Mason Chemical Company (Arlington Heights, IL)
- Docket Number: FIFRA-05-2007-0027
Status: Closed
Statute: FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 05/10/2007
Closed Date: 05/04/2009
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 05
(05/10/2007) #1 Administrative Complaint
(05/18/2007) # 2 Green Card #: 7001 0320 0005 8910 5232 was signed on May 15, 2007.
(06/15/2007) # 3 Answer to Complaint and Request for Hearing.
(06/15/2007) # 4 RHC Transmittal Letter forwading case matter to Chief ALJ's office for Assignment.
(06/19/2007) # 5 Offer of ADR Process to Facilitate Settlement.
(06/29/2007) # 6 Forward email of Luis Oviedo, for Complainant dated June 28, 2007 Declining ADR Process.
(07/02/2007) # 7 Order of Designation. ALJ, Barbara A. Gunning, presiding.
(07/03/2007) # 8 Forward Email of Gary Preis, for Respondent dated: July 2, 2007 Accepting ADR Process to Facilitate Settlement.
(07/09/2007) # 9 Prehearing Order
(12/03/2007) # 10 Consent Agreement and Final Order
(12/07/2007) # 11 Green Card #: 7001 0320 0006 0185 7941 was signed December 5, 2007.