Case Index for RCRA 16-01 - General Electric Company
02/18/2025 09:25:52 PM
Filing #: 1 - 11/01/2016 - Unopposed Motion of Permittee General Electric Company to Exceed Word Limitations
Filing #: 2 - 11/08/2016 - Order Granting Request for Exceedance of Word Limitations
Filing #: 3 - 11/08/2016 - Permit Issuer, Region 1's Response to Unopposed Motion of General Electric Company to Exceed Word Limitations
Filing #: 4 - 11/16/2016 - Permit Issuer, Region 1's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time and Establishment of a single deadline for Responses to Petitions for Review
Filing #: 5 - 11/22/2016 - Massachusetts Audubon Society's Notice of Status as Interested Party
Filing #: 6 - 11/22/2016 - Order Granting Extension of Time and Establishing a Single Deadline for Responses to Petitions
Filing #: 7 - 11/23/2016 - Petition of General Electric Company for Review of Final Modification of RCRA Corrective Permit Issued by EPA Region 1
Filing #: 8 - 11/23/2016 - Petition of General Electric Company for Review of Final Modification of RCRA Corrective Permit Issued by EPA Region 1 with Attachments
Filing #: 9 - 12/06/2016 - Permit Issuer Region 1's Partially Unopposed and Partially Opposed Motion for Extension of Time, Consolidation of Responses, and Setting Word Limits
Filing #: 10 - 12/08/2016 - Order Setting Deadline for Responses to Motions Filed by EPA Region 1 and by General Electric Company
Filing #: 11 - 12/08/2016 - GE's Assent to Region's Motion to Extend Time and Consolidate Review of Petitions and Opposition to Expansion of Word Limits
Filing #: 12 - 12/13/2016 - Permit Issuer Region 1's Response to GE's Opposition to Combined Word Limit
Filing #: 13 - 12/13/2016 - State of Connecticut's Notice of Appearance
Filing #: 14 - 12/13/2016 - State of Connecticut's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time
Filing #: 15 - 12/13/2016 - Permit Issuer, Region 1, Notice of Uncontested and Severable Conditions
Filing #: 16 - 12/15/2016 - Order Granting Requests for Extension of Time, Denying the Region's Request to File a Consolidated Response, and Clarifying that General Electric May File a Response
Filing #: 17 - 12/19/2016 - Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Notice of Appearance
Filing #: 18 - 12/22/2016 - Order Confirming Date for Response
Filing #: 19 - 12/22/2016 - Response to EPA's Notice of Uncontested and Severable Permit Conditions
Filing #: 20 - 01/09/2017 - Permit Issuer Notice of Uncontested and Severable Permit Conditions Revised Notice
Filing #: 21 - 01/13/2017 - Erratum to General Electric Company's Petition for Review
Filing #: 22 - 01/18/2017 - Permit Issuer Unopposed Motion For an Extension of Time
Filing #: 23 - 01/23/2017 - General Electric Company's Notice of Partial opposition to Municipal Committee's motion for clarification and extension of time
Filing #: 24 - 01/24/2017 - Order Granting Request for Extension of Time for Response and Reply Briefs
Filing #: 25 - 02/13/2017 - Commonwealth of Massachusetts Response to GE Petition for Review of Modification of RCRA Corrective Action Permit Issued by EPA Region 1
Filing #: 26 - 02/14/2017 - State of Connecticut Response Brief
Filing #: 27 - 02/14/2017 - Certified Index to the Administrative Record
Filing #: 28 - 02/14/2017 - City of Pittsfield Notice of Status as Interested Party
Filing #: 29 - 02/14/2017 - Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Amicus Briefs
