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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
05/14/2007  CAA-02-2006-1236 Consent agreement and final order (05/14/2007) (Jamie Towers Housing Co., Inc., Bronx, NY)
05/14/2007  EPCRA-09-2007-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/14/2007) (Silpak, Inc.)
05/11/2007  FIFRA-04-2007-3015(b) H. Wilson Manufacturing Co., Inc. (05/11/2007) (H. Wilson Manufacturing Co., Inc.)
05/10/2007  TSCA-02-2007-9142 Consent agreement and final order (05/10/2007) (Shanco International, Inc.)
05/10/2007  Class I - CWA 06-2006-1873 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/10/2007) (Town of Red River)
05/10/2007  Class I - CWA 06-2006-1859 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/10/2007) (City of Farmington)
05/10/2007  Class I - CWA 06-2006-1874 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/10/2007) (New Mexico State Parks and Recreation)
05/09/2007  CWA-05-2007-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/09/2007) (All Town & Country Septic Service, Inc. (Norton, OH))
05/09/2007  FIFRA-05-2007-0029 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/09/2007) (Star Distributors, Incorporated (Chicago, IL))
05/09/2007  TSCA-05-2007-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/09/2007) (Arbor III, Inc. d/b/a Arbor Court Apartments (Skokie, IL))
05/08/2007  FIFRA-04-2007-3010(b) Carolina Biological Supply Company (05/08/2007) (Carolina Biological Supply Company)
05/08/2007  CERCLA-05-2007-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/08/2007) (AgroKey, LLC (Rensselaer, IN))
05/08/2007  FIFRA-05-2007-0026 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/08/2007) (W. J. Hagerty & Sons, Inc. (South Bend, IN))
05/08/2007  TSCA-10-2007-0101 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/08/2007) (CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.)
05/08/2007  EPCRA-05-2007-0019 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/08/2007) (AgroKey, LLC (Rensselaer, IN))
05/08/2007  MM-05-2007-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/08/2007) (AgroKey, LLC (Rensselaer, IN))
05/08/2007  CWA-10-2007-0070 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/08/2007) (MAGIC VALLEY PRODUCE, INC.)
05/08/2007  RCRA-07-2007-0008 CAFO (05/08/2007) (Doe Run)
05/07/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2738(b) Memphis Light, Gas & Water (05/07/2007) (Memphis Light, Gas & Water)
05/07/2007  Class I - CWA 06-2007-4334 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (05/07/2007) (Schmidt & Sons, Inc.)
05/07/2007  CWA-04-2007-5007 May Oil Co., Inc. (05/07/2007) (May Oil Co., Inc.)
05/07/2007  EPCRA-04-2007-2018(b) EPCRA/CERCLA Penalty (05/07/2007) (Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc., d/b/a Florida Coca-Cola Bottling Company)
05/04/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2706(b) Clark W. Taylor (05/04/2007) (Clark W. Taylor)
05/04/2007  RCRA-10-2007-0137 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (05/04/2007) (Michael Hatch Jeep)
05/04/2007  TSCA-07-2007-0021 CAFO (05/04/2007) (United Management, LLC)
05/04/2007  CWA-04-2007-4512(b) Culpeper Wood Preservers, Inc. (05/04/2007) (Culpeper Wood Preservers, Inc.)
05/04/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2729(b) Gaffney Realty Rentals, LLC (05/04/2007) (Gaffney Realty Rentals, LLC)
05/04/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2712(b) J.A.C. Management (05/04/2007) (J.A.C. Management)
05/04/2007  CWA-04-2007-4508(b) SOUTHCREEK BUILDERS, LLC (05/04/2007) (SOUTHCREEK BUILDERS, LLC)
05/04/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1005(b) Akin, Ron (05/04/2007) (Akin, Ron)
05/03/2007  CAA-05-2007-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/03/2007) (Flavorchem Corporation (Downers Grove, IL))
05/03/2007  EPCRA-02-2007-4201 (05/03/2007) (Motts, LLP)
05/03/2007  RCRA-04-2007-4001(b) U.S. Agri-Chemcials Corporation (05/03/2007) (U.S. Agri-Chemicals Corporation)
05/03/2007  CWA-02-2007-3325A Consent agreement and final order (05/03/2007) (Cerveceria India, Inc.)
