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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
12/20/2018  CWA-01-2018-0066 CAFO (Marha's Vineyard Shipyard, Inc.)
12/20/2018  TSCA-08-2019-0001 Consent Agreement with Final Order (METRO CONSTRUCTION, INC.)
12/19/2018  RCRA-03-2019-0012 CAFO (E. John Schmitz & Sons, Inc., RCRA, CAFO, RCRA-03-2019-0012 )
12/19/2018  CWA-03-2019-0037 CAFO (Prince William County Public Schools, CWA, CAFO,)
12/19/2018  RCRA-05-2019-0005 Consent Agreement and Final Order (GFS Chemicals, Inc. -CAFO- (Columbus, Ohio))
12/18/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2014(b) CAFO (Preferred Compounding Corp.)
12/18/2018  EPCRA-04-2019-2003(b) CAFO (Brenntag Mid-South, Inc,)
12/18/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2030(b) CAFO (Faurecia Clean Mobility)
12/18/2018  FIFRA-07-2018-0339 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (F J Krob)
12/18/2018  FIFRA-07-2018-0337 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Heartland Coop)
12/18/2018  FIFRA-03-2019-0035 CAFO (Blind Industries & Services of Maryland, CAFO, FIFRA-03-2019-0035)
12/18/2018  TSCA-03-2019-0041 CAFO (Smith Rentals LLC, CAFO, TSCA-03-2019-0041)
12/18/2018  RCRA-04-2018-4017(b) CAFO (True North Properties)
12/18/2018  TSCA-09-2018-0009 (Westco Chemicals)
12/18/2018  FIFRA-09-2019-0012 (Floricultura Pacific)
12/14/2018  EPCRA-05-2018-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Birds Eye Foods, LLC - CAFO- - SEP- (Waseca, Minnesota))
12/14/2018  MM-05-2018-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Birds Eyes Foods, LLC -CAFO- -SEP- (Waseca, Minnesota))
12/14/2018  CERCLA-05-2018-0005 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Birds Eye Food, LLC - CAFO- -SEP- (Waseca, Minnesota))
12/14/2018  FIFRA-05-2019-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Stephen Company -CAFO- (Northfield, Illinois))
12/14/2018  RCRA-05-2019-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (BEMA, Inc. -CAFO- (Elmhurst, Illinois))
12/13/2018  CWA-04-2018-4500(b) CAFO (Columbus Consolidated Government)
12/13/2018  CAA-05-2019-0005 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Nelson Oil Co., Inc. -ESA- (Springfield, Illinois))
12/13/2018  SDWA-05-2019-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Great Lakes Petroleum Producers, Inc. -CAFO- (Jenison, Michigan))
12/13/2018  CWA-01-2019-0002 CAFO (Middlesex School)
12/12/2018  RCRA-10-2019-0013 CAFO (Stericycle Environmental Solution, Inc. & Burlington Environmental, LLC)
12/12/2018  CAA-10-2019-0037 ESA (Douglas Fruit Company Inc)
12/12/2018  FIFRA-10-2019-0031 ESA (Jim's Fertilizer)
12/12/2018  RCRA-10-2019-0028 esa (Asko Processing, Inc.)
12/12/2018  CAA-10-2019-0023 ESA (Sysco Portland, Inc)
12/12/2018  RCRA-07-2018-0231 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form For Expedited Settlement (On the Go Travel Center)
12/12/2018  CAA-07-2018-0284 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Dawn Food Products, Inc.
12/11/2018  SDWA-08-2018-0013 Consent Agreement with Final Order (UTE INDIAN TRIBE & UTE TRIBE PUBLIC WORKS)
12/10/2018  FIFRA-07-2018-0338 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Farm Nutrients)
12/10/2018  CWA-07-2018-0287 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Mark Severson and Bruening Rock Products Inc.)
12/06/2018  CWA-01-2019-0001 CAFO (John S. Lane & Son, Inc.)
12/06/2018  TSCA-05-2019-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Woodlore Remodeling, Inc. -CAFO- (Aurora, Illinois))
12/06/2018  FIFRA-05-2019-0003 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Elbow Lake Co-op Grain -ESA- (Elbow Lake,Minnesota))
12/06/2018  TSCA-03-2019-0009 CAFO (Voith Hydro, Inc., TSCA, CAFO)
12/06/2018  RCRA-03-2019-0008 CAFO (Akzo Nobel Coatings Inc., RCRA, CAFO)
12/06/2018  SDWA-05-2019-0003 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and
Final Order (EnerVest Operating, LLC -CAFO- (Gaylord, Michgan))
12/04/2018  CAA-04-2019-8003(b) CAFO (Pinnacle Agriculture Distribution, Inc.)
