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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
07/13/2022  CAA-10-2022-0186 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Washington Fruit & Produce Company)
07/13/2022  FIFRA-08-2022-0041 (Airtime Aerial, LLC)
07/12/2022  CAA-01-2022-0034 and EPCRA-01-2022-0035 CAFO (Greenfield Global USA, Inc.)
07/12/2022  TSCA-10-2022-0150 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Standard Restoration LLC)
07/12/2022  CAA-07-2022-0070 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Cooperative Association No. 130)
07/12/2022  TSCA-10-2022-0198 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Owyhee Enterprises LLC)
07/12/2022  RCRA-10-2022-0155 Expedited Settlement Agreement (TDY Industries, LLC)
07/12/2022  TSCA-10-2022-0198 Final Order (Owyhee Enterprises LLC)
07/12/2022  TSCA-10-2022-0150 Final Order (Standard Restoration LLC)
07/11/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0016 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Diversey, Inc (Eau Claire, Wisconsin))
07/11/2022  TSCA-05-2022-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Crop Max II, LLC (Charleston, Illinois))
07/11/2022  RCRA-04-2022-2109(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Saati Americas Corporation)
07/11/2022  CAA-05-2022-0019 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Krown Inc. d/b/a Hi-Yield Products (Hartland, Minnesota))
07/11/2022  RCRA-02-2022-7214 Expediated settlement agreement (Nova Optical Laboratory)
07/11/2022  CWA-06-2022-4303 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (City of Hominy)
07/11/2022  CWA-06-2022-2709 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Larry Davison)
07/11/2022  TSCA-09-2022-0050 (OFM Corporation dba Alward Construction)
07/08/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0015 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Calgon Carbon Corporation (Columbus, Ohio))
07/07/2022  FIFRA-07-2022-0068 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Corteva Agriscience LLC)
07/07/2022  FIFRA-07-2021-0023 Consent Agreement and Final Order (MJB Worldwide, LLC)
07/06/2022  FIFRA-06-2022-0407 Consent Agreement and Final Order (O4 Global Trading USA, LLC)
07/06/2022  CAA 06-2022-3344 Expedited Settlement Agreement (El Dorado Chemical Company)
07/06/2022  SPCC-09-2022-0056 (Monterey Regional Waste Management District)
07/05/2022  CAA 06-2022-3345 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Houston Specialty Meats & Seafood)
07/05/2022  CAA-06-2022-3301 Expedited Settlement Agreement (City of Alexandria/Highway 28 West Site)
07/05/2022  TSCA-10-2022-0161 Final Order (Kline Construction and Assoc LLC)
07/05/2022  TSCA-10-2022-0161 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Kline Construction and Assoc LLC)
07/05/2022  CAA-10-2022-0180 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Smith Frozen Foods, Inc.)
07/05/2022  FIFRA-07-2022-0073 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Van Diest Supply Company)
07/05/2022  CWA-07-2022-0046 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Asphalt Sales Company, Inc.)
07/04/2022  RCRA-05-2022-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (PVS Nolwood Chemicals Inc. (Detroit, Michigan))
07/01/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0014 Consent Agreement and Final Order (ETi Solid State Lighting Inc (Wheeling, Illinois))
06/30/2022  RCRA-02-2022-7213 Expediated settlement agreement (Curaleaf)
06/29/2022  CWA-08-2021-0017 CAFO (CITY OF HELENA, MONTANA)
06/29/2022  RCRA-05-2022-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (MPI Engineered Technologies LLC (Deerfield, Wisconsin))
06/29/2022  MM-05-2022-0008 CERCLA-05-2022-0009 EPCRA-05-2022-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Jones Trucking Service Inc. (Stewardson, Illinois))
06/29/2022  RCRA-02-2022-7212 Consent agreement and final order (NOHMS Technologies Inc.)
06/29/2022  RCRA-08-2022-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Farmer's Union Oil Company of Devil's Lake)
06/28/2022  CAA-01-2022-0021 ESA (A.T. Wall Company)
06/28/2022  CWA-01-2022-0048 ESA (Broco Oil, Inc.)
06/28/2022  TSCA-10-2022-0187 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Asbestos Central, LLC)
06/28/2022  CWA-10-2022-0177 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Avimor Development, LLC)
06/23/2022  CWA-01-2022-0036 ESA (J & F Marinella Development Corporation)
06/23/2022  CERCLA-03-2022-0086 CAFO (Sasol Chemicals (USA) LLC)
06/23/2022  CAA-06-2022-3346 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Arlanxeo USA, LLC - Orange Site.)
06/23/2022  CERCLA-05-2022-008 EPCRA-05-2022-0010 MM-05-2022-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (INEOS Nitriles USA LLC (Lima, Ohio))
06/22/2022  CWA-01-2022-0042 ESA (A & E Metal Recycling and Packaging, Inc.)
06/22/2022  CAA-10-2022-0194 Expediated Settlement Agreement (Wilbur-Ellis Company LLC)
06/22/2022  CWA-07-2021-0087 Expediated Settlement Agreement (Shilling Construction Company)
06/22/2022  CWA-08-2022-0007 Final Order and Consent Agreement (MORTON & COFFMAN, LLC dba MOUNTAIN VIEW CENEX)
06/22/2022  CWA-06-2022-4811 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Southwest Shipyard LLC)
06/22/2022  CWA-06-2022-4318 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Great Southwestern Exploration Inc.)
