Portsmouth Boating Center, Inc. (CWA)
- Docket Number: CWA-03-2011-0099
Status: Closed
Statute: CWA CWA- Oil Pollution (311)
Complaint Date: 03/23/2011
Closed Date: 03/20/2012
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 03
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(03/23/2011) #1 Administrative Complaint
(04/26/2011) #2 Answer to complaint
(05/05/2011) #3 Office of ALJ offers Alternative Dispute Resolution Process
(09/14/2011) #5 Joint Motion for Extension of Time to Pursue Alternative Dispute Resolution
(05/17/2011) #6 Both respondent and complailnt accept offer of ADR
(05/23/2011) #7 Order Initiating Alternative Dispute Resolution Process and Appointing Neutral
(07/21/2011) #8 Joint Motion for Extension of Time to pursue Alternatiave Dispute Resolution
(07/21/2011) #9 Order,, that Motion is granted
(10/20/2011) #10 Order of Designaiiton, Judge Biro
(10/18/2011) #11 Order Terminating Alternative Dispute Resolution Processs
(11/07/2011) #12 Prehearing Order
(11/30/2011) #13 Status Report
(12/09/2011) #14 Joint Motion for One-Week Extension for Submission of Prehearing Exchanges
(12/22/2011) #15 consent agreement and final order $$2793.00
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: CWA-03-2011-0099