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Document DateCase
12/11/2024  CAA-06-2025-3307 Consent Agreement (Earthstone Operating, LLC)
12/10/2024  CWA-02-2024-3308 Consent agreement and final order (City of New Brunsick Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Syste (MS4))
12/10/2024  RCRA-07-2024-0130 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Elster American Meter Company, LLC)
12/10/2024  TSCA-05-2025-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Afton Chemical Corporation (Sauget, Illinois))
12/10/2024  FIFRA-05-2025-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (The Pond Guy, Inc. (Armada, Michigan))
12/09/2024  CWA-05-2024-0017 Effective Consent Agreement and Final Order (Hilltop Basic Resources, Inc. (Cincinnati, Ohio))
12/09/2024  RCRA-06-2025-0904 Expedied Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Vopak Terminal Corpus Christi)
12/06/2024  CWA-02-2025-3306 Expediated settlement agreement (Asbury Farms)
12/06/2024  CAA(112r)-09-2024-0081 (Central Valley Meat Co Inc)
12/06/2024  EPCRA-09-2024-0091 (Central Valley Meat Co Inc)
12/06/2024  CWA-02-2025-3303 Expediated settleent agreement (Rubbercycle LLC)
12/06/2024  CWA-06-2025-4301 Expedited Spill Prevention Control, and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Martin Oil & Gas)
12/06/2024  CWA-06-2025-4302 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Martin Oil & Gas)
12/05/2024  TSCA-02-2024-9276 Consent agreement and final order (Clean Air Environmental Services, Inc.)
12/05/2024  TSCA-07-2025-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (BBW Homes, LLC)
12/04/2024  CWA-10-2024-0148 Ahsahka Water and Sewer District CWA 10 2024 0148 (Ahsahka Water and Sewer District)
12/04/2024  FIFRA-04-2024-3026(b) Consent Agrement and Final Order (Atticus, LLC)
12/04/2024  RCRA-05-2025-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Tradebe Treatment & Recycling, LLC (East Chicago, Indiana))
12/04/2024  FIFRA-05-2025-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Beckart Environmental, Inc. (Kenosha, Wisconsin))
12/03/2024  CAA-10-2024-0203 AirgasTualatin CAA 10 2024 0203 (Airgas USA LLC)
12/03/2024  TSCA-10-2025-0009 Fresh Look Remodel TSCA 10 2025 0009 (Fresh Look Remodel LLC)
12/03/2024  TSCA-07-2024-0121 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Nygard Construction, LLC)
12/02/2024  CERCLA-05-2025-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Roeder Cartage Company, Inc. (Lima, Ohio))
12/02/2024  MM-07-2024-0139 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Ajinomoto Health and Nutrition North America, Inc.)
12/02/2024  EPCRA-05-2025-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Roeder Cartage Company, Inc. (Lima, Ohio))
11/27/2024  CAA-08-2025-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Arrow Pipeline, LLC)
11/26/2024  FIFRA-04-2025-3005(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (BrandArmor Technologies, LLC)
11/26/2024  FIFRA-04-2024-3022(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (AMIL Care Corp.)
11/26/2024  FIFRA-09-2025-0006 (Sainstore, Inc.)
11/26/2024  CWA-10-2025-0002 Skagway CWA 10 2025 0002 (Municipality of Skagway)
11/25/2024  RCRA-06-2025-0906 Expedited Settelement Agreement and Final Order (G&H Towing Company)
11/25/2024  RCRA-03-2025-0004 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Huntington Plating, Inc.)
11/25/2024  SDWA-08-2024-0042 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Oasis Petroleum North America LLC)
11/25/2024  CWA-10-2024-0100 CAFO Tyree Oil CWA 10 2024 0100 (Tyree Oil Inc)
11/22/2024  CAA-05-2025-0012 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Moncure & Rohr Brand Development LLC and National Sales Management LLC (Austin, TX) and Rohr Enterprises (Birmingham, AL))
11/22/2024  EPCRA-10-2024-0121 North Star Casteel EPCRA 10 2024 0121 (North Star Casteel Products Inc)
11/22/2024  CWA-07-2024-0141 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Franky and Louie's, LLC)
11/21/2024  CWA-04-2024-1214(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Agreserves, Inc., D/B/A Deseret Cattle & Timber, and Deseret Ranches of North Florida, LLC)
11/21/2024  CWA-02-2025-3307 Expediated settlement agreement (Fast Build, Inc.)
11/21/2024  CAA-05-2024-0059 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Lakeside Foods, Inc. (Brooten, Minnesota))
11/20/2024  RCRA-02-2024-7203 Expediated settlement agreement (Quality Electroplating Corp.)
11/20/2024  RCRA-03-2025-0014 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Kingsbury, Inc.)
11/20/2024  RCRA-03-2025-0001 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Howard University Hospital Corp.)
11/20/2024  FIFRA-05-2025-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (West Marine Products, Inc. (Troy, Michigan))
11/19/2024  TSCA-07-2024-0152 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Kim Roberts Properties, LLC)
11/19/2024  FIFRA-09-2025-0010 (HomeGoods LLC)
11/19/2024  CAA(112r)-09-2025-0023 (Fowler Packing Company)
11/19/2024  CAA-09-2025-0012 (McWane Inc dba AB&I)
11/18/2024  CWA-05-2025-0001 Effective CAFO (DTE Electric Company – Monroe Power Plant (Monroe, Michigan))
11/18/2024  CWA-08-2024-0017 Expedited Penalty Action and Consent Agreement and Final Order (HHI Corporation)
11/18/2024  CWA-05-2024-0018 Filed Consent Agreement and Final Order (Elgiloy Specialty Metals (Sycamore, Illinois))
11/18/2024  TSCA-04-2024-6118(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (PD Painting, Inc.)