06/21/2022  TSCA-04-2022-3109(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Horizon Realty and Management, LLC)
06/21/2022  TSCA-04-2022-3106(b) Consent Agreement and Final Orde (J & R Construction Services, Inc.)
06/21/2022  RCRA-03-2022-0035 CAFO (The Sherwin Williams Company)
06/21/2022  TSCA-04-2022-3110(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Topflight Realty and Property Management, LLC)
06/21/2022  CWA-10-2022-0163 Expediated Settlement Agreement (McCall River Ranch Company)
06/21/2022  RCRA-10-2022-0191 Expediated Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Microchip Technology, Inc.)
06/21/2022  RCRA-04-2022-2103(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC)
06/16/2022  RCRA-08-2022-0010 Final Order and Consent Agreement (National Park Service (Ok-A-Beh Marina))
06/16/2022  CWA-06-2022-4807 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Intergulf Corporation, Inc.)
06/16/2022  UIC-09-2022-0034 (Wailuku Professional Plaza)
06/15/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0013 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Retailers Supply Co Inc. (New Albany, Indiana))
06/14/2022  CAA-03-2022-0004 ESA (Van Hoekelen Greenhouses, Inc.)
06/14/2022  EPCRA-02-2022-4401 Consent agreement and final order. (Cruzan VRIL, Ltd)
06/13/2022  CWA-06-2022-4314 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (City of Skiatook)
06/09/2022  TSCA-05-2022-0005 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Our Home Improvement (OHi) LLC. (Elk Grove Village, Illinois))
06/09/2022  EPCRA-05-2022-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Packers Canning Company, Inc. (Lawton, Michigan))
06/09/2022  CAA-02-2022-1206 Consent agreement andd final order (Brooklyn Resource Recovery, Inc.)
06/09/2022  FIFRA-06-2022-0408 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Verataur, LLC)
06/08/2022  RCRA-03-2022-0072 CAFO (Nucor Insulated Panels Group, LLC)
06/08/2022  CAA-EPCRA-CERCLA-03-2022-0065 CAFO (City of Martinsburg, WV)
06/08/2022  CWA-02-2022-3304 Expediated settlement agreement (ATA Developers/Premier Development)
06/08/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0012 Expedited Settlement and Final Agreement (ABF Labs Inc. (Waukegan, Illinois))
06/08/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Coltene/Whaledent, Inc. (Cuyahoga, Falls, Ohio))
06/08/2022  TSCA-05-2022-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Vytex Corporation (Twinsburg, Ohio))
06/07/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0074 Expediated Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Art's-Way Manufacturing Co., Inc.)
06/07/2022  CERCLA-EPCRA-03-2022-0068 CAFO (Bear Island Paper WB, LLC)
06/07/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0071 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Loparex, LLC)
06/07/2022  EPCRA-06-2022-0503 Consent Agreement and FInal Order (Enviro Tech Chemicals)
06/07/2022  FIFRA-06-2022-0417 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Maverick International, Ltd.)
06/07/2022  SPCC-09-2022-0054 (Oroville Lake Marinas LLC)
06/06/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Buzz Products Pty. Ltd. (Australia) in care of U.S. Agent, Ceva Logistics LLC (Torrence, California))
06/03/2022  EPCRA-10-2022-0185 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Swanson Group MFG, LLC)
06/03/2022  RCRA-10-2022-0192 Consent Agreement and Final Order (United States Air Force - Eareckson Air Station)
06/02/2022  FIFRA-03-2022-0075 CAFO (QVC, Inc.)
06/02/2022  CAA-06-2022-3348 Expedisted Settlement Agreement (Williams Gin and Grain, Inc.)
06/02/2022  CAA-06-2022-3303 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Fractionation Research, Inc.)
06/02/2022  CWA-08-2022-0006 Final Order and Consent Agreement (Pale Horse Services, Inc.)
06/01/2022  CWA-06-2022-4810 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Safety Kleen Systems, Inc.)
06/01/2022  RCRA-08-2022-0010 Consent Agreement for Compliance (National Park Service (Ok-A-Beh Marina))
06/01/2022  CAA 06-2022-3339 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Hilti, Inc. - Hilti Dallas DC)
06/01/2022  CAA-05-2022-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Fuyao Glass Illinois, Inc. CAFO (Decatur, Illinois))
06/01/2022  CAA-09-2022-0051 (Remus Technology (dba Remus USA))
05/31/2022  TSCA-01-2022-0004 CAFO (American Wire, LLC.)
05/31/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0929 Consent Agreement and Final Order (International Paper Company)
05/31/2022  CWA-06-2022-4804 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Pasadena Refining Systems, Inc.)
05/27/2022  FIFRA-05-2022-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Allied 100, LLC CAFO (Dublin, Ohio))
05/27/2022  SDWA-05-2022-0006 (Lambda Energy Resources, LLC (Bentley, Michigan))
05/25/2022  CWA-02-2022-3309 Expediated settlement agreement (Forest Estates 28, LLC)

(20036 entries in this collection)
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