Thomas A. Nowakowski, Brian T. Nowakowski, Michael Moore, Apple Apartments, Inc. (Detroit, Michigan)
- Docket Number: TSCA-05-2009-0002
Status: Closed
Statute: TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 01/08/2009
Closed Date: 09/24/2009
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 05
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(01/08/2009) #1 Complaint
(02/04/2009) #2 Respondent's Request for an Unopposed Extension
(02/11/2009) #3 Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time
(03/19/2009) #4 Respondent's Request for a Second Unopposed Extension
(03/23/2009) #5 Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time
(05/04/2009) #6 Consent Agreement and Final Order