Filing #: 30 - 02/14/2017 - General Electric Company's Opposition to Housatonic Rest of River Municipal Committee Motion for Extension of Time to File Amicus Briefs
Filing #: 31 - 02/14/2017 - Permit Issuer Region 1's Response to General Electric Company's Petition for Review of Final Permit RCRA Corrective Action Permit Modification Issued by Region 1
Filing #: 32 - 02/14/2017 - Region 1's Response to General Electric Company's Petition for Review of Final RCRA Action Permit Modification Issued by Region 1
Filing #: 33 - 02/15/2017 - Reply in Support of Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Amicus Brief
Filing #: 34 - 02/17/2017 - Order Granting Request for Extension of Time for Amicus Curiae Briefs and Establishing Deadline for Responses
Filing #: 35 - 02/17/2017 - Notification of Change of Service for the Housatonic River Initiative, Incorporated (HRI)
Filing #: 36 - 02/23/2017 - Order Granting Oral Argument
Filing #: 37 - 03/24/2017 - General Electric Company's Reply to EPA Region 1's Response to General Electric's Petition for Review
Filing #: 38 - 03/24/2017 - General Electric Company's Reply to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Response to General Electric's Petition for Review
Filing #: 39 - 03/24/2017 - General Electric Company's Reply to the State of Connecticut's Response Brief
Filing #: 40 - 03/27/2017 - Massachusetts Audubon Society's Amicus Curiae Brief
Filing #: 41 - 03/27/2017 - Brief of City of Pittsfield, Amicus Curiae
Filing #: 42 - 03/27/2017 - Brief of Amicus Curiae Green Berkshires, Inc. in Support of EPA Region 1
Filing #: 43 - 03/27/2017 - Amicus Brief in Support of Off-Site Disposal
#43.01 - List of Amici
#43.02 - Allendale Action Memo
#43.03 - Berkshire Eagle article
#43.04 - EPA Statement of Position, Dispute Resolution
#43.05 - RCMS Conditional Approval
#43.06 - RCMS excerpts
#43.07 - Comparative Analysis (excerpts)
#43.08 - Reissued RCRA Permit
#43.09 - Statement of Basis (excerpts)
#43.10 - Response to Comments (excerpts)
#43.11 - Permit Modification (excerpts)
#43.12 - CD (excerpts)
Filing #: 44 - 04/12/2017 - Permit Issuer Region 1's Motion for Leave to File a Sur-Reply
Filing #: 45 - 04/12/2017 - Permit Issuer Respondent Region 1 Sur-Reply
Filing #: 46 - 04/13/2017 - Order Directing Parties to Provide Notice of Election to Participate in Oral Argument
Filing #: 47 - 04/13/2017 - Erratum to Region 1's Certificate of Service
Filing #: 48 - 04/14/2017 - Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Motion to Strike
Filing #: 49 - 04/14/2017 - Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Motion for Leave to File Surreply
#49.01 - Commonwealth of MA Surreply
Filing #: 50 - 04/17/2017 - Response of General Electric Company's to Amicus Curiae Briefs
Filing #: 51 - 04/24/2017 - EPA Region 1's Notice on Oral Argument
Filing #: 52 - 04/25/2017 - State of Connecticut's Notice of Intent to Participate in Oral Argument
Filing #: 53 - 04/26/2017 - Commonwealth of Massachusett's Notice of Intent to Participate in Oral Argument
Filing #: 54 - 04/26/2017 - City of Pittsfield's Notice of Intent to Participate in Oral Argument
Filing #: 55 - 04/27/2017 - Green Berkshires, Inc's Notice on Oral Argument
Filing #: 56 - 04/27/2017 - General Electric Company's Response to EPA Region 1's Motion for Leave to File a Sur-Reply
Filing #: 57 - 04/27/2017 - General Electric Company's Notice Regarding Participation in Oral Argument
