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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
04/27/2017  EPCRA 06-2017-0506 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Synthetic Oils & Lubricants DBA Soltex)
04/26/2017  CWA-08-2017-0012 Combined Complaint and Consent Agreement with Final Order (BASIN WESTERN, INC.)
04/26/2017  CAA-10-2017-0085 ESA (Mill Creek Water Treatment Plant)
04/26/2017  FIFRA-10-2017-0039 CAFO (Steritech, Inc.)
04/25/2017  TSCA-08-2017-0005 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (KGN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC & KGN ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC.)
04/25/2017  TSCA-08-2017-0006 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (HOLLY STILES)
04/25/2017  CWA-03-2017-0109 SCAFO (Superior Concrete Materials, Inc., CWA, SCAFO)
04/25/2017  TSCA-07-2017-0105 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Rubicon Corporation)
04/25/2017  CWA-07-2017-0017 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Accurate Land Company, Inc. – Acadia Subdivision Plat 1 and Plat 2)
04/25/2017  CAA-03-2017-0074 SCAFO (Salisbury Processing Plant, Perdue Foods LLC, CAA, SCAFO.)
04/25/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0120 SCAFO (Potomac Electric Power Company, RCRA, SCAFO)
04/25/2017  CWA-06-2017-1723 Consent Agreement (Ramah Water and Sanitation District)
04/24/2017  TSCA-07-2017-0104 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Zipco Contracting, Inc.)
04/24/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0015 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Brent Industries, Inc. (Toledo, Ohio))
04/24/2017  CAA-05-2017-0021 Expedited Settlement Agreement (The Andersons Inc. -ESA- (Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin))
04/24/2017  OPA-09-2017-0002 (ASIG at LA/Ontario Int'l Airport)
04/21/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0123 SCAFO (JLD Services, Inc., TSCA, SCAFO)
04/21/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0021 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Countyline Cooperative, Inc. -ESA- (Pemberville, Ohio))
04/21/2017  CWA-05-2017-0005 FINAL Consent Agreement and Final Order (Metalworking Lubricants Company -CAFO- --SEP- INSTALLMENTS -- Litigation Hold (Indianapolis, Indiana))
04/21/2017  CWA-05-2016-0019 FINAL Consent Agreement and Final Order (City of Blaine - CAFO - (Blaine, Minnesota))
04/21/2017  RCRA-02-2017-7701 Expediated settlement agreement. (MWS Enterprises, Inc.)
04/21/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0020 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Boldue and Sons, Inc. -ESA- (Woodhull, Illinois))
04/20/2017  MPRSA-02-2015-6001 Consent agreement and final order. (Northeast Dredging Equipment Company, LLC)
04/20/2017  MPRSA-02-2015-6002 Consent agreement and final order. (Northeast Dredging Equipment Company, LLC)
04/20/2017  MPRSA-02-2015-6003 Consent agreement and final order. (Northeast Dredging Equipment Company, LLC)
04/20/2017  RCRA-05-2017-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Precision Coatings, Inc. - SEP - (Walled Lake, Michigan))
04/20/2017  TSCA-10-2017-0052 ESA (Poehls Construction/Shawn Poehls)
04/20/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0116 SCAFO (Reliance Treated Wood, Inc., RCRA, SCAFO)
04/20/2017  CAA-01-2017-0038 CAFO (Solutia, Inc.)
04/20/2017  CAA 06-2017-3343 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Valero Refining - Meraux, LLC)
04/19/2017  CWA-02-2017-3351 Expediated Settlement Agreement. (NBTS Housing LLC)
04/19/2017  CAA-01-2016-0036 Consent Agreement and Final Order (In the Matter of Cutler Naval Facility)
04/19/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0019 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Mt. Vernon Elevator, Co. -ESA- (Mt. Veron, Illinois))
04/19/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0017 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Fas-Pak Incorporated -ESA- (Michigan City, Indiana))
04/19/2017  RCRA-05-2017-0012 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Pioneer Metal Finishing (Green Bay, Wisconsin))
04/19/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0018 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Form-A-Feed, Incorporated -ESA- (Stewart, Minnesota))
04/19/2017  CAA-05-2016-0037 Amended CAFO (United Scrap Metal, Inc. -CAFO- -- SEP -- (Cicero, Illinois))
04/19/2017  CAA-06-2017-3506 Expedited Settlement Agreement (City of Donna WWTP)
04/19/2017  CAA-06-2017-3505 Expedited Settlement Agreement (City of Donna Water Filtration Plant)
04/18/2017  CWA-10-2017-0047 ESA (Woods BrothersTrucking & Construction/Jason Carnham)
04/18/2017  CERCLA-04-2018-2012(b) CAFO (South Carolina Public Service Authority )
04/18/2017  OPA-09-2017-0003 (Love's Travel Stops)
04/17/2017  TSCA-10-2017-0061 ESA (Aspen Construction and Design LLC.)
04/17/2017  EPCRA-10-2017-0087 CAFO (Christensen, Inc.)
04/17/2017  CAA-05-2017-0020 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Illinois Road Contractors, Inc - Meredosia Terminal -ESA- (Meredosia, Illinois))
04/17/2017  EPCRA 06-2017-0504 Consent Agreement and Final Orde (Dura-Tech Processes, Inc.)
04/14/2017  CWA-10-2017-0042 CAFO (Joseph O'Meara & Killarney West Golf Course Inc.)
