Document Date | | Case |
02/07/2012 | | EPCRA-04-2012-2023(b) CAFO (02/07/2012) (OMNOVA Solutions, Inc.) |
02/07/2012 | | CWA-03-2012-0084 Consent agreement and final Order (02/07/2012) (Frenz Petroleum Corp., CWA, SCAFO) |
02/07/2012 | | RUST-05-2012-0004 Expedited Settlement Agreement (02/07/2012) (Convenient Food Mart -ESA- (Wadsworth, Ohio)) |
02/07/2012 | | CAA-10-2012-0069 CAA-10-2012-0069 (02/07/2012) (Husch and Husch, Inc.) |
02/06/2012 | | EPCRA-03-2012-0033 Super consent agreement and final order (02/06/2012) (Agusta Aerospace Corp., (EPCRA) SCAFO) |
02/06/2012 | | EPCRA 06-2012-0503 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/06/2012) (Electro-Coatings of Texas, Incorporated) |
02/06/2012 | | RCRA 06-2010-0933 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/06/2012) (The Dow Chemical Company) |
02/06/2012 | | CWA-10-2012-0008 CWA-10-2012-0008 (02/06/2012) (City of Wapato, Washington) |
02/03/2012 | | CWA-07-2012-0007 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Timothy D Henry Doing Business as Henry Brothers Farms) |
02/03/2012 | | TSCA-07-2012-0012 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Titan Environmental Services, Inc) |
02/02/2012 | | CWA-04-2012-5001 CAFO (02/02/2012) (IntraCoastal Environmental, LLC) |
02/02/2012 | | CAA-07-2011-0013 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Davis Paint Company) |
02/02/2012 | | CAA(112r)-09-2012-0003 ESA (02/02/2012) (Apio Cooling) |
02/02/2012 | | CAA-03-2011-0312 consent agreement and final order (02/02/2012) (Sunbury Generation, LLC, Complaint (CAA)) |
02/02/2012 | | EPCRA-05-2012-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/02/2012) (Ever-Green Energy, LLC Energy Park Utility Company -CAFO- - SEP - (St. Paul, Minnesota)) |
02/02/2012 | | EPCRA-05-2012-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/02/2012) (Burton Industries, Inc. -CAFO- - INSTALLMENTS - (Ironwood, Michigan)) |
02/02/2012 | | TSCA-05-2012-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/02/2012) (Thomas J. and Dianne M. Woodruff -CAFO- (Luckey, Ohio)) |
02/02/2012 | | CERCLA-05-2012-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/02/2012) (Greenway Cooperative Service Company - Greenway of Chester Fert - -CAFO- (Rochester, Minnesota)) |
02/02/2012 | | TSCA-05-2012-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/02/2012) (Thomas J. and Dianne M. Woodruff -CAFO- (Luckey, Ohio)) |
02/02/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3521 Expedited Settlement Agreement (02/02/2012) (CITY OF GROVES WILSON WATER TREATMENT PLANT) |
01/31/2012 | | CWA-04-2011-5022 CAFO (01/31/2012) (Triad Hunter, LLC) |
01/31/2012 | | RCRA-07-2012-0001 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Stowers Institute for Medical Research) |
01/31/2012 | | FIFRA 06-2012-0316 Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/31/2012) (Economy Mud Products Co.) |
01/31/2012 | | FIFRA 06-2012-0315 Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/31/2012) (Soil Mender Products) |
01/31/2012 | | CAA-07-2011-0028 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy, LLC) |
01/31/2012 | | CAA-03-2012-0041 ESA, CAFO $720.00 (01/31/2012) (Versacold USA, Inc., (CAA) ESA (SCAFO)) |
01/31/2012 | | CAA-03-2012-0041 ESA, CAFO $720.00 (01/31/2012) (Versacold USA, Inc., (CAA) ESA (SCAFO)) |
01/31/2012 | | CAA-05-2012-0010 Expedited Settlement Agreement - RMP12-ESA-002 (01/31/2012) (Illinois American Water (ESA) - Champaign West Plant (Champaign, Illinois))) |
01/30/2012 | | CWA-03-2011-0083 Consent agreement and final order (01/30/2012) (VICO Construction Corp., Jolliff Road and Portsmouth Blvd. (CWA) ) |
01/27/2012 | | CWA-03-2012-0011 ESA, $1,500.00 (01/27/2012) (J.L. Rothrock, Inc., CWA (Expedited Penalty SCAFO)) |
01/27/2012 | | SPCC-09-2012-0004 ESA (01/27/2012) (Love's Bakery) |
01/27/2012 | | SPCC-09-2012-0001 ESA (01/27/2012) (Toro Petroleum) |
