Document Date | | Case |
04/13/2011 | | FIFRA-04-2011-3012(b) CAFO (04/13/2011) (Sentinel Industries, Inc. d/b/a Original 7, Inc.) |
04/13/2011 | | FIFRA-04-2011-3016(b) CAFO (04/13/2011) (United Agricultural Services of America, Inc.) |
04/12/2011 | | CERCLA-04-2011-2036(b) CAFO (04/12/2011) (Dekalb County) |
04/12/2011 | | CAA-07-2011-0011 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (City of Cedar Rapids) |
04/12/2011 | | MPRSA-01-2010-0078 CAFO (04/12/2011) (Burnham Associates, Inc.) |
04/12/2011 | | CAA-03-2011-0026 consent agreement and final order $29,785.00 (04/12/2011) (JSB Souderton, Inc., (CAA) Complaint) |
04/12/2011 | | CAA 06-2011-3536 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Brownsville Public Utilities Board Water Plant #2) |
04/11/2011 | | RCRA-02-2010-7107 Consent agreement and final order. (04/11/2011) (City of Buffalo) |
04/11/2011 | | CWA-01-2011-0023 CAFO (04/11/2011) (Reliant Aircraft Service, Inc.) |
04/10/2011 | | CWA-10-2010-0239 Consent Decree and Final Order (04/10/2011) (ARK FISHERIES, INC. AND LYNN BABINGTON) |
04/08/2011 | | TSCA-07-2011-0007 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Compton Hill Properties, LLC) |
04/08/2011 | | RCRA-07-2010-0008 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Arnette Limited, Inc) |
04/08/2011 | | CAA-10-2011-0043 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/08/2011) (JACKSON'S SERVICE, INC.) |
04/08/2011 | | TSCA-05-2011-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/08/2011) (Baerlocher USA, LLC -CAFO- (Dover, Ohio)) |
04/07/2011 | | CWA-04-2011-5010 CAFO (04/07/2011) (Manson Construction Company) |
04/07/2011 | | RCRA-05-2010-0017 Supplemental Certificate of Service for CAFO (04/07/2011) (Sukhjinder S. Virk, Owner -Virks Gas and Grocery (Michigan City, Indiana)) |
04/07/2011 | | EPCRA-04-2011-2011(b) CAFO (04/07/2011) (Shell Chemical LP) |
04/07/2011 | | CWA-04-2011-7002 CAFO (04/07/2011) (Univar USA, Inc.) |
04/07/2011 | | EPCRA-04-2011-2035(b) CAFO (04/07/2011) (M. A. Industries, Inc.) |
04/07/2011 | | EPCRA-02-2010-4004 Consent agreement and final order. (04/07/2011) (Pan American Grain Manufacturing Co., Inc.) |
04/06/2011 | | CWA-04-2011-5502(b) CAFO (04/06/2011) (Guice Slawson) |
04/06/2011 | | RCRA-04-2011-4002(b) CAFO (04/06/2011) (World Color (USA) LLC) |
04/06/2011 | | TSCA-02-2011-9102 Consent agreement and final order. (04/06/2011) (Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC) |
04/06/2011 | | CWA-02-2008-3461 Consent agreement and final order. (04/06/2011) (Caribbean Properties Investment, Inc. and VPI Construction Corp.) |
04/06/2011 | | TSCA-01-2011-0011 CAFO (04/06/2011) (Preservation Management Incorporated) |
04/05/2011 | | CWA 06-2011-4318 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (04/05/2011) (LADY BUG OIL COMPANY) |
04/05/2011 | | FIFRA-05-2011-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/05/2011) (BZB, Inc. d/b/a Busy Bee Nursey, Inc. -CAFO- (Glenwood, Illinois)) |
04/05/2011 | | CWA-03-2010-0404 consent agreement and final order (04/05/2011) (Anne Arundel County, CWA (APO)) |
04/05/2011 | | CWA 06-2011-4316 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (04/05/2011) (Lady Bug Oil Company) |
04/05/2011 | | CWA 06-2011-4315 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (04/05/2011) (Lady Bug Oil Company) |
04/05/2011 | | CWA 06-2011-4317 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (04/05/2011) (LADY BUG OIL COMPANY) |
04/04/2011 | | CWA-07-2011-0011 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Darin Green d/b/a Darin Green Feedlot) |
04/04/2011 | | CAA-07-2011-0012 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (ESA) (Otte Oil & Propane) |
