Superior Restoration and Construction LLC
- Docket Number: TSCA-07-2016-0017
Status: Active
Statute: TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 08/16/2016
Location Filed: Region 07
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(08/16/2016) #1 Complaint and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing
(08/29/2016) #2 Proof of Service
(03/28/2018) #3 Motion for Default Order
(03/28/2018) #4 Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Default Order, and Initial Decision
(03/28/2018) #5 Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Complainant's Motion for Default Order
(05/01/2018) #6 Order to Show Cause and Supplement the Record
(05/23/2018) #7 Complainant's Response to Order to Show Cause and Supplement the Record
(06/26/2018) #8 Second Order to Supplement the Record
(07/18/2018) #9 Complainant's Response to Second Order to Supplement the Record
(07/24/2018) #10 Order to Respondent to Show Cause
(06/25/2019) #11 Notice of Filing (Masitn Address)
(06/25/2019) #12 Notice of Filing (92nd Terr)
(06/25/2019) #13 Third Order to Complainant to Supplement the Record
(09/26/2019) #14 Complainant's Response to Third Order to Supplement the Record
(09/26/2019) #15 Complainant's First Motion for Leave to Supplement the Record
(09/26/2019) #16 Proposed Amendment to Complainant's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Default Order, and Initial Decision
(09/26/2019) #17 Proposed Supplement to Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Complainant's Motion for Default Order
(11/04/2019) #18 Order
(08/05/2019) #19 Order to Responent Granting Extension of Time to File Response to Third Order to Supplement the Record
(08/05/2019) #20 Return to Sender Order to Respondnet Granting Extension of Time to File Response 7686
(08/05/2019) #21 Return to Sender Order to Respondent Granting Extension fo Time to File Response Mail Returned 7693
(07/12/2019) #22 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to Third Order to Supplement the Record
(09/09/2016) #23 Notice of Intent to Institute Default Proceedings
(08/03/2018) #24 Proof of Respondent's Receipt of Complainant's Responses to First and Second Orders to Supplement the Record
(11/04/2019) #25 Notice of Filing
(09/19/2022) #26 Initial Decision and Default Order
(09/19/2022) #27 Certificate of Service for Initial Decision and Default Order
(09/19/2022) #28 Proof of Service for Initial Decision and Default Order
(09/21/2022) #29 Proof of Service on Initial Decision and Default Order
(10/11/2022) #30 Superior Restoration Initial Decision and Default Order Returned Proof of Service
(09/26/2022) #31 Initial Decision and Default Order Returned Proof of Service 2
(10/30/2022) #32 Initial Decision and Default Order Returned Proof of Service 3
(10/31/2022) #33 Order Declining to Exercise Sua Sponte Review