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Complaint DateStatusDocket Number
06/15/2017ClosedCWA-04-2017-4501(b) Lennar Homes, LLC Central Florida Division
06/15/2017ClosedCWA-04-2017-4502(b) Lennar Homes, LLC Central Florida Division Summerfield Crossing
06/15/2017ClosedCWA-04-2017-4503(b) Lennar Homes, LLC Central Florida Division Hertitage Springs At Trinity
06/15/2017ClosedCWA-04-2017-4504(b) Lennar Homes, LLC Southwest Florida Division -Riverstrand
06/15/2017ClosedSDWA-08-2017-0019 WHITEROCKS PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM
06/14/2017ClosedCAA-05-2017-0027 NLMK Indiana -CAFO- (Portage, Indiana)
06/14/2017ClosedCAA-05-2017-0028 Decorative Panels International, Inc. -CAFO- (Alpena, Michigan)
06/14/2017ClosedCWA-02-2017-3308 Miller's Son Shine Acres, Inc.
06/14/2017ClosedCWA-02-2017-3310 Town of Vestal
06/14/2017ClosedCWA-07-2017-0148 Jim Dalinghaus
06/14/2017ActiveRCRA-03-2017-0122 Indmar Coatings Corporation
06/14/2017ClosedTSCA-03-2017-0145 Krabel Properties, LLC, TSCA, SCAF0.
06/13/2017ClosedCAA-03-2017-0097 DanChem Technologies, Inc., CAA, Expedited Penalty CAFO.
06/13/2017ClosedCWA-07-2017-0134 Schildberg Construction Company, Inc
06/13/2017ClosedCWA 06-2016-4814 NuStar Logistics, L.P.
06/13/2017ClosedEPCRA 06-2017-0510 Powder Metallurgy Co. Inc.
06/13/2017ClosedRUST-05-2017-0009 Redby One Stop (Redby, Minnesota)
06/13/2017ClosedTSCA-03-2017-0156 A&D Construction of Virginia, LLC, TSCA, SCAFO
06/13/2017ClosedTSCA-03-2017-0157 Cap City Management, LLC, TSCA, SCAFO
06/12/2017ClosedCAA-07-2017-0133 Darling Ingredients, Inc
06/12/2017ClosedCWA 06-2016-4805 Center Point Terminal Company, LLC
06/01/2017ClosedCWA 06-2017-4307 Tessera Energy, LLC
06/01/2017ClosedEPCRA 06-2017-0512 Liberty Forge, Inc.
06/01/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0037 Goodwill Manufacturing, Inc. -ESA- (Greendale, Wisconsin)
06/01/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0038 Hicksville Grain Company -ESA- (Hicksville, Ohio)
06/01/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0039 Great Lakes IPM, Inc. -ESA- (Vestaburg, Michigan)
06/01/2017ClosedRCRA-05-2017-0015 Downtown Shell (Chicago, Illinois)
06/01/2017ClosedTSCA-09-2017-0005 Samirian Chemicals Inc.
05/09/2017ClosedCERCLA-08-2017-0003 EP ENERGY E&P COMPANY, LP
05/09/2017ClosedSDWA-08-2017-0015 RENAE HALL & SHAWN HALL
05/08/2017ClosedCAA-07-2017-0007 Rock County Agronomy Services
05/08/2017ClosedCWA-07-2017-0021 Buckeye South St LouisTerminal, LLC
05/08/2017ClosedCWA-07-2017-0022 ICM Biofuels, LLC
05/08/2017ClosedCWA-07-2017-0025 Agriland FS
05/08/2017ClosedCWA-07-2017-0100 City of Parsons, Kansas
05/05/2017ClosedCWA-03-2017-0101 Antrim Township CWA, SCAFO
05/04/2017ClosedCAA-04-2017-8000(b) Jarden Zinc Products, LLC
05/04/2017ClosedCWA-03-2017-0087 City of Salisbury, Maryland, CWA, SCAFO,
05/04/2017ClosedCWA-04-2016-7004(b) Key Oil Company - Leitchfield Bulk Plant
05/04/2017ClosedCWA-04-2016-7005(b) Center Point Terminal Chickasaw, LLC
05/04/2017ClosedCWA-04-2017-5001(b) Venture Oil & Gas, Inc.
05/04/2017ClosedCWA-04-2017-7000(b) Austin Powder Midsouth - Pegram, Tennessee
05/04/2017ClosedCWA-04-2017-7001(b) Petco Petroleum Corp. - Stevens Facility in Quitman, Mississippi
05/04/2017ClosedCWA-04-2017-7003(b) Petroci USA, Inc.
05/04/2017ClosedEPCRA-04-2016-2030(b) U. S. Agri-Chemicals Corporation
05/04/2017ClosedEPCRA-04-2017-2009(b) Technical Coatings Corporation
05/04/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0023 C-W Valley Coop -ESA- (Wolverton, Minnesota)
05/04/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0024 Chem-Tech International, Inc. -ESA- (Random Lake, Wisconsin)
05/04/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0025 Deepland Supply -ESA- (Hager City, Wisconsin)
05/04/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0026 Shelby County Cooperative -ESA- (Shelbyville, Indiana)
05/04/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0027 Brundt Consolidation, Inc. -ESA- (Springfield, Illinois)
05/04/2017ClosedTSCA-04-2016-2531(b) Strategic Management Partners d/b/a Sienna Heights Apartments
05/04/2017ClosedTSCA-04-2017-2506(b) H&W Windows and Repair Service, Inc.
