Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
- Docket Number: CAA-02-2010-1235
Status: Closed
Statute: CAA Clean Air Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 09/23/2010
Closed Date: 01/23/2013
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 02
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(09/24/2010) #1 Complaint
(11/02/2010) #2 Answer
(11/10/2010) #3 Letter to chief ALJ requesting assignment of an presiding officer.
(04/05/2011) #4 Consent agreement and final order.
(11/17/2010) #5 Letter to Atty Cruz regarding ADR.
(11/17/2010) #6 Letter to Atty Uphoff-Figueroa regarding ADR.
(12/02/2010) #7 Order of designation ALJ Susan L. Biro.
(01/11/2011) #8 Prehearing order.
(01/25/2011) #9 Status report.
(01/28/2011) #10 Assuming legal representation.
(02/22/2011) #11 Order on motion for extension of time to file CAFO order staying preheaing order deadlines.
(02/22/2011) #12 Motion informing agreement in priniciple reached by the partes and request for extension of time to file CAFO.
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: CAA-02-2010-1235