Case Index for NPDES 13-09 - Joint Base Lewis-McChord Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
02/17/2025 05:31:24 AM
Filing #: 1 - 09/20/2013 - Motion for Extension of Time to File Petition for Review
Filing #: 2 - 09/24/2013 - Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time to File Petition for Review
Filing #: 3 - 09/24/2013 - Facsimile Cover Sheet - Kari Hadley et al
Filing #: 4 - 10/22/2013 - Permittee Motion for Additional Extension of Time to File Petition for Review
Filing #: 5 - 10/24/2013 - Order Granting Second Motion for Extension of Time to File Petition for Review
Filing #: 6 - 10/24/2013 - Facsimile Cover Sheet Kari K. Hadley et al
Filing #: 7 - 11/05/2013 - Petitioner Petition for Review of NPDES Permit for Joint Base Lewis-McChord Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System and Request for Oral Argument
#7.01 - JBLM MS4 NPDES Permit (Attachment A)
#7.02 - JBLM Comments MS4 Permit (Attachment B)
#7.03 - EPA RTC JBLM MS4 Permit (Attachment C)
#7.04 - Fact Sheet JBLM MS4 Permit (Attachment D)
#7.05 - JBLM Permit Schedule for Implementation and Compliance (Attachment E)
#7.06 - JBLM Work Schedule Revision Proposal (Attachment F)
Filing #: 8 - 11/12/2013 - ADR Offer Letter and ADR Information Sheet to Counsels and RA
Filing #: 9 - 11/22/2013 - Letter -- Notification of Stayed Permit
Filing #: 10 - 11/25/2013 - Petitioner Notice Notification of Acceptance of ADR
Filing #: 11 - 11/25/2013 - EPA Region 10's Notification of Intent to Participate in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Filing #: 12 - 11/25/2013 - EPA Region 10's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response Brief
Filing #: 13 - 12/05/2013 - Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time to File Response
Filing #: 14 - 12/05/2013 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- to K. Hadley, et al -- Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time to File Response
Filing #: 15 - 12/05/2013 - Order Staying Proceedings to Allow Parties to Participate in ADR
Filing #: 16 - 12/05/2013 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- to K. Hadley et al -- Order Staying Proceedings to Allow Parties to Participate in ADR
Filing #: 17 - 01/09/2014 - Unopposed Motion for Leave to Participate as Amicus
Filing #: 18 - 01/13/2014 - Order Granting Motion to Participate As Amicus
Filing #: 19 - 01/13/2014 - Facsimile Cover Sheet Kari Hadley et al
Filing #: 20 - 01/15/2014 - EPA Region 10's Response Brief
Filing #: 21 - 01/15/2014 - EPA Region 10's Excerpts of the Administrative Record
#21.01 - Att 1: Rationale for a "Threshold of Concern" in Stormwater Release Rates
#21.02 - Excerpts from Chambers-Clover Creek Watershed Action Plan
#21.03 - Excerpts from Corrected Final Design Report, Fort Lewis Stormwater Improvement Outfalls
#21.04 - Forest Cover, Impervious Surface Area and the Mitigation of Stormwater Impacts
#21.05 - Fort Lewis NPDES Permit Application
#21.06 - Excerpts from Chambers-Clover Creek Management Plan
#21.07 - 2004 MS4 Annual Report, Fort Lewis
#21.08 - Excerpts from Clover Creek Basin Plan
#21.09 - Excerpts from Muck Creek Basin Plan
#21.10 - Excerpts from National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution
#21.11 - EPA Summary of Services' Comments on Ecology's MS4 Permits
#21.12 - Letter from Services to Ecology re MS4 permits
