II, LLC, RCRA, SCAFO)
09/06/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0160 SCAFO (Quad/Graphics, Inc., RCRA, SCAFO)
09/06/2017  FIFRA-09-2017-0009 (Ensystex Inc.)
09/05/2017  CWA-10-2017-0145 CAFO (Big State Logistics - Tsina River)
09/05/2017  CWA-10-2017-0144 CAFO (Big State Logistics, Inc. Paxson Lake)
09/05/2017  CWA-10-2017-0143 CAFO (Big State Logistics, Inc. - Birch Lake)

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