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Complaint DateStatusDocket Number
2015*ClosedCWA-02-2015-3802 Virgin Islands Paving, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-02-2015-3803 Island Roads Asphalt
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0001 Midwest Wrecking Co., Ltd., d/b/a Midwest Auto Salvage
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0009 Orrick Oil Gas
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0016 Stromo, LLC
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0017 Stromo, LLC
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0026 All America Pump, Omaha, NE
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0027 Ist Stop Inc/Alta Convenience Store, Norton, KS
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0028 Corner Cupboard Inc, Osborne, KS
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0029 Farmers Union Merc & Shipping A Inc., Stockton, KS
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0031 Rancho Truck Plaza
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0033 Pine Lake Corn Processors
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0039 Lybarger Oil COmpany
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0062 Phoenix C&D Recycling, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0063 Buggy Stop C-Store
2015*ClosedCWA-07-2015-0077 Freeman Oil
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0002 South Fork Coeur d'Alene Swere District, Page Wastewater Treatment Plant, ID
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0005 James Conant
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0012 Clackamas County Water Environment Services, Oregon City, OR / Richard Phillips Marine, Inc. Boring, OR
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0013 Gordon Trucking, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0014 City of Hagerman Wastewater Treatment Plant
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0019 Foxtail Sub-M3 Development Patners, LLC & Idaho Sand & Gravel
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0027 Aurora Communications International, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0028 J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0029 Silver Bay Seafood, LLC
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0033 City of Heyburn, Wastewater Treatment Plant
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0039 Supervalu Holdings, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0050 Omega Point Productions, LLC
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0052 South-Port Marina, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0053 A-1 Petroleum & Propane, Inc
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0068 Fred's Marina in Multnomah Channel, Multnomah County, OR, a research vessel owned by Gravity Consulting, LLC
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0072 City of Burley, Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0074 Silver Bay Seafoods, LLC - Sitka Plant
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0080 Western Peterbilt, LLC
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0084 Petro Marine Services in Wrangell, Alaska
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0087 A2Z Enterprises, LLC
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0093 was cwa-10-2014-0034 R. Bajema Farm, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0094 Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0099 Cascade Petroleum Transportation, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0106 NANA Oilfield Services, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0113 Leader Creek Fisheries, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0118 Stanley Associates, Inc.
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0122 Seneca Foods Corporation - Payette Plant
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0124 Delta Western, Inc. - Sitka, AK
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0127 Petersen Brothers Construction and Agri-Service
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0135 Conagra Foods Lamb Westeon, Inc.
2015*ActiveCWA-10-2015-0136 Building Busters, Inc., dba Contractors Concrete Recycling and Monster Auto Wrecking
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0137 REPSOL E&P USA, INC. - Woodlands, TX
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0138 Placer Mining
2015*ClosedCWA-10-2015-0142 McMaster Construction & Development and Hayden Homes
2015*ClosedEPCRA-01-2015-0022 Specialty Minerals, Inc. and Minteq International Inc.
2015*ActiveEPCRA-01-2015-0038 Hospital Marketing Services Co., Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-01-2015-0045 Laticrete International, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-01-2015-0055 BWE, Inc., f/n/a Booth Waltz Enterprise, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-01-2015-0068 Suddekor LLC
2015*ClosedEPCRA-02-2015-0801 Cummins Inc. Jamestown Engine Plant
2015*ClosedEPCRA-02-2015-4001 Goldman Titanium, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-02-2015-4102 Bumper Specialties, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-02-2015-4103 Adron Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-02-2015-4201 Steel Treaters, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-02-2015-4202 MPL, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-02-2015-4204 Advanced Circuit Technologies Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-02-2015-4301 Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
2015*ClosedEPCRA-02-2015-4302 Compania Cervecera de Puerto Rico, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-07-2015-0005 Coastal Energy Corporation
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0024 East Side Plating, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0025 Alaskan Copper Companies, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0031 Dickerson Frozen Foods, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0041 Wind Flow Fertilizer, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0043 Apple King, LLC
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0056 Foster Poultry Farms, a California Corporation d/b/a Foster Farms, Kelso, WA
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0060 Shining Ocean, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0076 Young Corporation, Meltec Division
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0077 PEXCO, LLC, Fife, Washington
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0089 Two Rivers Terminal, LLC
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0098 Wilcox Farms, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0114 Partner's Produce, Inc.
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0117 Goodrich Corporation
2015*ClosedEPCRA-10-2015-0119 Avtech Tyee, Inc.
2015*ClosedFIFRA-01-2015-0010 PetEdge, Inc.
2015*ClosedFIFRA-01-2015-0015 Valspar Corporation
2015*ClosedFIFRA-01-2015-0077 P.R. Russell
2015*ClosedFIFRA-01-2015-0078 Nutrico, Inc.
2015*ClosedFIFRA-02-2015-5015 INDCO Inc.
2015*ClosedFIFRA-02-2015-5101 VIP Beauty Group, LLC
2015*ClosedFIFRA-02-2015-5102 WR Neumann Company Inc. d/b/a Miracle Chemical Company
2015*ClosedFIFRA-07-2015-0004 Farm Advantage Unlimited Corp
2015*ClosedFIFRA-08-2015-0003 sBIOMED, LLC.
2015*ClosedFIFRA-10-2015-0036 CHS Inc. d/b/a Primeland Cooperatives
2015*ClosedFIFRA-10-2015-0109 Huntons' Sure Crop Farm Service, Inc.
2015*ClosedFIFRA-10-2015-0110 Marco Industries, Inc., d/b/a American Agriculture
2015*ClosedFIFRA-10-2015-0121 Paramount Pest Control, Inc.
2015*ClosedFIFRA-10-2015-0128 Environmental Compliance Resources, LLC
2015*ClosedFIFRA-10-2015-0130 Sulphur Mills Ltd.
2015*ClosedFIFRA-10-2015-0139 Cascade Designs, Inc.
2015*ActiveFIFRA-HQ-2015-5018 sBioMed, LLC
2015*ClosedRCRA-01-2015-0028 Mann Distribution LLC and 3134 Post LLC
2015*ClosedRCRA-01-2015-0069 Con-way Freight, Inc.
2015*ClosedRCRA-02-2015-7101 ECO International LLC
2015*ClosedRCRA-02-2015-7102 Brookdale Hospital Center Housing Company, Inc.

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