01/26/2012 | | RCRA-03-2012-0071 Super consent agreement and final order (01/26/2012) (Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, (RCRA) (SCAFO)) |
01/26/2012 | | FIFRA-07-2012-0002 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Postville Farmers Cooperative Society) |
01/26/2012 | | EPCRA-01-2011-0120, CAA-01-2011-0121 and RCRA-01-2011-0122 CAFO (01/26/2012) (Monson Companies, Inc. ) |
01/25/2012 | | TSCA-05-2011-0011 Supplemental Certificate of Service for CAFO (01/25/2012) (Rowell Chemical Corporation -CAFO- (Hinsdale, Illinois)) |
01/25/2012 | | CWA-01-2011-0115 CAFO (01/25/2012) (Town of Rayham, MA) |
01/25/2012 | | TSCA-07-2012-0006 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Flora G and John D debacker Trust) |
01/25/2012 | | CAA-05-2012-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/25/2012) (Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center of Aurora Health Care Metro, Inc. (CAFO) (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)) |
01/25/2012 | | CWA-05-2012-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (FINAL) (01/25/2012) (Hintz Excavating & Blacktop - Daliege Property - -CAFO- (Adams, Wisconsin)) |
01/25/2012 | | RUST-05-2012-0003 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/25/2012) (Cubs Food -ESA- (Rochester, Minnesota)) |
01/24/2012 | | CAA-04-2012-8007(b) CAFO (01/24/2012) (Smithfield Packaging Company, Inc.) |
01/24/2012 | | FIFRA-04-2012-3005(b) CAFO (01/24/2012) (Delta Hardware Distributors, Inc.) |
01/24/2012 | | TSCA-04-2012-2617(b) CAFO (01/24/2012) (Camille H. Haggard LLC d/b/a Pinewood Place Apartments) |
01/24/2012 | | TSCA-04-2012-2621(b) CAFO (01/24/2012) (LEDIC Management Group, LLC d/b/a Highland Manor Apartment Homes) |
01/24/2012 | | CWA 06-2011-4312 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (01/24/2012) (Yates Petroleum Corporation) |
01/24/2012 | | FIFRA 06-2012-0312 Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/24/2012) (APDC Inc.) |
01/24/2012 | | CWA-04-2012-4500(b) CAFO (01/24/2012) (Joco Construction, LLC) |
01/24/2012 | | CWA 06-2012-4313 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (01/24/2012) (Yates Petroleum Corporation) |
01/24/2012 | | TSCA-04-2012-2617(b) CAFO (01/24/2012) (Camille H. Haggard LLC d/b/a Pinewood Place Apartments) |
01/24/2012 | | FIFRA-04-2012-3006(b) CAFO (01/24/2012) (Genesis Biosciences, Inc.) |
01/23/2012 | | CWA-05-2012-0005 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/23/2012) (Bolduc & Sons, Inc. d/b/a Woodhull Oil Co. -CAFO- (Woodhull, Illinois)) |
01/23/2012 | | SPCC-09-2012-0002 ESA (01/23/2012) (V.T. Petroluem) |
01/23/2012 | | RCRA-05-2012-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/23/2012) (City of Athens -CAFO- (Athens, Ohio)) |
01/23/2012 | | CWA-03-2012-0046 Expedited Penalty Action (01/23/2012) (McLean Contracting Co. (CWA) EXP (CAFP)) |
01/23/2012 | | EPCRA-03-2012-0012 Expedited Penalty Action (01/23/2012) (Tidewater Fibre Corp.(TFC Recycling), EPCRA (Expedited Penalty Action) |
01/23/2012 | | CAA-07-2012-0002 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (ESA) (Farmers Coop Equity-Isabel) |
01/20/2012 | | RUST-05-2012-0002 Expedited Settelment Agreement (01/20/2012) (Suffield Carry-Out -ESA- (Mogadore, Ohio)) |
01/19/2012 | | CAA-04-2012-8005(b) CAFO (01/19/2012) (Owensboro Specialty Polymers) |
01/19/2012 | | CAA-04-2012-8002(b) CAFO (01/19/2012) (Pathway Polymers) |
01/18/2012 | | FIFRA-02-2011-5111 Consent agreement and final order. (01/18/2012) (Rock-Term Company) |
01/18/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3510 Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/18/2012) (CAVINESS BEEF PACKING) |
01/18/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3504 Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/18/2012) (Hiland Operating, L.L.C. Eagle Chief Gas Plant) |