#21.13 - Excerpts from Fundamentals of Urban Runoff Management
#21.14 - 2007 Western WA Phase II Permit
#21.15 - 2007 Phase I MS4 Permit
#21.16 - Att 16a: Excerpts from Murray/Sequalitchew Watershed Management Plan
#21.17 - Att 16b: Excerpts from Murray/Sequalitchew Watershed Management Plan
#21.18 - Att 16c: Excerpts from Murray/Sequalitchew Watershed Management Plan
#21.19 - Att 16d: Excerpts from Murray/Sequalitchew Watershed Management Plan
#21.20 - Att 16e: Excerpts from Murray/Sequalitchew Watershed Management Plan
#21.21 - Att 16f: Excerpts from Murray/Sequalitchew Watershed Management Plan
#21.22 - Att 17: Report to West Virginia Dept of Envt Protection
#21.23 - Att 18: Excerpts from Managing Stormwater in Your Community
#21.24 - Att 19: PCHB Phase I Order
#21.25 - Att 20: Excerpts from Urban Stormwater Management in the US
#21.26 - Att 21: Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure
#21.27 - Att 22: Puget Sound Action Agenda
#21.28 - Att 23: Building Soil
#21.29 - Att 24: Linking Hydrologic Alteration to Biological Impairment
#21.30 - Att 25: Outfall 004 Design Narrative
#21.31 - Att 26: Outfall 004 Hydrologic Report
#21.32 - Att 27: Anchorage MS4 Permit
#21.33 - Att 28: Development of LID Standards
#21.34 - Att 29: Jan 2010 DoD EISA Memo
#21.35 - Att 30: Excerpts from MS4 Permit Improvement Guide
#21.36 - Att 31: FAQs Implementing the Flow Control Standard
#21.37 - Att 32: Development of LID Standards for MS4 GPs
#21.38 - Att 33: June 10, 2010 Meeting Agenda with Notes
#21.39 - Att 34: Email message from Ecology to EPA re Ecology comments on draft permit
#21.40 - Att 35: Proposed Requirements and Timelines to Incorporate LID
#21.41 - Att 36: Green Infrastructure and Storm Depth Retention Criteria
#21.42 - Att 37: Letter from JBLM to EPA re revised permit application
#21.43 - Att 38: Task 1 Urban Stormwater Runoff
#21.44 - Att 39: Oct 2010 Army Memo
#21.45 - Att 40: Letter from RA to Ecology re Western WA MS4 Permits
#21.46 - Att 41: Stormwater Compliance for AFBs
#21.47 - Att 42: Setting Targets for Puget Sound Recovery
#21.48 - Att 43: 2008-2010 Progress Report
#21.49 - Att 44: Email from EP to JBLM re EPA's preliminary draft permit
#21.50 - Att 45: Letter from Ecology to EPA re revised preliminary draft permit and fact sheet
#21.51 - Att 46: EPA notes from July 19, 2011 meeting with JBLM
#21.52 - Att 47: Puget Sound Ecosystem Recovery Targets
#21.53 - Att 48: Email from JBLM to EPA dated August 26, 2011
#21.54 - Att 49: DC MS4 Permit
#21.55 - Att 50: Email from JBLM to EPA re comments on preliminary draft fact sheet
#21.56 - Att 51: Email from JBLM to EPA dated November 18, 2011
#21.57 - Att 52: Letter from EPA to Ecology requesting preliminary certification
#21.58 - Att 54: Public Notice of JBLM Permit
#21.59 - Att 53: Draft 401 Certification
#21.60 - Att 55: Draft JBLM MS4 Permit
#21.61 - Att 56: JBLM MS4 Permit Fact Sheet
#21.62 - Att 57: Letter from EPA to Ecology re Comments on Ecology's MS4 Permits
#21.63 - Att 58: Ecology's Listserve notification
#21.64 - Att 59: EPA Agenda and Public Meeting Sign-In Sheet
#21.65 - Att 60: Public Meeting Presentation
#21.66 - Att 61: FWS Comment Letter
#21.67 - Att 62: DoD Comment Letter
#21.68 - Att 63: JBLM Comment Letter
#21.69 - Att 64: Excerpts from Western WA Stormwater Manual, Volume 1
#21.70 - Att 65: Western WA Stormwater Manual, Vol. 3
#21.71 - Att 66: Western WA Stormwater Manual, Vol. 4
