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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
05/23/2022  TSCA-04-2022-3108(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (The Renovators of SC, LLC.)
05/23/2022  CAA-01-2022-0041 CAFO (AA Transportation Co., Inc.)
05/23/2022  CAA-06-2022-3320 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Martin Operating Partnership L.P.
05/23/2022  CWA-06-2022-4309 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Estate of Alfred H. Morgan, Jr.)
05/20/2022  RCRA-08-2022-0008 Final Order and Consent Agreement (Public Service Company of Colorado, Comanche Station)
05/20/2022  CAA-05-2022-0017 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Knight Transport LLC (Auburn, Washington))
05/19/2022  RCRA-04-2022-2104(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Sonoco Hickory, Inc.)
05/19/2022  CWA-02-2022-3314 Expediated settlement agreement (Carmine Istvan, Briar Ridge Subdivision, Lots 3 and 9)
05/17/2022  FIFRA-08-2022-0029 Consent Agreement and Final Order (High Tech Health International, Inc.)
05/17/2022  CWA-10-2022-0160 Consent Agreement (Robert Yundt Homes, LLC)
05/17/2022  CWA-10-2022-0160 Final Order (Robert Yundt Homes, LLC)
05/17/2022  CAA-10-2022-0033 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Williams Coroporation, NW Pipeline LLC)
05/17/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0931 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc.)
05/17/2022  SDWA-06-2022-1107 Fianl Administrative Order (Little Chief Energy Corporation)
05/16/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0033 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Iowa Mold Tooling Company Inc.)
05/16/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0055 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Plasti-Paint Inc.)
05/16/2022  CAA 06-2022-3335 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Elmore City Gas Plant)
05/16/2022  CAA 06-2022-3334 Expedited Settlement Agreement (City of West Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant)
05/16/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0915 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Tulsa Cement, LLC)
05/16/2022  CAA 06-2022-3338 Expedited Settlement Agreement (O'Ryan Oil and Gas - Big R Gas Plant)
05/16/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0920 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Triumph Aerostructures, LLC)
05/16/2022  EPCRA-06-2022-0502 Consent Agreement (Texas International Terminals)
05/16/2022  SDWA-06-2022-1102 Final Administrative Order (Calgary Energy, LLC)
05/16/2022  SDWA-06-2022-1104 Final Administrative Order (Performance Energy Resources, LLC)
05/12/2022  TSCA-03-2022-0046 CAFO (CPM Home & Outdoor, LLC)
05/12/2022  CWA-03-2022-0064 CAFO (City of Martinsburg)
05/12/2022  TSCA-02-2022-9205 Consent agreement and final order (New York State Electric and Gass Corporation)
05/12/2022  CWA-09-2022-0020 (Lunday-Thagard Company dba World Oil Refining)
05/11/2022  CWA-07-2021-0028 Complaint, Consent Agreement and Final Order (DaMar Resources, Inc.)
05/11/2022  CAA(112R)-09-2022-0016 (Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. and Clougherty Packing, LLC)
05/11/2022  CAA-09-2022-0022 Allied Exhaust Systems, Inc. dba Team Allied Distribution (Allied Exhaust Systems Inc.)
05/10/2022  CAA 06-2022-3329 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Seadrift Coke L.P.)
05/09/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0024 Expediated Settlement Agrement and Final Order (Moehl Millwork, Inc.)
05/06/2022  EPCRA-08-2022-0003 Final Order and Consent Agreement (Calumet Montana Refining LLC)
05/06/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0008 Consent Agreemant and Final Order (Reo Plastics, Inc. CAFO (Maple Grove, Minnesota))
05/06/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Qiagen Services, LLC CAFO (Germantown, Maryland))
05/05/2022  CWA-01-2022-0022 ESA (Martelli Construction Co., Inc.)
05/05/2022  FIFRA-06-2022-0416 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Economy Mud Products Company)
05/04/2022  EPCRA-02-2022-4301 Consent agreement and final order (Asphalt Solutions Ton Alta, LLC)
05/04/2022  CWA-06-2022-4305 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Parwest Land Exploration, Inc.)
05/03/2022  MM-05-2022-0006 CERCLA-05-2022-0007 EPCRA-05-2022-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Tony Downs Food Co (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania))
05/03/2022  CAA-01-2022-0024 CAFO (Crystal Ice Co., Inc.)
05/03/2022  CWA-01-2022-0044 CAFO (Hilton Oil Company, Inc.)
05/03/2022  CAA-06-2022-3300 Consent Agreement (Occidental Chemical Corporation)
05/03/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0924 Consent Agreement (Ergon Baton Rouge, Inc.)
05/03/2022  FIFRA-06-2022-0418 Expeditted Settlement Agreement and Final Orderi (Flowchem Technologies, LLC)
05/03/2022  SPCC-09-2022-0018 (Pacific Biodiesel Technologies LLC)
05/02/2022  TSCA-05-2022-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Two Chicks and a Hammer CAFO)
05/02/2022  TSCA-05-2022-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Windows Direct USA of Columbus, Inc.)