05/04/2017ClosedTSCA-04-2017-2512(b) Peach State Labs, Inc.
05/04/2017ClosedTSCA-04-2017-2513(b) Clariant Corporation
05/04/2017ClosedTSCA-04-2017-2514(b) Phoenix Chemical Company, Inc.
05/31/2017ClosedCAA-07-2017-0119 GFG Ag Services
05/31/2017ClosedCWA-03-2017-0108 Borough of Steelton Municipal Bldg., CWA, SCAFO
05/31/2017ClosedCWA 06-2017-4305 Global OK Production, LLC
05/31/2017ClosedEPCRA-07-2017-0141 Belfonte Ice Cream Company
05/31/2017ClosedRCRA-07-2017-0151 Sivyer Steel Corporation
05/30/2017ClosedCAA-03-2017-0104 Hain Pure Protein Corp - Plainville Farms, CAA, ESA, CAFO
05/30/2017ClosedCWA-07-2017-0033 Iowa City Ready Mix, Inc
05/30/2017ClosedCWA 06-2017-4310 Randy & Jan Walker Oil Company, LLC
05/30/2017ClosedCWA 06-2017-4311 Urban Oil & Gas Group, LLC
05/03/2017ClosedCWA-07-2017-0039 Lewis Auto and Truck Parts
05/03/2017ClosedCWA 06-2016-4810 Clayton Williams Energy, Inc.
05/03/2017ClosedTSCA-09-2017-0004 Simply Building Inc.
05/26/2017ClosedEPCRA-04-2016-2025(b) United Plating, Inc.
05/25/2017ClosedFIFRA-04-2017-3000(b) Archer Ace Hardware
05/25/2017ClosedFIFRA 06-2017-0300 Flame Engineering, Inc.
05/25/2017ClosedTSCA-04-2017-2510(b) Imerys Carbonates
05/24/2017ClosedCAA-03-2017-0127 United States Department of Navy, Naval Foundry and Propeller Center, CAA, SCAFO
05/24/2017ClosedCAA-06-2016-3325 Sea Eagle Ford, LLC
05/24/2017ClosedCAA 06-2017-3340 City of Alexandria
05/24/2017ClosedRCRA-07-2017-0121 Super Saver
05/23/2017ClosedCWA-04-2016-4519(b) TruNorth Transport, LLC
05/23/2017ClosedCWA-05-2017-0008 Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corporation (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
05/23/2017ClosedEPCRA-04-2017-2012(b) Plycem USA LLC
05/23/2017ClosedRCRA-07-2017-0120 Quick Trip #587
05/23/2017ClosedSDWA-06-2017-1106 Diamond 3S, LLC
05/23/2017ClosedTSCA-04-2015-2904(b) Wade Sand & Gravel Company, Inc.
05/22/2017ClosedCAA-05-2017-0023 Real Alloy Specification, Inc. -ESA- (Coldwater, Michigan)
05/22/2017ClosedCAA-05-2017-0024 Sunoco Partners Marketing and Terminal LP River Rouge -ESA- (Detroit, Michigan)
05/22/2017ClosedCWA-07-2017-0113 Pierce Lumber, Inc
05/22/2017ClosedCWA-10-2017-0107 The Jerry Brown Co., Inc.
05/22/2017ClosedEPCRA-05-2017-0017 Leonhardt Plating Company - INSTALLMENTS - (Cincinnati, Ohio)
05/22/2017ClosedEPCRA-05-2017-0018 Hitchcock Industries, Inc. d/b/a Consolidated Precision Products (Bloomington, Minnesota)
05/22/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0030 Pool & Spa Warehouse, Inc. -CAFO- (Toledo, Ohio)
05/22/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0031 South Central Seed & Chemical d/b/a Hefty Seed Company -ESA- (Janesville, Minnesota)
05/22/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0032 Seeler Industries, Inc. -ESA- (Joliet, Illinois)
05/22/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0033 Multi-Pack Solutions, LLC -ESA- (Mount Prospect, Illinois)
05/22/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0034 `Dozen of Deals, Inc.-ESA- (Michigan City, Indiana)
05/22/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0035 Scot Laboratories -ESA- (Chagrin Falls, Ohio)
05/22/2017ClosedFIFRA-05-2017-0036 Yorba Organic, LLC -CAFO- (Sarasota, Florida)
05/22/2017ActiveSDWA-07-2017-0111 City of Beloit, Kansas
05/22/2017ClosedTSCA-05-2017-0003 Miron Masonry Company -CAFO- (Park Ridge, Illinois)
05/22/2017ClosedTSCA-07-2017-0122 Mr. Bryan J. Timmermeyer
05/02/2017ActiveCERCLA-07-2017-0005 Iowa Nebraska Light & Power Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site

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