One Management, Inc., L&J Investment, Inc., and One Management Investment Group (Detroit, Michigan)
- Docket Number: TSCA-05-2008-0012
Status: Closed
Statute: TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 06/23/2008
Closed Date: 10/20/2009
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 05
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(06/23/2008) #1 Administrative Complaint
(06/30/2008) # 2 Green Card #: 7001 0320 0005 8921 6211 was signed June 26, 2008.
(07/23/2008) # 3 Respondents' Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to the Complaint.
(07/25/2008) # 4 Respondent's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to the Complaint.
(07/31/2008) # 5 Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time.
(08/14/2008) # 6 Respondent's Answer to Complaint
(08/28/2008) # 7 RHC transmittal letter forwarding case information to Chief ALJ for assignment of an ALJ
(09/05/2008) # 8 Offer of Alternative Dispute Resolution Process to Facilitate Settlement
(09/23/2008) # 9 Order Initiating Alternative Dispute Resolution Process and Appointing Neutral
(11/19/2008) # 10 Order Extending Alternative Dispute Resolution Process
(11/13/2008) # 11 Motion to Extend Time for Alternative Dispute Resolution Process
(12/19/2008) #12 Second Order Extending Alternative Dispute Resolution Process
(02/03/2009) #13 Order Terminating Alternative Dispute Resolution Process and Returning Proceeding to the Chief Judge
(02/03/2009) #14 Order of Designation
(02/03/2009) #15 Prehearing Order
(02/06/2009) #16 Complaintant's Motion to Amend Prehearing Order
(03/06/2009) #17 Notice of Appearance
(04/03/2009) #18 Complainant's Initial Prehearing Exchange (contains CBI)
(04/30/2009) #19 Complainant's Motion Regarding Respondent's Failure To Comply With The Prehearing Order
(05/26/2009) #20 Respondent's Response to Motion and Affidavit of Counsel
(05/29/2009) #21 Complainant's Reply To Respondents' Response To Complainant's Motion Regarding Respondents' Failure To Comply With The Prehearing Order
(06/08/2009) #22 Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time To File Initial Prehearing Exchange
(06/08/2009) #23 Respondent's Initial Prehearing Exchange (Exhibit 37 is not scanned; information in docket folder)
(06/08/2009) #24 Proof Of Service
(06/11/2009) #25 Order On EPA Motion Regarding Prehearing Order
(06/16/2009) #26 Respondent's Amended Initial Prehearing Exchange (Exhibits too volumious; information in file folder)
(08/05/2009) #27 Consent Agreement and Final Order
(08/12/2009) #28 Certifed Post Card