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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
04/23/2019  EPCRA-02-2019-4202 Consent agreement and final order. (Alcoa Inc.)
04/19/2019  CAA(112R)-09-2019-0037 (The Wine Group)
04/19/2019  CAA(112R)-09-2019-0036 (Ratto Brothers)
04/18/2019  FIFRA-04-2019-3016(b) CAFO (Nichino America, Inc.)
04/18/2019  EPCRA-04-2019-2006(b) CAFO (U.G.N., Inc.)
04/18/2019  FIFRA-05-2019-0010 Expedited Settlement Agreement (RCS Empowers, Incorporated -ESA- (Sheboygan, Wisconsin))
04/18/2019  FIFRA-05-2019-0009 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Strebor Specialties, LLC -ESA- (Dupo, Illinois))
04/18/2019  FIFRA-05-2019-0011 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Masters Company, Incorporated - ESA- (Wood Dale, Illinois))
04/17/2019  EPCRA-05-2019-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (General Mills, Inc. -CAFO- (Wellston, Ohio))
04/17/2019  MM-05-2019-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (General Mills, Inc. -CAFO- (Wellston, Ohio))
04/17/2019  RCRA-05-2019-0008 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Magni Industries, Incorporated -ESA- (Detroit, Michigan))
04/17/2019  CAA-06-2019-3316 Consent Agreement (Western Refining Southwest, Inc.)
04/17/2019  CAA-05-2019-0017 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Grecian Delight Foods, Inc. Estes -ESA- (Elk Grove, Illinois))
04/17/2019  CERCLA-05-2019-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (General Mills, Inc. -CAFO- (Wellston, Ohio))
04/17/2019  FIFRA-09-2019-0034 (Washburn and Sons Pest Control)
04/16/2019  FIFRA-04-2019-3004(b) CAFO (Con-Air Industries, Inc.)
04/16/2019  FIFRA-04-2019-3005(b) CAFO (Palmer Electric Service, Inc.)
04/16/2019  FIFRA-04-2019-3009(b) CAFO (Graves Enterprises, Inc.)
04/16/2019  CWA-10-2019-0034 CAFO (Kilgore Companies, LLC d/b/a Triple C Concrete, a/k/a Twin Falls Redi-Mix)
04/16/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0151 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Produce Exchange No. 299)
04/16/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0147 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Leavenworth County Coop Assoc)
04/16/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0149 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Murphy Agri LLC)
04/16/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0148 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Marianna Industries)
04/16/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0144 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Ferguson Agronomics)
04/16/2019  CWA-07-2019-0034 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Water Works & Sanitary Sewer Board of the
City of Montgomery, AL)
04/16/2019  TSCA-07-2019-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (TrueSon Exteriors, LLC)
04/15/2019  TSCA-08-2019-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (ROOF CRAFTERS OF COLORADO LLC)
04/12/2019  CWA-10-2019-0048 cafo (Woodgrain Millwork, Inc.)
04/12/2019  TSCA-01-2019-0010 CAFO (Houghton Chemical Corporation)
04/11/2019  TSCA-02-2019-9275 Expediated settlement agreement (Big Apple Occupational Safety Corp.)
04/11/2019  EPCRA-05-2019-0003 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Kalcor Coatings Company -ESA- (Willoughby, Ohio))
04/11/2019  TSCA-03-2019-0017 ESA (Tri-State Creations, LLC, TSCA, ESA)
04/11/2019  CAA-03-2019-0061 CAFO (Brdaric Excavating, Inc., CAA, CAFO)
04/11/2019  EPCRA-CERCLA-03-2019-0067 CAFO w/ SEP (Schreiber Foods, Inc., EPCRA, CERCLA, CAFO w/SEP)
04/11/2019  CAA-01-2019-0005 CAFO (City Line Distributors, Inc.)
04/10/2019  CWA-05-2019-0002 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and Final Order (Windy Ridge Dairy, LLC -CAFO- (Fair Oaks, Indiana))
04/10/2019  FIFRA-10-2019-0030 ESA (Nor Pac Pet Products, LLC)
04/10/2019  TSCA-10-2019-0053 ESA (Truvine Equity, LLC)
04/10/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0141 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Brummel Farm Service)
04/10/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0142 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Clevenger Farm Products Inc.)
04/10/2019  TSCA-10-2019-0062 complete ESA (Ogata Construction Company)
04/10/2019  CAA-09-2019-0031 (Advance Manufacturing Group)
04/09/2019  RCRA-04-2018-4015(b) CAFO (Exide Technologies)
04/09/2019  RCRA-04-2019-9999(b) CAFO (Exide Technologies)
04/09/2019  CWA-07-2019-0024 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Veris Environmental, LLC)
04/09/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0140 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Al Right Packaging)
04/09/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0143 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Farmer's Grain)
04/09/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0152 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Ricketts Farm Service of Shelbina)
04/09/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0153 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Tama-Benton Coop Co)
04/09/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0146 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Four County Ag Service)
04/09/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0157 Expedited Settlement Agrement and Final Order (Wilstine Farm Supply)
04/08/2019  RCRA-08-2019-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (DEPUY SYNTHES PRODUCTS, INC.)
