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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
07/10/2017  SDWA-02-2017-8403 Consent agreement and final order. (Virgin Islands Department of Human Services, Lindbergh Head Start)
07/10/2017  SDWA-02-2017-8404 Consent agreement and final order. (Virgin Islands Department of Human Services, Sugar Estate Thomas Head Start)
07/10/2017  CWA-07-2017-0041 COMPLAINT AND CONSENT AGREEMENT/FINAL ORDER (Hubbell Metropolitan Development Fund I, LLC )
07/10/2017  CWA-07-2017-0041 Administrative Penalty Order (with or without injunctive relief) (Hubbell Metropolitan Development Fund I, LLC )
07/10/2017  CWA 06-2017-1710 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Circle 9 Resources, LLC)
07/10/2017  SDWA-02-2017-8402 Consent agreement and final order. (Virgin Islands Department of Human Services, Savan Head Start)
07/07/2017  RCRA-05-2017-0019 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (NOVA Chemicals, Inc. (Painesville, Ohio))
07/06/2017  RCRA-02-2017-7103 Consent agreement and final order (Lourdes Health System)
07/06/2017  CAA-05-2017-0031 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Paragon Metal Fabricators -CAFO- - SEP - (Cincinnati, Ohio))
07/05/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9173 Expediated settlement agreement. (Quality Plus Contracting)
07/05/2017  SDWA-10-2017-0111 CAFO (Stepping Stone Builders, Inc.)
07/05/2017  RCRA-10-2017-0116 ESA (American retail Services-Fresno, LLC.)
07/03/2017  CWA 06-2017-4314 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Citation Oil & Gas Corporation)
07/03/2017  CWA 06-2017-4308 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Canyon Exploration Company)
06/30/2017  EPCRA 06-2017-0505 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Pioneer Frozen Foods, Inc.)
06/30/2017  CAA-05-2017-0030 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Consolidated Grain and Barge Co., -CAFO- (Jeffersonville, Indiana))
06/30/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0044 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Tri-State Growers Supply, LLC - ESA- (Edgerton, Ohio))
06/29/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0064 SCAFO (Fineline Circuits, Inc., SCAFO, RCRA)
06/29/2017  TSCA-01-2017-0021 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Daniel Sanborn)
06/29/2017  RCRA-04-2017-4006(b) CAFO (Florida Institue of Technology)
06/29/2017  SDWA-02-2015-8901 Consent agreement and final order. (Town of Florence Highway Department)
06/29/2017  CAA-01-2017-0033 Consent Agreement and Final Order (In the Matter of : City of Cranston and Veolia Water North America-Northeast, LLC)
06/29/2017  EPCRA-04-2016-2035(b) CAFO (Sister Schubert's Homemade Rolls, Inc.)
06/29/2017  CWA 06-2017-4312 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (G.C. Bickham Operating, Inc.)
06/29/2017  CWA 06-2017-4313 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Red Fork Energy)
06/28/2017  CERC-03-2017-0137 SCAFO (Henrico Public Utilities, CERC, SCAFO, )
06/28/2017  CERC-03-2017-0137 Consent agreement and final order (Henrico Public Utilities, CERC, SCAFO, )
06/27/2017  CWA-03-2017-0131 SCAFO (Bitumar USA, Inc., SCAFO, CWA)
06/27/2017  RCRA-05-2017-0018 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Pioneer Metal Finishing - EPA ID No. MID 985 632 975 - (Warren, Michigan))
06/27/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9293 Expediated settlement agreement. (Pelham Bay Construction LLC)
06/27/2017  CWA-08-2017-0014 Expedited Settlement Agreement (HAMLET HOMES CORPORATION)
06/27/2017  SDWA-04-2016-1004(b) Countrymark Energy Resources, LLC (Countrymark Energy Resources, LLC)
06/27/2017  CWA-08-2017-0016 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (JMAC RESOURCES, INC.)
06/27/2017  FIFRA-04-2017-3008(b) CAFO (McRight Services, LLC d/b/a DeltAg Formulations)
06/27/2017  FIFRA-04-2017-3006(b) CAFO (Willowood USA, LLC)
06/27/2017  RCRA-05-2017-0017 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Pioneer Metal Finishing - EPA ID No. MIR 000 044 644 - (Warren, Michigan))
06/27/2017  TSCA-08-2017-0007 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (DENVER DESIGN BUILD, LLC)
06/27/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2516(b) CAFO (Sterling Window Systems, Inc.)
06/27/2017  CAA-04-2017-8008(b) CAFO (The City Of Franklin)
06/27/2017  OPA-09-2017-0005 (American Biodiesel Inc.)
06/27/2017  FIFRA-09-2017-0008 (San Joaquin Sulphur Co.)
06/26/2017  TSCA-05-2017-0004 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Think Painting, Inc. -ESA- (Worthington, Ohio))
06/26/2017  TSCA-07-2017-0115 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Alliance Certified Restoration)
06/26/2017  RCRA-01-2015-0052 Amended CAFO (C.E. Bradley Laboratories, Inc.)
06/26/2017  TSCA-10-2017-0090 ESA (Roy Briley Property Services)
06/26/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0020 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Patrick Kritzer, Owner (Waseca, Minnesota))
06/26/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0021 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Smith Oil & Propane, Inc. (St. Johns, Michigan) )
06/26/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0022 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Oselka's Snug Harbor Marina (New Buffalo, Michigan))
06/26/2017  CAA 06-2017-3342 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Discovery Producer Services)
06/23/2017  CWA-05-2017-0012 Consent Agreement and Final Order (CountyMark Refining and Logistics, LLC (Mt. Vernon, Indiana))
06/23/2017  CAA-05-2017-0029 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Integrity Biofuels, LLC- INSTALLMENTS - -CAFO- (Morristown, Indiana) )
06/22/2017  CAA-07-2017-0131 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Landus Cooperative)
06/22/2017  CWA-01-2017-0050 Expedited Settlement Agreement (In the Matter of Frank W. Whitcomb Construction Corporation)
06/22/2017  CWA-07-2017-0109 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Bettis Asphalt & Construction, Inc.)