04/04/2011 | | CWA-03-2010-0293 consent agreement and final order $16,250.00 (04/04/2011) (Altoona City Authority (Westerly WWTP), (CWA) Complaint) |
04/04/2011 | | CWA-03-2010-0288 consent agreement and final order, $16,250.00 (04/04/2011) (Altoona City Authority, Easterly WWTP, (CWA) complaint) |
04/04/2011 | | CWA-03-2010-0406 consent agreement and final order, penalty in two installments (04/04/2011) (Harford County, CWA (Complaint)) |
03/31/2011 | | EPCRA 06-2011-0505 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/31/2011) (NEWBERRY TANKS & EQUIPMENT, INC.) |
03/31/2011 | | FIFRA-04-2011-3015(b) CAFO (03/31/2011) (Helena Chemical Company) |
03/31/2011 | | FIFRA-04-2011-3010(b) CAFO (03/31/2011) (Unified Chemical, Inc.) |
03/31/2011 | | FIFRA-04-2011-3013(b) CAFO (03/31/2011) (Waste & Water Specialties, LLC) |
03/31/2011 | | TSCA-03-2011-0074 Super Consent Agreement and Final order (03/31/2011) (Allegany County Public Schools (TSCA) SCAFO) |
03/31/2011 | | RCRA-03-2011-0124 Super consent agreement and final orde $23,188.00r (03/31/2011) (J-Mart (RCRA)) |
03/31/2011 | | CAA-10-2011-0030 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/31/2011) (WHITLEY FUEL, LLC) |
03/30/2011 | | CWA-07-2011-0022 EXPEDITED SPCC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Campbell Oil) |
03/30/2011 | | CWA-07-2011-0032 EXPEDITED SPCC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Farmer's Union Cooperative Gas and Oil) |
03/30/2011 | | CWA-07-2011-0034 EXPEDITED SPCC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (George Brothers Propane and Fertilizer) |
03/30/2011 | | CWA-07-2011-0033 EXPEDITED SPCC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Chandler Oil) |
03/30/2011 | | TSCA-07-2011-0010 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Window World of St Louis, Inc) |
03/30/2011 | | RCRA-05-2010-0017 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/30/2011) (Sukhjinder S. Virk, Owner -Virks Gas and Grocery (Michigan City, Indiana)) |
03/30/2011 | | RCRA 06-2011-5600 Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/30/2011) (TEE PEE SMOKE SHOP) |
03/30/2011 | | RCRA-03-2009-0206 Super Consent Agreement and final order for Shree Ganesh, Inc. $9000. (03/30/2011) (Eagle Petroleum-Planatation Road, Turbo Food Mart, Shree Ganesh Inc. RCRA-03-2009-0206) |
03/30/2011 | | TSCA-03-2011-0098 super consent agreement and final order (03/30/2011) (Kennedy Krieger Institute, Inc., TSCA (SCAFO)) |
03/30/2011 | | RCRA-03-2011-0118 Super consent agreement and final order $27,440.00 (03/30/2011) (Sherwin-Williams Company, Seaguard Division, RCRA (SCAFO)) |
03/29/2011 | | FIFRA 06-2011-0310 Complaint Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/29/2011) (KINCAID) |
03/29/2011 | | SDWA-04-2011-1011(b) CAFO (03/29/2011) (Louis H. Robertson, Jr.) |
03/29/2011 | | TSCA-04-2011-2516(b) CAFO (03/29/2011) (Kingswood Apartments) |
03/29/2011 | | SDWA-04-2011-1010(b) CAFO (03/29/2011) (R. T. Oil, Inc.) |
03/29/2011 | | CERCLA-04-2011-2047(b) CAFO (03/29/2011) (CSX Transportation, Inc.) |
03/29/2011 | | TSCA-04-2011-2517(b) CAFO (03/29/2011) (Westlake Lodge Apartments) |
03/29/2011 | | TSCA-03-2010-0407 consent agreement and final order (03/29/2011) (Regina Bennett, Target Housing,) |
03/29/2011 | | TSCA-03-2010-0403 consent agreement and final order (03/29/2011) (Harmony Homes, Inc., (Target Housing) (Complaint (TSCA)) |
03/29/2011 | | EPCRA-03-2011-0076 Super Consent Agreement and final order $45,000.00 (03/29/2011) (Century Aluminum of West Virginia, Inc. (EPCRA) SCAFO) |
03/29/2011 | | TSCA-10-2011-0052 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/29/2011) (COLLEGE WORKS PAINTING) |
