Willie P. Burrell, The Willie P. Burrell Trust Dudley B. Burrell and The Dudley B. Burrell Trust (Kankakee, Illinois)
- Docket Number: TSCA-05-2006-0012
Status: Closed
Statute: TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 06/22/2006
Closed Date: 04/30/2020
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 05
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(06/22/2006) #1 Compliant
(07/17/2006) #2 Certified Post Card
(07/18/2006) #3 Certified Post Cards
(12/17/2007) #4 Maria Gonzalez requesting status of Respondent's Answer from Sonja Brooks, Regional Hearing Clerk
(10/05/2010) #5 Docket Index - Certification of the Administrative Record Before EPA Region 5
(10/08/2010) #6 Declaration of LaDawn Whitehead
(12/17/2010) #7 Complainant's Motion For Default Order - Attachments Too Volumious
(01/11/2011) #8 Certifed Post Cards/Proof of Service
(01/14/2011) #9 Respondent's Motion for an Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleadings to Complainant's Motion and Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Default Order
(01/18/2011) #10 Motion for an Extension of Time to File Responsive Pleadings to Complainant's Motion and Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Default Order
(02/03/2011) #11 Order Granting Extension of Time
(03/09/2011) #12 Cover Letter with Certificate of Service for Business Confidentiality Asserted - Information cover under the Privacy Act
(03/07/2011) #13 -Appearance of Representative -Motion to Quash Service of Process -Motion to Dismiss for Defective Proof of Service -Memorandum in Support of Motion to Quash Service of Process and Motion to Dismiss -Affidavit of Derek S. Burrell -Affidavit of Dudley B. Burrell
(03/09/2011) #14 -Appearence of Representative -Motion to Dismiss for Defective Proof of Service -Motion Opposing Order of Default Judgment -Table of Contents and Table of Authorities for Respondents' Memorandum in Support of Their Motion to Dismiss and Motion Opposing Default Judgment -Memorandum in Support of Respondent's Motion Opposing Motion for Default Judgment and Respondents' Motion to Dismiss Exhibit A NOT INCLUDED - PII -Affidavit of Derek S. Burrell -Affidaviat of Willie P. Burrell Exhibits A-H NOT INCLUDED
(03/14/2011) #15 Complainant's Response to Respondents Willie P. Burrell and the Willie P. Burrell Trust Motion to Dismiss for Defective Service of Process, Complainant's Response to Respondents Willie P. Burrell and the Willie P. Burrell Trust Motion Opposing Order Default Judgment, Memorandum in Support of Complainant's Response to Respondents Willie P. Burrell and the Willie P. Burrell Trust Motion Opposing Default Judgment and Motion to Dismiss, Attachments: 1. March 11, 2011 Declaration of LaDawn Whitehead on File Stamp Dates on Certified Mail Receipts, 2. December 28, 2005 Correspondence from U.S. EPA seeking documentation that apartments were lead free, and 3. March 11, 2011 Correspondence from Complainant seeking additional financial information needed by financial analyst
(03/14/2011) #16 Complainant's Response to Respondents Dudley B. Burrell and the Dudley B. Burrell Trust Motion to Quash Service of Process, Complainant's Response to Respondents Dudley B. Burrell and the Dudley B. Burrell Trust Motion to Dismiss for Defective Service of Process, and , Complaninant's Memorandum in Opposition to Respondents Dudley B. Burrell and the Dudley B. Burrell Trust Motion to Quash Service of Process and Motion to Dismiss for Defective Service of Process. Attachments: 1. Prior Address Listing, 2. March 11, 2011 Declaration of LaDawn Whitehead on File Stamp Dates on Certified Mail Receipts, 3. Current internet listings for leasing by Dudley Burrell at 300 N. Indiana Ave., 4. Copies of envelopes containing Dudley Burrell request for conference and Motion for Extension of Time envelopes and 5. information on New World Development Corporation
(03/28/2011) #17 Letter Addressed to Marcy Toney, RJO
(03/29/2011) #18 Respondent's Reply to Complainant's Response to Respondents' Motion Opposing Default Judgment and Motion to Dismiss (Per Order from RJO, Exhibit B is included as proposed Answer on 4-8-2011)
(04/01/2011) #19 Motion to Strike the Complainant's Purported Internet Evidence of Respondents' Address AND Reply to Complainant's Response to Motion to Quash Service and Motion to Dismiss AND Exhibit A and Exhibit B; Exhibit C not included
(04/08/2011) #20 Order Regarding Filing of Answers
(01/14/2011) #21 Proposed Answer for Dudley B. Burrell and The Dudley B. Burrell Trust (Per Order from Marcy Toney, RJO on April 8, 2011)
(01/14/2011) #22 Proposed Answer for Willie P. Burrell and The Willie P. Burrell Trust (Per Order from Marcy Toney, RJO on April 8, 2011)
(03/31/2011) #23 Letter Dated March 25, 2011 (Per Order from Marcy Toney, RJO on April 8, 2011)
(03/31/2011) #24 Letter Dated March 25, 2011 with Copy of Proposed Answer (Per Order from Marcy Toney, RJO on April 8, 2011)
(04/08/2011) #25 Complainant's Response to Respondents Dudley B. Burrell and The Dudley B. Burrell Trust Motion to Strike the Complainant's Purported Internet Evidence of Respondent's Address AND Memorandum in Opposition to Respondents Dudley B. Burrell and The Dudley B. Burrell Trust Motion to Strike the Complainant's Purported Internet Evidence of Respondent's Address
(07/26/2011) #26 Order On Motions
(08/16/2011) #27 (1) Complainant’s Supplement Pursuant to July 26, 2011 Order on Motions; (2) a Memorandum in Support of Complainant’s Supplement
(09/14/2011) #28 Order Regarding Filing of Respondent's Joint Supplemental Memorandum
(08/31/2011) #29 Respondents' Joint Supplemental Memorandum Pursuant to July 26, 2011 Order on Motions - Information Claimed Confidential in the Attachment Has Been Deleted and a Complete Copy of the Document Containing Confidential Business Information Pursuant, But Not Limited to, the Toxic Substances Control Act, 40 CFR 2.203 (a), 2.203 (b), 40 CFR 22.5(d), Has Been Filed with the Regional Hearing Clerk, This is the Redacted, Public File, Version
(11/23/2011) #30 Order of Dismissal and Default and Initial Decision
(12/01/2011) #31 Appearence of Representative
(12/01/2011) #32 Motion to Extend Time to File Notice of Appeal, Appellate Brief and Related Pleadings to February 1, 2012
(01/04/2012) #33 Notice of Appeal - TSCA Appeal (11)-5 -- FILED ELECTRONICALLY WITH THE EAB DECEMBER 28, 2011
(08/21/2012) #34 Final Decision and Order (E-mail) TSCA Appeal No. 11-05
(08/24/2012) #35 Final Decision and Order [Decided August 21, 2012] TSCA Appeal No. 11-05