06/22/2017  RCRA-07-2017-0152 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Wexford Labs, Inc)
06/20/2017  CWA-08-2017-0015 Expedited Settlement Agreement with Worksheet (PERRY HOMES UTAH, INC.)
06/20/2017  CWA-04-2017-4505(b) CAFO (Lennar Homes, LLC Southwest Florida Division Bridgewater)
06/20/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2509(b) CAFO (Sulphuric Acid Trading Company, Inc.)
06/20/2017  RCRA-05-2017-0016 Consent Agreement and Final Order (II-VI EpiWorks (Champaign, Illinois))
06/20/2017  CWA-07-2016-0010 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Schildberg Construction Company, Inc.)
06/19/2017  CAA-07-2017-0155 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (CSM Bakery Products NA, Inc)
06/16/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0019 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Sokol and Company - SEP - (Countryside, Illinois))
06/15/2017  CWA-04-2017-4504(b) CAFO (Lennar Homes, LLC Southwest Florida Division -Riverstrand)
06/15/2017  CWA-04-2017-4503(b) CAFO (Lennar Homes, LLC Central Florida Division Hertitage Springs At Trinity)
06/15/2017  CWA-04-2017-4502(b) CAFO (Lennar Homes, LLC Central Florida Division Summerfield Crossing)
06/15/2017  SDWA-02-2017-8902 Expedited settlement agreement. (JGJJG LLC)
06/15/2017  CWA-04-2017-4501(b) CAFO (Lennar Homes, LLC Central Florida Division)
06/14/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0122 SCAFO (Indmar Coatings Corporation)
06/14/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0145 Super CAFO (Krabel Properties, LLC, TSCA, SCAF0.)
06/14/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0122 SCAFO (Indmar Coatings Corporation)
06/14/2017  CAA-05-2017-0027 Consent Agreement and Final Order (NLMK Indiana -CAFO- (Portage, Indiana))
06/14/2017  CAA-05-2017-0028 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Decorative Panels International, Inc. -CAFO- (Alpena, Michigan))
06/13/2017  CAA-02-2017-1202 Expedited settlement agreement. (Linde Gas Puerto Rico, Inc.)
06/13/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0156 Consent Agreement and Final Order (A&D Construction of Virginia, LLC, TSCA, SCAFO)
06/13/2017  EPCRA 06-2017-0510 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Powder Metallurgy Co. Inc.)
06/13/2017  CAA-03-2017-0097 Expedited Penalty Action CAFO (DanChem Technologies, Inc., CAA, Expedited Penalty CAFO.)
06/13/2017  CAA-03-2017-0097 ESA, SCAFO (DanChem Technologies, Inc., CAA, Expedited Penalty CAFO.)
06/13/2017  TSCA-03-2017-0157 SCAFO (Cap City Management, LLC, TSCA, SCAFO)
06/13/2017  CWA 06-2016-4814 Consent Agreement and Final Order (NuStar Logistics, L.P.)
06/13/2017  FIFRA-10-2017-0134 cafo (MicroBasics, Inc.)
06/12/2017  CWA 06-2016-4805 Consent Agreement and Fnal Order (Center Point Terminal Company, LLC)
06/08/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0133 SCAFO (Vorbeck Materials Corp., RCRA, SCAFO)
06/08/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0142 SCAFO (Jubilant Cadista Pharmaceuticals Inc., RCRA, SCAFO)
06/08/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0043 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Meadowland Farmers Cooperative -ESA- (Lamberton, Minnesota))
06/08/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0042 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Western Consolidated Cooperative -ESA- (Holloway, Minnesota))
06/08/2017  CAA-03-2017-0132 CAFO (Interstate Warehousing Newport News, CAA, SCAFO, Expedited Penalty, ESA)
06/08/2017  RCRA-10-2017-0115 cafo (Anesti Audeh)
06/08/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0041 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Multi-Pak, LCC -ESA- (Milwaukee, Wisconsin))
06/08/2017  CWA-03-2017-0082 SCAFO (Lititz Borough, CWA, SCAFO)
06/08/2017  EPCRA-10-2017-0108 CAFO (3D Plastics, Inc.)
06/08/2017  FIFRA-04-2017-3002(b) CAFO (Newberry Ace Hardware & Lumber)
06/08/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2515(b) CAFO (Strive Properties, LLC)
06/08/2017  FIFRA-04-2017-3001(b) CAFO (Williston Ace Hardware)
06/08/2017  EPCRA-04-2017-2007(b) CAFO (The Chemours Company FC, LLC)
06/08/2017  CAA-04-2017-8016(b) CAFO (Pilgrim's Pride Corporation)
06/08/2017  CAA-04-2016-8017(b) CAFO (Glasgow Water Company)
06/08/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0133 SCAFO (Vorbeck Materials Corp., RCRA, SCAFO)
06/08/2017  CWA-02-2017-3352 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Little Oak Ventures, LLC)
06/07/2017  CAA-05-2017-0026 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Viking Chemical Company- CAFO - (Rockford, Illinois))
06/07/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0040 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Elbow Lake Co-op Grain -ESA- (Elbow Lake, Minnesota))

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