05/02/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0052 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Camso Manufacturing USA LTD)
05/02/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0926 Consent Agreement and Final Order (The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company)
05/02/2022  SDWA-06-2022-1109 Final Administrative Order (Ceja Corporation)
04/29/2022  CWA-10-2022-0183 Expediated Settlement Agreement (Riverside, Inc.)
04/29/2022  RCRA-10-2022-0179 Expediated Settlement Agreement and Final Order (OBI Seafoods, LLC)
04/28/2022  EPCRA-01-2022-0031 CAFO (New England Warehousing Group, LLC)
04/28/2022  CAA-01-2022-0030 CAFO (New England Warehousing Group, LLC)
04/28/2022  CWA-10-2022-0124 Expediated Settlement Agreement (Mountain Scape, Inc. and Tricore Investments, LLC)
04/28/2022  CWA-10-2022-0151 Expediated Settlement Agreement (Toll Bros, Inc.)
04/28/2022  CWA-10-2022-0156 Expediated Settlement Agreement (Border City Lodge)
04/28/2022  CWA-10-2022-0124 Expediated Settlement Agreement (Mountain Scape, Inc. and Tricore Investments, LLC)
04/28/2022  CAA-06-2022-3337 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Streamline Polymers, LLC)
04/28/2022  CWA-06-2022-4312 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (G&C Petroleum, Inc.)
04/27/2022  RCRA-03-2022-0060 CAFO (Hillock Anodizing, Inc.)
04/27/2022  EPCRA-02-2022-4201 Consent agreement and final order (Magellan Aerospace Processing New York)
04/27/2022  CAA-05-2022-0016 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Trailco Inc. CAFO (Chicago Heights Illinois))
04/27/2022  CWA-09-2022-0033 (Brett Womack)
04/26/2022  CAA-05-2022-0015 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Cryptic Enterprises LLC d/b/a Race City Truck & Equipment (Mooresville, North Carolina))
04/26/2022  FIFRA-04-2022-0704(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (PCI Procoaters, Inc.)
04/26/2022  RCRA-04-2021-2106(b) (Lanxess Corporation)
04/26/2022  TSCA-04-2022-3003(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Brenntag Mid-South, Inc.)
04/26/2022  TSCA-04-2022-3107(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Jeff Ballard Interior Renovations)
04/25/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0026 Expediated Settlement Agreement (State Hygienic Laboratory)
04/25/2022  CWA-10-2022-0031 Consent Agreement (City of Pelican, Alaska)
04/25/2022  CWA-10-2022-0031 Final Order (City of Pelican, Alaska)
04/25/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0917 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Team Industrial Services, Inc.)
04/25/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0918 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Team Industrial Services, Inc.)
04/25/2022  CAA(112r)-09-2022-0031 (AMPAC Fine Chemicals LLC)
04/22/2022  FIFRA-10-2022-0165 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Walker Emulsions, Inc.)
04/21/2022  TSCA-08-2022-0006 Final Order and Expedited Settlement Agreement (Paramount Construction & Remodeling LLC)
04/21/2022  CAA-04-2022-0201(b) Expedited Settlement Agreement (Shell Oil Products US)
04/21/2022  CWA-06-2022-4501 Spill Expedited Settlement Agreement (Whiting Oil and Gas)
04/20/2022  SDWA-05-2022-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Delta Oil Company CAFO (Oak Brook, Illinois))
04/20/2022  SDWA-05-2022-0005 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Trahan Petroleum Inc. CAFO (Weston, Massachusetts))
04/20/2022  CERCLA-05-2022-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Greenwood Motor Lines Inc. CAFO (Wilmington, Ohio))
04/20/2022  RCRA-05-2022-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Vertellus Zeeland, LLC CAFO (Zeeland, Michigan))
04/20/2022  SDWA-06-2022-1106 Final Administrative Order (Calgary Energy, LLC)
04/20/2022  CAA-06-2022-3322 Consent Agreement and Final Order (House of Raeford Farms of Louisiana, L.L.C.)
04/20/2022  CWA-06-2022-4502 Spill Expedited Settlement Agreement (DCP Midstream)
04/20/2022  CWA-06-2022-4302 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Don Clemishire Oil Corporation)
04/19/2022  RCRA-03-2022-0053 CAFO (Piramal Critical Care, Inc.)
04/19/2022  RCRA-07-2021-0083 Consent Agreement and Final Order (McKee Auto Center, Inc.)
04/19/2022  CWA-06-2022-4311 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Shamrock Operating Company, LLc)
04/19/2022  FIFRA-09-2022-0045 (Best Buy Stores)
04/18/2022  RCRA-01-2022-0018 CAFO (EaglePicher Technologies, LLC)
04/18/2022  CWA-07-2021-0079 Expediated Settlement Agreement (Cattleman's Oil Operations, LLC)
04/18/2022  EPCRA-04-2022-0601(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Topy America, Inc.)
04/15/2022  RCRA-05-2022-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Viking Drill & Tool Inc. CAFO (St. Paul, Minnesota))
04/14/2022  RCRA-10-2022-0162 Expediated Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Ravn Alaska)
04/14/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0001 Expediated Settlement Agreement (Unverferth Manufacturing Company, Inc. - Brent Division)
04/14/2022  TSCA-07-2022-0035 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Rozelle Siding and Windows, Inc.)

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