03/28/2011 | | RCRA-03-2011-0087FC super consent agreement and final order $420.00 (03/28/2011) (Corrections Corporation of America (RCRA) Field Citation) |
03/28/2011 | | EPCRA 06-2011-0504 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/28/2011) (ADVANCED COMPOSITES GROUP INC.) |
03/28/2011 | | TSCA-02-2011-9205 Consent agreement and final order. (03/28/2011) (Short's Oil Company, Inc.) |
03/28/2011 | | CAA-02-2010-1235 Consent agreement and final order. (03/28/2011) (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority) |
03/25/2011 | | TSCA-05-2011-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/25/2011) (D.A. Stuart Company -CAFO- (Warrenville, Illinois)) |
03/24/2011 | | CAA-08-2010-0026 CONSENT AGREEMENT/FINAL ORDER (03/24/2011) (CHS, INC., GARRETSON) |
03/24/2011 | | CAA-05-2011-0032 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/24/2011) (Henkel Corporation (Mentor, Ohio)) |
03/24/2011 | | CAA-05-2011-0033 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/24/2011) (DynaChem, Inc. (Westville, Illinois)) |
03/24/2011 | | EPCRA-05-2011-0015 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/24/2011) (VersaCold Logistics Services -CAFO- -- SEP -- (New Ulm and Zumbrota, Minnesota)) |
03/24/2011 | | RCRA-04-2011-4250(b) CAFO (03/24/2011) (Vi-Jon, Inc.) |
03/24/2011 | | CWA 06-2011-1709 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/24/2011) (TERRITORY RESOURCES, INC.) |
03/24/2011 | | RCRA-04-2011-0001(b) CAFO (03/24/2011) (J.H. Duncan Oil, Inc.) |
03/24/2011 | | CWA-10-2011-0049 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/24/2011) (CITY OF GEORGETOWN, IDAHO) |
03/24/2011 | | CAA(112r)-09-2011-0007 ESA (03/24/2011) (Baker Commodities) |
03/23/2011 | | CERCLA-08-2011-0007 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (03/23/2011) (10,000 HAVANA - CRICKET MASCARENAS) |
03/23/2011 | | RCRA-02-2010-7503 Consent agreement and final order. (03/23/2011) (United States Postal Service) |
03/23/2011 | | CAA-06-2011-3532 Expedited Settlement Agreement (City of Baytown West District Treatment Plant) |
03/22/2011 | | CWA-04-2011-5129(b) CAFO (03/22/2011) (Sklar Exploration Company, LLC) |
03/22/2011 | | CWA-07-2011-0004 CONSENT AGREEMENT/FINAL ORDER (Iowa Dept of Transportation, JB Holland Construction, Inc, Peterson Contractors, Inc and Scheckel Construction, Inc) |
03/22/2011 | | CERCLA-04-2011-2040(b) CAFO (03/22/2011) (Colonial Chemical Solutions, Inc.) |
03/22/2011 | | CWA-04-2011-5128(b) CAFO (03/22/2011) (Jacksonville Electric Authority) |
03/22/2011 | | CWA-01-2010-0048 CAFO (03/22/2011) (Montreal Maine & Atlantic Railway, Ltd.) |
03/22/2011 | | CAA-04-2011-8002(b) CAFO (03/22/2011) (Water Pollution Control Department) |
03/22/2011 | | FIFRA-04-2011-3007(b) CAFO (03/22/2011) (Arch Chemical, Inc. d/b/a Advantis Technologies) |
03/22/2011 | | TSCA-02-2010-9268 Consent agreement and final order. (03/22/2011) (Wedgewood Apartments, LLC) |
03/22/2011 | | CERC/EPCR-03-2011-0038 consent agreement and final order (SCAFO) (03/22/2011) (Loadout, LLC, (SCAFO) (CERCLA/EPCRA)) |
03/22/2011 | | RCRA-03-2011-0027FC Super consent agreement and final order $210.00 (03/22/2011) (Communication Systems Support Group (ID# 18893)) |
03/22/2011 | | CWA 06-2011-4305 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/22/2011) (EDINGER INCORPORATED) |
03/22/2011 | | CWA 06-2011-4314 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/22/2011) (LEASEHOLD MANAGEMENT CORP.) |
03/21/2011 | | TSCA-07-2011-0008 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (JVJ, LLC) |
03/21/2011 | | TSCA-07-2011-0006 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Romeo Biasbas) |
03/21/2011 | | RCRA-05-2011-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/21/2011) (Cor-Met, Inc. -CAFO- (Brighton, Michigan)) |