04/08/2019  CAA-08-2019-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY; AND CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANY, BILLINGS REFINERY)
04/05/2019  CAA-05-2019-0015 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Royal Crown Bottling Corporation - CAFO- (Evansville, Indiana))
04/05/2019  CAA-05-2019-0016 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Calumet Superior, LLC n/k/a Superior Refining Company LLC - CAFO- -SEP COMPLETED- (Superior, Wisconsin))
04/05/2019  TSCA-05-2019-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Materion Brush Inc. - CAFO- (Mayfield Heights. Ohio))
04/05/2019  FIFRA-05-2019-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (D.W. Davies & Co., Inc. -CAFO- INSTALLMENTS (Racine, Wisconsin))
04/04/2019  CWA-01-2019-0014 CAFO (Patterson Oil Company)
04/04/2019  FIFRA-05-2019-0007 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Storage Control Systems, Inc. -ESA- (Sparta, Michigan))
04/04/2019  FIFRA-05-2019-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (North American Herb & Spice Co., Ltd. LLC -CAFO- (Lake Forest, Illinois))
04/04/2019  TSCA-05-2019-0007 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Champion Window Company of Minneaspolis, LLC -ESA- (New Hope, Minnesota))
04/04/2019  TSCA-05-2019-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Student Painters-Michgian, LLC -CAFO- (Shelby Township, Michigan))
04/04/2019  CAA-05-2019-0014 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Cooper Heat Treating, LLC -CAFO- -SEP- (Detroit, Michigan))
04/03/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0155 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Turon Mill & Elevator)
04/03/2019  RCRA-10-2019-0050 ESA (Department of Veterans Affairs, Puget Sound Health Care
System Seattle Division)
04/03/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0156 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Water Engineering Inc)
04/03/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0145 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Fordyce Farmers Non-Stock Coop)
04/03/2019  FIFRA-07-2019-0154 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Thompson Farm Supply)
03/29/2019  CWA-04-2019-7000(b) CAFO (Copperweld Bimetallies, LLC)
03/29/2019  CAA-05-2019-0013 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Ingredion Incorporated -CAFO- -SEP- (Bedford, Illinois))
03/28/2019  CAA-07-2019-0043 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Sinclair Elevator)
03/28/2019  CAA-03-2019-0042 CAFO (Lehigh Cement Company, LLC and Argos USA, LLC, CAA, CAFO)
03/28/2019  EPCRA-01-2019-0013 CAFO (Louisiana-Pacific Corporation)
03/28/2019  CWA-08-2017-0026 Partial Agreement and Final Order (KENT HOOGAN, FROSTWOOD 6 LLC, DAVID JACOBSEN, CBM LEASING, LLC)
03/28/2019  RCRA-09-2019-0029 (Tesla Inc.)
03/26/2019  FIFRA-04-2019-3007(b) CAFO (Kane's Ace Hardware, Inc,)
03/26/2019  FIFRA-04-2019-3002(b) CAFO (Fleetwing Corporation)
03/26/2019  EPCRA-04-2019-2004(b) CAFO (JBS USA Food Company)
03/26/2019  RCRA-04-2018-4016(b) CAFO (Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc. )
03/26/2019  RCRA-02-2019-7101 Consent agreement and final order. (U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs)
03/26/2019  CWA-07-2018-0300 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (New Heaven Chemicals Iowa, LLC)
03/26/2019  RCRA-07-2018-0213 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form for Expedited Settlement (ZipZ #445)
03/26/2019  UIC-09-2018-0007 Amended Service (Hawaii Country Club)
03/21/2019  EPCRA-02-2019-4103 Consent agreement and final order. (Kop-Coat, Inc.)
03/21/2019  RCRA-02-2019-7102 Consent agreement and final order. (Epic Holdings, LLC)
03/21/2019  CAA-02-2019-1201 Consent agreement and final order. (Epic Holdings, LLC)
03/21/2019  RCRA-07-2018-0258 Consent Agreement and Final Order (TFL, Inc)
03/21/2019  CWA-10-2019-0017 CAFO (Colaska, Inc.)
03/21/2019  CWA-10-2019-0020 CAFO (Colaska, Inc, Aggpro)
03/21/2019  TSCA-07-2019-0123 Consent Agreement and Final Order (JP Painting, LLC)
03/21/2019  TSCA-07-2019-0128 Consent Order and Final Agreement (KC Sharp)
03/20/2019  RCRA-02-2019-7105 Consent agreement and final order. (Taylor Forge Stainless, Inc.)
03/20/2019  CWA-01-2019-0015 CAFO (Beverly Port Marina, Inc.)
03/19/2019  FIFRA-04-2019-3006(b) CAFO (Donalsonville Hardware, Inc.)
03/19/2019  RCRA-04-2019-4003(b) CAFO (US Technology Corporation)
03/19/2019  FIFRA-04-2019-3003(b) CAFO (Guardian Ignition Interlock Manufacturing, Inc.)
03/19/2019  CAA(112R)-09-2019-0028 (City of Suisun)
03/18/2019  TSCA-01-2019-0006 CAFO (Bourne Holdings LLC)
03/15/2019  CWA-10-2019-0033 esa (Robert Durham Excavation Inc & Gerald Martens)
03/15/2019  TSCA-01-2018-0058 CAFO (In the Matter of Campos Construction)

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