05/03/2007  TSCA-02-2007-9105 Consent agreement and final order (05/03/2007) (St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center)
05/02/2007  RCRACIT-08-2007-0006 RCRA Citataion (05/02/2007) (FARMERS ELEVATOR, DIVISION OF HARVEST STATES)
05/02/2007  CWA-04-2007-5159(b) Progress Energy Carolina, Inc. (05/02/2007) (Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolina, Inc.)
05/02/2007  CERCLA-05-2007-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/02/2007) (Leprino Foods Company (Remus, MI))
05/02/2007  CWA-04-2007-5158(b) Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolina, Inc. (05/02/2007) (Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.)
05/02/2007  EPCRA-05-2007-0017 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/02/2007) (Leprino Foods Company (Remus, MI))
05/02/2007  CWA-04-2007-5161(b) Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolina, Inc. (05/02/2007) (Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.)
05/02/2007  CWA-04-2007-5160(b) Progress Energy Carolina, Inc. (05/02/2007) (Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolina, inc.)
05/02/2007  MM-05-2007-0005 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/02/2007) (Leprino Foods Company (Remus, MI))
05/02/2007  CWA-04-2007-5157(b) Florida Power Corporation d/b/a Progress Energy Florida, Inc. (05/02/2007) (Florida Power Corporation d/b/a Progress Energy Florida, inc.)
05/01/2007  CWA-07-2007-0006 CAFO (05/01/2007) (THF Grindstone Development LLC and Emery Sapp and Sons, Inc)
05/01/2007  FIFRA-04-2007-3012(b) Organic One, Inc. (05/01/2007) (Organic One, Inc.)
05/01/2007  FIFRA-04-2007-3012(b) Organic One, Inc. (05/01/2007) (Organic One, Inc.)
04/30/2007  EPCRA-05-2007-0016 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/30/2007) (Hicksville Grain Company -SEP- (Mark Center, OH))
04/30/2007  CERCLA-05-2007-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/30/2007) (Hicksville Grain Company (Mark Center, OH))
04/30/2007  MM-05-2007-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/30/2007) (Hicksville Grain Company -CAFO- closed 5-29-2008 - SEP - (Mark Center, OH))
04/27/2007  CWA-02-2007-3323 Expedited Settlement Agreement (04/27/2007) (Municipality of Naranijito)
04/27/2007  CWA-02-2007-3317 Expedited Settlement Agreement (04/27/2007) (Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority)
04/26/2007  CAA-04-2007-8012(b) Oak Ridge Public Works Department (04/26/2007) (Oak Ridge Public Works Department)
04/26/2007  CAA-04-2007-8012(b) Oak Ridge Public Works (04/26/2007) (Oak Ridge Public Works Department)
04/26/2007  EPCRA-05-2007-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/26/2007) (Premier Aluminum, Inc. (Racine, WI))
04/25/2007  CWA-04-2006-7012 Kentucky Petroleum, Inc. (04/25/2007) (Kentucky Petroleum, LLC)
04/25/2007  CWA-04-2006-5030 Coomer Oil, LLC (04/25/2007) (Coomer Oil, LLC)
04/25/2007  CWA-04-2007-5001 UNIC Hospitals (04/25/2007) (UNC Hospitals)
04/25/2007  CWA-04-2006-5029 American Marina Enterprises (04/25/2007) (American Marina Enterprises, Inc.)
04/25/2007  CWA-04-2006-7012 Kentucky Petroleum, Inc. (04/25/2007) (Kentucky Petroleum, LLC)
04/24/2007  TSCA-05-2007-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/24/2007) (Mark R. King aka Mark King Property Group, M.A.C.K Properties Group, and MACK Property Group (Youngstown, OH))
04/24/2007  EPCRA-04-2007-2023(b) Kellogg's Snacks (04/24/2007) (Kellogg's Snacks)
04/24/2007  RCRA-07-2006-0283 CAFO (04/24/2007) (Continental Analytical Services, Inc)
04/24/2007  FIFRA-05-2007-0024 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/24/2007) (Michlig Agricenter, Inc. (Sheffield, IL))
04/23/2007  FIFRA-07-2007-0004 CAFO (04/23/2007) (Qualis Inc)
04/19/2007  CWA-07-2007-0004 CAFO (04/19/2007) (Terry Pflueger)
04/19/2007  TSCA-05-2007-0009 Joint Civil Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/19/2007) (Thomas J. Abernathy (Columbus, OH))
04/16/2007  RCRA-07-2007-0005 CAFO (04/16/2007) (Alpha Galvanizing)
04/13/2007  CWA-04-2007-7002 Carolina Southern Railroad (04/13/2007) (Carolina Southern Railroad)
04/13/2007  CWA-04-2007-7006 Hunt Refining Company (04/13/2007) (Hunt Refining Company)
04/12/2007  EPCRA-05-2007-0014 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/12/2007) (BTW, Inc. (Coon Rapids, MN))
04/11/2007  EPCRA-09-2007-0001 Consent Agreement (04/11/2007) (Unified Western Grocers, Inc.)