Filing #: 58 - 04/27/2017 - Housatonic River Initiative, Inc.'s Notice Regarding Participation in Oral Argument
Filing #: 59 - 05/01/2017 - General Electric Company's Notice Regarding Retirement of Counsel
Filing #: 60 - 05/02/2017 - General Electric Company's Opposition to Massachusetts' Motion to Strike and Response to Massachusetts' Motion to File Surreply
Filing #: 61 - 05/04/2017 - Order Establishing Framework for Oral Argument
Filing #: 62 - 05/10/2017 - Corrected Order Establishing Framework for Oral Argument
Filing #: 63 - 05/30/2017 - State of Connecticut's Notice Concerning Oral Argument
Filing #: 64 - 05/30/2017 - Green Berkshires, Inc.'s Notice Concerning Oral Argument
Filing #: 65 - 05/31/2017 - General Electric Company's Notice Regarding Oral Argument
Filing #: 66 - 05/31/2017 - City of Pittsfield's Notice Concerning Oral Argument
Filing #: 67 - 06/01/2017 - Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Notice Concerning Oral Argument
Filing #: 68 - 06/01/2017 - EPA Region 1's Response Concerning Oral Argument
Filing #: 69 - 06/19/2017 - State of Connecticut's Submission of Authority
Filing #: 70 - 06/19/2017 - Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Notice of Citations to Certain Matters Referenced in its Oral Argument
Filing #: 71 - 06/19/2017 - General Electric Company's Additional Citations
Filing #: 72 - 06/19/2017 - Housatonic Rest of River Municipal Committee Submission of Citations
Filing #: 73 - 06/19/2017 - EPA Region 1's Response on Citations from Oral Argument
Filing #: 74 - 06/08/2017 - RCRA Corrective Action and CERCLA Remedy Decision Examples
Filing #: 74.01 - 06/08/2017 - Escambia ROD
Filing #: 74.02 - 06/08/2017 - Gowanus Canal ROD
Filing #: 74.03 - 06/08/2017 - Gowanus Canal ROD Appendix I
Filing #: 74.04 - 06/08/2017 - Horseshoe ARC ROD
Filing #: 74.05 - 06/08/2017 - Hudson ROD Tables
Filing #: 74.06 - 06/08/2017 - Hudson ROD
Filing #: 74.07 - 06/08/2017 - Milltown Reservoir Clark Fork River ROD
Filing #: 74.08 - 06/08/2017 - New Bedford 1999 ROD Amendment
Filing #: 74.09 - 06/08/2017 - Passaic Christie Letter
Filing #: 74.10 - 06/08/2017 - Passaic Proposed Plan
Filing #: 74.11 - 06/08/2017 - Passaic ROD
Filing #: 74.12 - 06/08/2017 - Portland Harbor ROD
Filing #: 74.13 - 06/08/2017 - Shpack ROD
Filing #: 74.14 - 06/08/2017 - Westinghouse ROD Amendment
Filing #: 74.15 - 06/08/2017 - ARC Final Decision 2014
Filing #: 74.16 - 06/08/2017 - ARC Final Decision 2015
Filing #: 74.17 - 06/08/2017 - ARC Statement of Basis Rev.2015
Filing #: 74.18 - 06/08/2017 - FMC Corp Statement of Basis
Filing #: 74.19 - 06/08/2017 - OCC Final Decision July 2001
Filing #: 74.20 - 06/08/2017 - SGP Final Decision and RTC
Filing #: 74.21 - 06/08/2017 - Pharmacia & Upjohn Final Decision Doc
Filing #: 74.22 - 06/08/2017 - List of Judicial Rulings
Filing #: 75 - 06/08/2017 - Oral Argument Transcript held on June 8, 2017
Filing #: 76 - 06/08/2017 - Oral Argument Mini Transcript held on June 8, 2017
Filing #: 77 - 01/26/2018 - Order Remanding in Part and Denying Review in Part
Filing #: 78 - 02/05/2018 - EPA's Motion for Partial Reconsideration
Filing #: 79 - 02/06/2018 - Scheduling Order on Motion for Reconsideration
Filing #: 80 - 02/13/2018 - General Electric Company's Opposition to EPA's s Motion for Partial Reconsideration
Filing #: 81 - 02/16/2018 - EPA's Reply to GE's Opposition to EPA's Motion for Partial Reconsideration
Filing #: 82 - 03/07/2018 - Order Denying Motion for Partial Reconsideration