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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
05/09/2018  FIFRA-07-2018-0176 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Cooperative Farmers Elevator)
05/09/2018  CWA-10-2018-0261 CAFO (North Star Terminal & Stevedore Company, LLC)
05/09/2018  RCRA-07-2018-0182 Consnet Agreement and Final Order (Cemen Tech, Inc)
05/08/2018  CAA-04-2018-8011(b) CAFO (Save-A-Lot, Ltd.)
05/08/2018  RCRA-01-2017-0053 CAFO (GVS North America, Inc.)
05/08/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2022(b) CAFO (Shaw's Southern Belle Frozen Foods, Inc.)
05/08/2018  TSCA-10-2018-0231 CAFO (Bradley Built LLC.)
05/08/2018  EPCRA-10-2018-0288 CAFO (Gossner Foods-Magic Valley, Inc.)
05/08/2018  CAA-04-2018-8009(b) CAFO (Custom Foods of America Incorporated)
05/08/2018  FIFRA-04-2018-3003(b) CAFO (Anthony's Pool & Spa Center)
05/08/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2511(b) CAFO (Infinity Construction, LLC)
05/08/2018  TSCA-04-2017-2518(b) CAFO (StarChem, LLC)
05/08/2018  CAA-04-2018-1750(b) CAFO (City of Monroe, Georgia)
05/07/2018  CWA-10-2018-0253 CAFO (BMC East, LLC.)
05/07/2018  CAA-05-2018-0010 Expedited Settlement Agreement (United Prairie, LLC -ESA- RMP-18-EAS-004 (Fairmount, Illinois) )
05/04/2018  CAA-05-2018-0009 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Illini FS -ESA- -RMP-18-ESA-005- (Dewey, Illinois))
05/04/2018  CAA-RCRA-03-2018-0087 SCAFO (U.S. Department of the Navy, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, SCAFO)
05/03/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0026 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Cater Chemicals Corporation - CAFO- (Roselle, Illinois))
05/03/2018  CWA-09-2018-0005 (Sierra Pacific Ready Mix)
05/03/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0026 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Cater Chemicals Corporation - CAFO- (Roselle, Illinois))
05/03/2018  CAA-09-2018-0003 (Schneider National)
05/02/2018  CAA-06-2018-3507 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Bercen, Inc.)
05/01/2018  FIFRA-07-2018-0208 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Enviro Science Technologies, Inc.)
05/01/2018  TSCA-09-2018-0002 (Davis Kitchens)
04/27/2018  EPCRA-01-2018-0006 CAFO (Smith & Wesson Corp.)
04/26/2018  CAA-05-2018-0008 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Prairie States Warehouse, Inc. -ESA- -RMP-18-ESA-003 (Fairmount, Illinois) )
04/26/2018  CWA-07-2018-0166 Consent Agreement and Final Order (City of West Liberty, Iowa)
04/26/2018  CWA-08-2018-0007 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement (WASATCH COMMERCIAL BUILDERS, LLC)
04/25/2018  RCRA-02-2018-7703 Expediated settlement agreement. (U.S. Department of Interior)
04/25/2018  CWA-09-2018-0003 (Argent Materials)
04/25/2018  UIC-09-2018-0002 (Dole Food Company)
04/25/2018  FIFRA-09-2018-0010 (Source Dynamics)
04/25/2018  FIFRA-09-2018-0009 (American Chemical and Sanitary Supply)
04/24/2018  CWA-03-2018-0080 ESA (International Waxes, Inc. ESA)
04/24/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2900(b) CAFO (Lyman Warehouse, LLC and Hook Demo SC, LLC)
04/24/2018  CWA-05-2018-0007 PROPOSED Consent Agreement and Final Order (Ridge Prairie Farms, Inc. - CAFO- (Caseyville, Illinois))
04/24/2018  CAA 06-20218-3309 Expedited Settlement Agreement (BASF, Corp., West Memphis, AR Facility)
04/23/2018  CWA-01-2018-0028 CAFO (Fraticelli Oil Company)
04/20/2018  EPCRA-02-2018-4201 Consent agreement and final order. (Summit Lubricants Inc.)
04/19/2018  CWA-02-2018-3304 Consent agreement and final order. (201 West Broadway PJ, LLC)
04/19/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0053 SCAFO (American University)
04/19/2018  EPCRA-05-2018-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Lin Gas, Inc. - CAFO- With Region 4 (EPCRA-05-2017-2017(b) -4 INSTALLMENTS ENDS ON APRIL 15, 2019- (Indiana and Kentucky))
04/19/2018  EPCRA-04-2017-2017(b) CAFO (Lin Gas, Inc.)
04/18/2018  RCRA-02-2017-7501 Consent agreement and final order. (Falleti Motors, Inc.)
04/18/2018  CAA-03-2018-0064 CAFO (Smithfield Fresh Meats Corporation, CAA, CAFO)
04/18/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0081 CAFO (HBW Properties, Inc.)
04/18/2018  CAA-03-2018-0059 ESA (Calpine Bethlehem, LLC)
04/18/2018  CAA-03-2018-0060 ESA (Always Bagels, Inc.)
04/18/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0084 CAFO (Metropolitan Management Group, Inc.)
04/17/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2018(b) CAFO (Yamaha Jet Boat Manufacturing U.S.A., Inc.)