04/10/2007  EPCRA-04-2007-2022(b) Ledbetter Packing Company, Inc. (04/10/2007) (Ledbetter Packing Company, Inc.)
04/10/2007  CWA-04-2007-7004 Hopkins Oil Company, Inc. (04/10/2007) (Hopkins Oil Co)
04/10/2007  FIFRA-05-2007-0023 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/10/2007) (Claire-Sprayway, Inc. d/b/a Claire Manufacturing Company (Addison, IL))
04/10/2007  CAA-04-2007-8009(b) Tennessee American Water (04/10/2007) (Tennessee American Water)
04/10/2007  CWA-04-2006-5024 Blue Bird Corporation (04/10/2007) (Blue Bird Corporation)
04/10/2007  TSCA-05-2007-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/10/2007) (Ottawa L.L.C. (Downers Grove, IL))
04/10/2007  CAA-04-2007-1506(b) MARCOR Remediation Inc. (04/10/2007) (MARCOR Remediation, Inc.)
04/10/2007  CWA-04-2007-4509(b) Ball Homes, LLC (04/10/2007) (Ball Homes, LLC)
04/10/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2726(b) Westpoint Home, Inc. (04/10/2007) (Westpoint Home, Inc.)
04/10/2007  CWA-04-2007-7007 United Refining Company (04/10/2007) (Unitedf Refining Company)
04/10/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1002(b) F.E. Moran Oil Company, Inc. (04/10/2007) (F.E. Moran Oil Company, Inc.)
04/09/2007  CAA-04-2007-8006(b) Tyson Foods, Inc. (04/09/2007) (Tyson Foods, Inc.)
04/09/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2724(b) Continental Eagle (04/09/2007) (Continental Eagle)
04/09/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1001(b) F.E. Moran Company, Inc. (04/09/2007) (F.E. moran Oil Company, Inc.)
04/09/2007  FIFRA-05-2007-0028 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/09/2007) (Strib Industries, Inc./Products Chemical Co. (Cleveland, OH))
04/09/2007  FIFRA-07-2007-0006 CAFO (04/09/2007) (Vitalix, Inc)
04/05/2007  FIFRA-09-2007-0005 Consent Agreement (04/05/2007) (Fernley Hay & Grain)
04/05/2007  FIFRA-09-2007-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/05/2007) (Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc.)
04/05/2007  TSCA-07-2007-0022 CAFO (04/05/2007) (Steve Wandling)
04/05/2007  OPA-09-2007-0004 EDSA CAFO (04/05/2007) (Burbank Water and Power)
04/05/2007  CWA-04-2007-5006 J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc. (04/05/2007) (J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.)
04/03/2007  RCRA-07-2006-0212 ORIGINAL - CAFO (04/03/2007) (KCI Kwik Shop)
04/02/2007  RCRA-04-2006-4022 McPherson Oil Company, Inc. d/b/a McClean Fuels (04/02/2007) (McPherson Oil Company, Inc. d/b/a <McClean Fuels)
04/02/2007  RCRA-07-2006-0212 FACSIMILE - CAFO (KCI Kwik Shop)
03/30/2007  CERCLA-04-2007-2001(b) Trane, a division of American Standard inc. (03/30/2007) (Trane, a division of American Standard Inc.)
03/30/2007  CERCLA-04-2007-2019(b) OMNOVA Solutions, Inc. (03/30/2007) (OMNOVA Solutions, Inc.)
03/30/2007  TSCA-05-2007-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/30/2007) (P and B Investments, Inc. (Detroit, MI))

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