Mountainside Realty, Kevin Weinhoffer Marshall Corbin, Target Housing
- Docket Number: TSCA-03-2008-0333
Status: Closed
Statute: TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 06/26/2008
Closed Date: 01/22/2010
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 03
(10/23/2008) # Complainant's Pre-hearing Exchange ( attachments are in file upon request)
(07/28/2008) # Answer to complaint
(06/26/2008) # Administrative Complaint
(01/15/2009) #4 Consent Agreement and Final Order $1,900.00
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: TSCA-03-2008-0333