04/14/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0016 Expedited Settlement Agreement (LaOtto Farm Supplies, Incorporated -ESA- (LaOtta, Indiana))
04/13/2017  CAA-03-2017-0098 SCAFO (Hershey Creamery Company- Middletown, CAFO, Expedited Penalty, CAA,)
04/13/2017  CERC/EPCRA-03-2017-0121 SCAFO (Clearon Corporation, CERC-EPCRA, SCAFO)
04/13/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0119 SCAFO (U.S. Water, Inc., Water Chemical Service, Inc., FIFRA, SCAFO, )
04/13/2017  CWA 06-2017-4505 Expedited Spill Settlement Agreement (American Natural Energy Corp.)
04/13/2017  CWA 06-2016-4320 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Earl Oil, Inc.)
04/12/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0014 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Bond Chemicals, Inc. -ESA- (Medina, Ohio) )
04/12/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0015 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Hawkins, Inc. -CAFO- (Roseville, Minnesota))
04/11/2017  TSCA-07-2017-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Custom Express Renovations, Inc.)
04/11/2017  CWA-07-2015-0107 Cionsent Agreement and Final order (Haag Oil Company, LLC)
04/11/2017  CWA-07-2016-0047 Order and Consent Agreement and Final Order (City of Troy, Missouri)
04/11/2017  CAA-10-2017-0075 ESA (Wilbur-Ellis Company LLC)
04/11/2017  FIFRA-07-2016-0008 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Adams Fertilizer, Inc)
04/11/2017  FIFRA-07-2016-0011 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Midwest Service Company)
04/11/2017  CAA-10-2017-0074 ESA (Wilbur-Ellis Company LLC)
04/11/2017  CAA-04-2017-8014(b) CAFO (Blues City Brewery, LLC)
04/11/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9101 Consent agreement and final order. (Lorco Petroleum Services)
04/11/2017  EPCRA-10-2017-0089 ESA (Mukilteo Powder Coating, Inc.)
04/11/2017  FIFRA-09-2017-0004 (Gar Tootelian Inc.)
04/10/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0013 Consent Agreement and Final Order (3M Company -CAFO- (St. Paul, Minnesota))
04/10/2017  MM-05-2017-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (City of Mahtomedi (Mahtomedi, Minnesota))
04/10/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0014 Consent Agreement and Final Order (City of Mahtomedia (Mahtomedia, Minnesota) )
04/10/2017  CERCLA-05-2017-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (City of Mahtomedi -CAFO- (Mahtomedi, Minnesota))
04/07/2017  TSCA-01-2017-0032 CAFO (Robinson's Painting & Home Improvement )
04/06/2017  RCRA-04-2017-4005(b) CAFO (Triad International Maintenance Corporation)
04/06/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0012 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Exact Packaging, Inc. -ESA- (Pontiac, Illinois))
04/06/2017  CAA-04-2017-8010(b) CAFO (The Eggo Company)
04/06/2017  RCRA-05-2017-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Colonial Surface Solutions, Inc. - CAFO - - SEP- (Columbus Grove, Ohio))
04/05/2017  CAA-03-2017-0105 SCAFO (Protenergy Natural Foods, Inc., CAA, CAFO, Exp.)
04/05/2017  TSCA-07-2017-0101 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Centric Projects LLC)
04/05/2017  CWA-10-2017-0049 CAFO (Sierra Pacific Industries)
04/04/2017  RCRA-02-2016-7106 (Mayaguez Medical Center Dr. Ramon Emeterio Betances, Inc.)
04/04/2017  UIC-09-2017-0001 (Department of Navy - Hawaii)
04/03/2017  TSCA-08-2017-0003 Expedited Settlement Agreement with Final Order (FORTE DISTINCTIVE HOMES, LLC)
04/03/2017  CWA-05-2017-0007 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and Final Order (Asphalt Cutbacks, Inc. -- SEP -- (East Chicago, Indiana))
04/03/2017  CWA-07-2017-0032 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Darnell’s Country Convenience)
04/03/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0030 SCAFO (Conoy AG., FIFRA, SCAFO, Exp.)
04/03/2017  CWA-01-2017-0041 CAFO (Advanced Excavating and Paving Inc.)
04/03/2017  TSCA-08-2017-0004 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (MOUNTAIN STATES CONSTRUCTION, LLC)
03/31/2017  CAA-10-2017-0058 ESA (Twin City Foods, Inc.)
03/31/2017  CWA-10-2017-0046 CAFO (Biggie Crane and Rigging Co.)
03/31/2017  TSCA-10-2017-0059 ESA (Randy Majors, Light House Homes & Remodeling)
03/31/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0030 SCAFO (Conoy AG., FIFRA, SCAFO, Exp.)
03/31/2017  CWA-07-2017-0020 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Silver Oak Inc. d/b/a Alice Patricia Homes Residential Development)
03/31/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0030 Conoy AG. (Conoy AG., FIFRA, SCAFO, Exp.)
03/31/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0030 SCAFO (Conoy AG., FIFRA, SCAFO, Exp.)
03/30/2017  CERC/EPCRA-03-2017-0085 SCAFO (AMUNEAL Manufacturing Corp., CERC/EPCRA, SCAFO)
03/30/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0112 SCAFO (Shanan John Lucas, d/b/a S. Lucas Paints)
03/30/2017  CAA-05-2017-0019 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Ethone, Inc. -CAFO- (Bridgeview, Illinois))
03/30/2017  FIFRA-02-2016-5202 Consent agreement and final order. (Fabco Industries, Inc.)
03/30/2017  CAA-05-2017-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Rust-Oleum Corporation -CAFO- (Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin))
03/30/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9283 Expediated settlement agreement. (Green Island Group, Inc.)
03/30/2017  CWA-04-2017-4500(b) CAFO (Mount Olive Pickle Company, Inc.)

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 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 
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