01/17/2012 | | CAA-04-2012-1505(b) CAFO (01/17/2012) (Environmental Holdings Group, LLC) |
01/17/2012 | | EPCRA-04-2012-2000(b) CAFO (01/17/2012) (Alto Products Corp.) |
01/17/2012 | | EPCRA-04-2012-2002(b) CAFO (01/17/2012) (Antennas for Communications) |
01/17/2012 | | CERCLA-04-2012-2012(b) CAFO (01/17/2012) (Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.) |
01/17/2012 | | CAA-04-2012-1506(b) CAFO (01/17/2012) (Morris insulation and Environmental, Inc.) |
01/13/2012 | | CAA-09-2011-0009 CAFO (01/13/2012) (Leading Edge Aviation Services, Inc.) |
01/13/2012 | | FIFRA-02-2011-5206 Consent agreement and final order. (01/13/2012) (Cosco Enterprises Inc.) |
01/13/2012 | | FIFRA-01-2011-0068 CAFO (01/13/2012) (Gotham Technologies, Inc.) |
01/13/2012 | | TSCA-05-2011-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/13/2012) (Rose Real Estate Properties, Inc. -CAFO- (Valdosta, Georgia)) |
01/13/2012 | | FIFRA-01-2011-0063 CAFO (01/13/2012) (BioDefense Corporation ) |
01/12/2012 | | CWA-05-2012-0004 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/12/2012) (United States Steel Corporation -CAFO- (Mountain Iron, Minnesota)) |
01/12/2012 | | CWA-03-2012-0017 super cafo and final order (01/12/2012) (Armstrong Environmental Services, (CWA) (SCAFO)) |
01/12/2012 | | CWA 06-2012-4310 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (CSC Oil Company) |
01/12/2012 | | FIFRA 06-2012-0311 Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (01/12/2012) (United Phosphorus, Inc.) |
01/12/2012 | | EPCRA-03-2012-0080 Super consent agreement and final order (01/12/2012) (Montgomery Chemicals, LLC, SCAFO (EPCRA)) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3517 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (MAGNABLEND) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2011-3602 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (CITY OF TULSA) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3518 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (CITY OF PORT NECHES WWTP) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3513 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (WESTERN INTERNATIONAL GAS - TAFT) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2011-3596 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (BAKER PETROLITE CORPORATION - KILGORE BLEND PLANT) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3520 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (CALABRIAN CORPORATION) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3514 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (SURLEAN FOODS COMPANY) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3501 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (SYSCO DALLAS) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3516 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (TLC/SARA LEE SOUTHWEST REGIONAL LOGISTICS CENTER) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3515 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (SYSCO SAN ANTONIO, INC.) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3502 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (TYSON PREPARED FOODS, DALLAS) |
01/12/2012 | | CAA 06-2012-3522 Expedited Settlement Agreement (01/12/2012) (OWENS FOODS) |
01/11/2012 | | CERCLA-04-2012-2021(b) CAFO (01/11/2012) (Georgia Power Company) |
01/11/2012 | | EPCRA-04-2012-2026(b) CAFO (01/11/2012) (O'Neal Steel, Inc.) |
01/11/2012 | | EPCRA-04-2012-2025(b) CAFO (01/11/2012) (Milner Milling, Inc.) |
01/11/2012 | | CERCLA-04-2012-2017(b) CAFO (01/11/2012) (Dow Corning Corporation) |
01/10/2012 | | CWA-07-2011-0117 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Southeast Landfill, LLC) |
01/10/2012 | | CWA-04-2011-5024 CAFO (01/10/2012) (Aultman Trucking, LLC) |
01/10/2012 | | CWA-04-2011-5025 CAFO (01/10/2012) (Dodge City Travel Center) |