12/04/2018  FIFRA-03-2019-0003 CAFO (CPA Operations, d/b/a Lensco, FIFRA, CAFO FIFRA-03-2019-0003)
12/04/2018  FIFRA-03-2019-0005 CAFO (Wada Water, LLC, FIFRA, CAFO, FIFRA-03-2019-0005)
12/03/2018  TSCA-09-2019-0011 (All Seasons Construction)
12/03/2018  TSCA-09-2019-0010 (Coldwell Banker Island Properties)
11/29/2018  CWA-03-2019-0049 CAFO (Riverfront Investment Partners I, LLC, CWA, CAFO)
11/29/2018  SDWA-05-2019-0002 Proposed Consent Agreement and Final Order (Dart Oil and Gas Corporation - CAFO- (Mason, Michigan))
11/29/2018  CWA-03-2019-0013 CAFO (Vico Construction Corporation, CWA, CAFO)
11/29/2018  CWA-03-2019-0049 CAFO (Riverfront Investment Partners I, LLC, CWA, CAFO)
11/28/2018  FIFRA-07-2018-0340 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Atkinson Farm Service)
11/28/2018  CAA-05-2019-0004 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Arytza -ESA- (Cicero, Illinois))
11/27/2018  CAA-04-2018-1755(b) CAFO (Price Demolition, LLC)
11/27/2018  CAA-07-2018-0328 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Sysco St. Louis, LLC)
11/27/2018  CWA-07-2018-0289 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Nemaha Landscape Construction Inc. d/b/a Nemaha Sports Construction)
11/23/2018  CWA-01-2018-0060 CAFO (Lead the Way Development)
11/23/2018  TSCA-05-2019-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Transformer Decommissioning Inc. -CAFO- ( Nabb, Indiana))
11/23/2018  CWA-01-2018-0031 CAFO (J & F Marinella Development Corporation)
11/23/2018  TSCA-05-2019-0005 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Hanson Windows -ESA- (Troy, Michigan))
11/20/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2029(b) CAFO (F.B. Purnell Sausage Co., Inc. - Simpsonville, KY)
11/20/2018  EPCRA-04-2019-2001(b) CAFO (Port Consolidated Inc.)
11/20/2018  RCRA-03-2019-0010 CAFO (Cygnus Manufacturing Company LLC, RCRA, CAFO)
11/16/2018  FIFRA-05-2019-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Chemstation International, Inc. - CAFO - (Dayton, Ohio))
11/16/2018  CAA-05-2019-0003 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Olin Chlor Alkali Products and Vinyls -ESA- (Lemont, Illinois))
11/16/2018  TSCA-05-2019-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Toda America Incorporated - CAFO- (Battle Creek, Michigan))
11/15/2018  CAA(112R)-09-2019-0009 (Foster Farms - Belgravia)
11/14/2018  CWA-03-2019-0024 CAFO (4H Farm, LLC, ELF, LLC, Trenton Energy, LLC, CWA, CAFO)
11/13/2018  CAA-07-2019-0004 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Chem Gro of Houghton, Inc.)
11/13/2018  TSCA-10-2019-0024 cafo (Gall Construction Co., Inc.)
11/13/2018  CWA-10-2019-0002 cafo (Bornstein Seafoods, Inc.)
11/09/2018  EPCRA-05-2019-0002 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Rink Management Services Corporation - ESA- (Waconia, Minnesota))
11/09/2018  RCRA-05-2019-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Sudpack Oak Creek Corporation -CAFO- (Oak Creek, Wisconsin))
11/09/2018  FIFRA-09-2019-0008 (Kennerly-Spratling)
11/08/2018  CAA-03-2019-0006 ESA (MHW Group at Perryville, LLC, CAA, ESA)
11/08/2018  CWA-03-2019-0001 CAFO (Super Salvage, Inc., CWA, CAFO)
11/07/2018  CAA10-2018-0260 CAFO (Wheeler Rock Products & Trina Wheeler)
11/06/2018  CAA-10-2019-0006 ESA (Flexible Foam Products, Inc.)
11/06/2018  CAA-10-2019-0008 CAFO (Specialty Polymers, Inc.)
11/06/2018  CWA-10-2019-0004 CAFO (Connell Development Company)
11/05/2018  FIFRA-07-2019-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Plant Health Care, Inc.)
11/02/2018  CAA-05-2019-0002 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Conserv FS, Inc. -ESA- (Rockford, Illinois))
11/02/2018  CAA-06-2019-3302 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Butterball, LLC)
11/02/2018  CWA-09-2018-0015 (American Cooling Inc.)
11/02/2018  FIFRA-09-2019-0007 (Hondo Chemical)
11/01/2018  TSCA-01-2018-0060 Final Order (V & G Home Improvements, Inc.)
11/01/2018  RCRA-02-2017-7706 Expediated settlement agreement (Danielson Oil Co. Inc. )
11/01/2018  RCRA-02-2018-7710 Expediated settlement agreement. (473 E. Delavan, Inc., and 1545 Broadway, Inc.)
11/01/2018  TSCA-01-2018-0069 CAFO (In the Matter of Imagineers LLC.)
10/31/2018  CERC-EPCRA-03-2019-0015 CAFO (Independence Coal Company, LLC, CAFO)
10/30/2018  RCRA-10-2019-0022 CAFO (RJH Inc., DBA SteelFab)
10/30/2018  SDWA-05-2019-0001 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and Final Order (Great Lakes Petroleum Producers, Inc. -CAFO- (Jenison, Michigan))
10/30/2018  SDWA-06-2018-1103 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Flagship Oil, LLC)
10/30/2018  TSCA-09-2019-0006 (Angotti and Reilly)
10/29/2018  RCRA-04-2018-4018(b) CAFO (US Technology Corporation)
10/25/2018  CAA-07-2018-0290 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (LaCygne Generating Station
10/25/2018  RCRA-01-2017-0054 CAFO (Tasman Leather Group, LLC )
10/25/2018  SDWA-06-2018-1107 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Ole Crow Operating Company, LLC)
10/24/2018  CWA-07-2018-0268 Consent Agreement/Final Order (Greg Schroeder)
10/24/2018  RCRA-05-2019-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (DCI Aerotech Inc. -CAFO- -SEP- (Detroit, Michigan))
10/24/2018  TSCA-05-2019-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Kester LLC -CAFO- -SEP- (Itasca, Illinois))

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