11/18/2024  TSCA-08-2025-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Pacific Coast Capital Investors, LLC dba North Aspen Apartments)
11/18/2024  CWA-10-2024-0243 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Town of Rockford)
11/15/2024  CAA(112r)-09-2024-0063 (City of Flagstaff)
11/15/2024  CWA-09-2024-0078 (Continental Transport Corporation)
11/15/2024  RCRA-09-2025-0007 (Panasonic Energy of North America)
11/15/2024  CAA(112r)-09-2025-0008 (Goodsprings Energy Recovery Station)
11/15/2024  CAA(112r)-09-2025-0021 (Cal Marine Fish Company, LLC)
11/14/2024  TSCA-05-2025-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Edgar Espinoza (Chicago, Illinois))
11/14/2024  CWA-06-2024-4323 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Counstermeasure Settlement Agreement (Avalanche Oil & Gas, LLC)
11/12/2024  TSCA-03-2025-0031 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (All Pro Home Improvement LLC)
11/12/2024  CWA-10-2024-0214 Expedited Settlement Agreement (City of Bainbridge Island)
11/08/2024  CWA-05-2024-0017 Issued CAFO (Hilltop Basic Resources, Inc. (Cincinnati, Ohio))
11/08/2024  CWA-02-2025-3301 Consent agreement and final order (Sanford Stone, LLC)
11/07/2024  TSCA-03-2025-0034 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Dun Rite Window and Door)
11/07/2024  TSCA-03-2025-0033 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (The Home Doctor Exterior LLC)
11/06/2024  CWA-07-2024-0125 Expedited Spill Prevention Control And Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (MMP, LLC)
11/06/2024  CWA-07-2024-0138 Expedited Spill Prevention Control And Countermeasure
Settlement Agreement (LSMMO, LLC)
11/05/2024  FIFRA-03-2025-0029 Consent Agreement and Final Order (CleanEdge, LLP)
11/05/2024  CERCLA-05-2025-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Aurorium Zeeland LLC (Zeeland, Michigan))
11/05/2024  CWA-10-2024-0150 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Alaska Stormwater Maintenance Yard)
11/05/2024  CWA-01-2025-0003 (Onyx Corporation)
11/04/2024  CWA-09-2024-0079 (Paramount Builders Inc)
10/31/2024  FIFRA-05-2025-0007 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Canton Crop Service, Inc. (Canton, Illinois))
10/31/2024  CAA-05-2025-0014 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Dearwester Grain Services, Inc. (Canton, Illinois))
10/31/2024  CAA-06-2025-3300 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Energy Transfer Geismar Olefins LLC)
10/30/2024  FIFRA-02-2025-5005 Consent agreement and final order (Arch Chemicals, Inc.)
10/29/2024  CWA-01-2025-0002 (Hutchens Holding III, LLC)
10/29/2024  FIFRA-03-2025-0041 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Advanced Skin Technologies, Inc.)
10/29/2024  CAA-09-2024-0025 (Norco Corporation)
10/28/2024  CWA-07-2023-0142 COMPLAINT AND
FINAL ORDER (ContiTech USA, Inc.,)
10/28/2024  FIFRA-10-2024-0058 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Columbia Grain International, LLC)
10/25/2024  CWA-05-2024-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Hartford Wood River Terminal, LLC (Hartford, Illinois))
10/24/2024  EPCRA-05-2025-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Autocam Corporation (Marshall, Michigan))
10/24/2024  CAA-05-2025-0011 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Miller Electric Mfg,. LLC (Appleton, Wisconsin))
10/24/2024  FIFRA-08-2025-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Protekta Inc.)
10/24/2024  RCRA-05-2025-0006 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Allied Tube & Conduit Corporation (Harvey, Illinois))
10/23/2024  CWA-09-2024-0083 (Aloha Petroleum LLC)
10/22/2024  CWA-05-2024-0016 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Evonik Corporation (Mapleton, Illinois))
10/22/2024  EPCRA-03-2025-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (DAP Global, Inc.)
10/22/2024  RCRA-03-2025-0012 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Sims ARG, Inc.)
10/22/2024  FIFRA-09-2025-0009 (Valent U.S.A. LLC)
10/22/2024  CAA-07-2024-0078 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Kugler Oil Company)
10/22/2024  RCRA-06-2024-1011 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Specialty Construction Brands)
10/21/2024  CWA-01-2025-0001 (Lakeview Marine, Inc.)
10/21/2024  CAA-07-2024-0056
10/21/2024  TSCA-06-2025-6175 Consent Ageement and Final Order (Jupiter 120 LLC)
10/18/2024  CWA-05-2024-0015 Effective Consent Agreement and Final Order (Caterpillar Inc. (Pontiac, Illinois))
10/18/2024  CWA-05-2025-0001 Issued CAFO (DTE Electric Company – Monroe Power Plant (Monroe, Michigan))

(20037 entries in this collection)
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 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 
 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 
 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 [next]

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