04/17/2018  TSCA-02-2018-9166 Consent agreement and final order. (Bogy Construction LLC)
04/17/2018  RCRA-07-2017-0140 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Johnson Enterprise of KS, LLC d/b/a Jump Start North Main)
04/17/2018  CAA-04-2018-8010(b) CAFO (US Foods, Inc.)
04/17/2018  CAA-07-2018-0156 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy)
04/17/2018  CWA-03-2018-0043 CAFO (Eby's Oil, Inc., CWA, CAFO)
04/17/2018  RCRA-03-2018-0052 CAFO (Fort Dearborn Company (f/k/a Core Label, LLC), RCRA, CAFO)
04/17/2018  RCRA-03-2018-0078 CAFO (Berryville Graphics, Inc., RCRA, CAFO)
04/16/2018  CWA-07-2018-0152 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Kerford Limestone Company)
04/16/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0083 CAFO (Hunt & Walsh, Inc., TSCA, CAFO)
04/16/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0082 CAFO (T.S.G. Construction, LLC, TSCA, CAFO)
04/12/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2502(b) CAFO (Colonial Chemical, Inc.)
04/12/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2019(b) CAFO (Structural Steel Services, Inc.)
04/12/2018  FIFRA-04-2018-3002(b) CAFO (Sunbelt Pool Products, LLC)
04/12/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0025 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Exacto, Incorporated -ESA- (Sharon, Wisconsin))
04/12/2018  RCRA-04-2018-4008(b) CAFO (Occidental Chemical Corporation)
04/12/2018  FIFRA-04-2018-3007(b) CAFO (Crossroads Ace Hardware)
04/12/2018  FIFRA-04-2018-3000(b) CAFO (Mobile Paint Manufacturing Company of Delaware, Inc.)
04/12/2018  FIFRA-04-2018-3005(b) CAFO (Hotsy-Pressure Systems, Inc.)
04/12/2018  EPCRA-02-2018-4203 Consent agreement and final order. (Vulcraft of New York, Inc.)
04/12/2018  EPCRA 06-2018-0504 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Nestle Prepared Foods Co. Inc. )
04/11/2018  RCRA-02-2018-7705 Expediated settlement agreement (Blueox Corporation)
04/10/2018  FIFRA-01-2018-0022 CAFO (Deer No No, Inc.)
04/10/2018  CWA-08-2018-0004 Combined Complaint and Consent Agreement with Final Order (HILL ENTERPRISES, INC.)
04/10/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0024 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Feil Water Treatment, Incorporated - ESA- (New Lenox, Illinois) )
04/10/2018  TSCA-02-2017-9104 Consent agreement and final order. (Betts Environmental Services Corporation)
04/10/2018  RCRA-02-2017-7108 Consent agreement and final order. (Kerry Biofunctional Ingredients, Inc. d/b/a Kerry Bio Sciences)
04/10/2018  RCRA-03-2018-0044 CAFO (Brenner Aerostructures, LLC, RCRA, CAFO)
04/10/2018  CWA-07-2017-0450 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Waterford)
04/09/2018  TSCA-07-2018-0188 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Farr Rentals, LLC)
04/06/2018  CERCLA-05-2018-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Lac qui Parle Cooperative Oil Company -CAFO- (Dawson, Minnesota))
04/06/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0023 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Illiana Transit Warehouse Corporation -ESA- (Calumet City, Illinois))
04/06/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0022 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Dadant & Sons, Incorporated - ESA- (Hamilton, Illinois) )
04/06/2018  CAA-05-2018-0007 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Bureau Service Co. DBA Ag View FS, Inc. -ESA- (RMP-18-ESA-006) (Buda, Illinois))
04/06/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0023 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Illiana Transit Warehouse Corporation -ESA- (Calumet City, Illinois))
04/05/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0021 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Chemco Products, Inc. - ESA- (Howell, Michigan))
04/05/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0020 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Brenntag Great Lakes, LLC - CAFO- (Milwaukee, Wisconsin))
04/05/2018  CWA-05-2018-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Bi-State Group, LLC and Larry Sinn (CAFO) (East St. Louis, Illinois) )
04/05/2018  RCRA 06-2018-0915 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Med Fusion, LLC)
04/04/2018  TSCA-02-2018-9291 Consent agreement and final order. (Utica Painting Company, Inc.)
04/04/2018  FIFRA-01-2018-0021 CAFO (Armatron International, Inc. )
04/03/2018  RCRA-02-2017-7102 Consent agreement and final order. (The City University of New York Including Brooklyn College)
04/03/2018  CWA-07-2018-0062 Consent Agreement/Final Order (Kenneth Venner d/b/a Kenneth Venner Feedlot)
04/03/2018  CWA-07-2017-0342 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (MFA OIL COMPANY)
03/29/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0062 SCAFO (Windsor Contractors, Inc.)
03/29/2018  CAA-01-2018-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (John S. Lane and Son, Inc.)
03/29/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2505(b) CAFO (Boss Construction School, Inc.)
03/29/2018  CAA-10-2018-0257 CAFO (Granite Construction Company )
03/29/2018  RCRA-04-2018-4003(b) CAFO (ECOFLO Incorporated)
03/29/2018  EPCRA-01-2018-0018 CAFO (Atlantic Footcare, Inc.)
03/29/2018  EPCRA 06-2018-0505 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Hiland Dairy Foods Co.)

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