Edward L. Murray, Jr. (Indianapolis, IN)
- Docket Number: TSCA-05-2007-0013
Status: Closed
Statute: TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 08/16/2007
Closed Date: 09/08/2008
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 05
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(08/16/2007) #1 Administrative Complaint
(08/21/2007) # 2 Green Card #: 7001 0320 0006 1562 3198 was signed August 18, 2007.
(09/27/2007) # 3 Answer and Request for Extension of Time.
(12/17/2007) # 4 Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time. Respondent shall have until January 16, 2008 to file its answer or otherwise plead in this matter.
(12/20/2007) # 5 Corrected Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time. Respondent shall have until January 16, 2008 to file its answer or otherwise plead in this case matter.
(01/18/2008) # 6 Appearance Form and Respondent's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Complaint.
(01/22/2008) # 7 Transmittal letter forwarding case matter to Chief ALJ, Susan L. Biro for Assignment.
(01/24/2008) # 8 Offer of ADR Process to Facilitate Settlement.
(02/05/2008) # 9 Forward email of Cynthia A. King, for Complainant dated February 5, 2008 Accepting ADR Process to Facilitate Settlement.
(02/05/2008) # 10 Forward email of Angie Maggart, for Respondent dated February 5, 2008 Accepting ADR Process to Facilitate Settlement.
(02/07/2008) # 11 Order Initiating Alternative Dispute Resolution Process and Appointing Neutral. Judge William B. Moran, presiding.
(02/12/2008) # 12 Respondent's Transmittal (attached with email submitted to Maria Whiting-Beale, legal asst to Chief ALJ, Susan L. Biro) Accepting ADR Process.
(03/31/2008) # 13 Order Terminating Alternative Dispute Resolution Process and Requesting Assignment of Case to Litigation.
(03/31/2008) # 14 Order of Designation. Chief ALJ, Susan L. Biro, presiding.
(04/17/2008) # 15 Prehearing Order
(05/01/2008) # 16 Status Report
(05/19/2008) # 17 Respondent, Edward L. Murray, Jr.'s Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Consent Agreement and Final Order.
(06/19/2008) # 18 Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time.
(07/07/2008) #19 Complainant's Initial Prehearing Exchange. Note: Attachments were too voluminous to scan into system.
(07/07/2008) #20 Complainant. U.S. EPA's Response to Respondent's Second Request for an Extension of Time to File a CAFO
(07/10/2008) #21 Respondent's Reply to Complainant, US EPA's Response to Respondent's Second Request for an Extension of Time to File a Consent Agreement and Final Order.
(07/10/2008) #22 Complainant, U.S. EPA's Withdrawal of Its Motion for Default Judment.
(07/14/2008) #23 Order Denying Claimant's Requst for a Default Order and Respondent's Request for an Extension of Time.
(07/14/2008) #24 Order Scheduling Hearing. Hearing is Scheduled to commence Tues., Oct. 7, 2008 in Indpls., IN continue onto Fri., Oct. 10, 2008.
(07/15/2008) #25 Respondent, Edward L. Murray, Jr.'s Pre-Hearing Exchange. Note: Attachments were too voluminous to scan into system.
(08/11/2008) # 26 Consent Agreement and Final Order
(08/21/2008) #28 Certified Post Card
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: TSCA-05-2007-0013