#21.72 - Att 67: Western WA Stormwater Manual, Vol 5
#21.73 - Att 68: 2012 Phase II Western WA Permit
#21.74 - Att 69: 2012 Phase I MS4 Permit
#21.75 - Att 70: Ecology RTC re Western WA Phase II Permit
#21.76 - Att 71: Excerpts from Ecology's RTC re MS4 Permits
#21.77 - Att 72: Ecology RTC re Appendix 1 and LID for MS4 Permits
#21.78 - Att 73: Ecology RTC re Phase I Permit
#21.79 - Att 74: JBLM Impervious Analysis
#21.80 - Att 75: JBLM Canopy Analysis
#21.81 - Att 76: Email from Ecology to EPA re waiver for flow control
#21.82 - Att 77: Boise MS4 Permit
#21.83 - Att 78: JBLM Biological Evaluation
#21.84 - Att 79: Stormwater Technical Meeting between EPA & Svcs
#21.85 - Att 80: Letter from JBLM to EPA re SW Treatment Facility for Outfall 4
#21.86 - Att 81: Letter from EPA to Ecology requesting final certification
#21.87 - Att 82: FWS Concurrence Letter
#21.88 - Att 83: NMFS Concurrence Letter
#21.89 - Att 84: Final 401 Certification
#21.90 - Att 85: Agenda and Notes from meeting between EPA & JBLM on Aug. 8, 2013
#21.91 - Att 86: JBLM Response to Comments
#21.92 - Att 87: Final JBLM Permit
#21.93 - Att 88: Letter from EPA to NMFS transmitting final permit
#21.94 - Att 89: Letter from EPA to FWS transmitting final permit
#21.95 - Att 90: EISA Technical Guidance
Filing #: 22 - 01/15/2014 - Certification of Index to Administrative Record and Administrative Record Index
Filing #: 23 - 01/22/2014 - Unopposed Motion for Leave to Participate as Amicus and Extension of Time to April 15, 2014
Filing #: 24 - 01/23/2014 - Puget Soundkeeper Motion to Join in Extension of Time
Filing #: 25 - 01/30/2014 - Unopposed Motion for Leave to Participate as Amicus Curiae and Extension of Time to April 15, 2014
Filing #: 26 - 01/31/2014 - Second Order Granting Motion to Participate as Amicus and Extending Time to File Amicus Brief
Filing #: 27 - 02/04/2014 - Order Extending Stay of Proceedings
Filing #: 28 - 03/07/2014 - Brief of Amicus Conservation Groups in Opposition to Petition for Review
#28.01 - Attachment 1
#28.02 - Attachment 2
#28.03 - Attachment 3
#28.04 - Attachment 4
Filing #: 29 - 03/07/2014 - Motion for Leave to Recognize Additional Associations Participating in Property Builders and Owners Amicus Brief
Filing #: 30 - 03/07/2014 - Brief of Amici Curiae the Leading Builders of America, NAIOP-the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, The National Association of Home Builders, The National Multifamily Housing Council, and The Real Estate Roundtable in Support of the Petitioner
Filing #: 31 - 03/07/2014 - Department of Ecology's Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Respondent EPA Region 10
#31.01 - PSA, et al. v. Ecology, et al. Order on Dispositive Motions
#31.02 - Rosemere Neighborhood Assoc., et al. v. Ecology, et al., Findings, Conclusions, and Order
Filing #: 32 - 03/10/2014 - Amicus Brief Amended Certificate of Service
#32.01 - Amended Certificate of Service
Filing #: 33 - 04/08/2014 - Order Extending Stay of Proceedings
Filing #: 34 - 04/08/2014 - Facsimile Cover Sheet to K. Hadley (April 8, 2014) and C. Weber (April 10, 2014); Order Extending Stay of Proceedings
Filing #: 35 - 04/11/2014 - EPA Region 10's Notice of Change of Fax Number
Filing #: 36 - 05/09/2014 - Order Extending Stay of Proceedings
Filing #: 37 - 05/09/2014 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- K. Hadley et al Order Extending Stay of Proceedings
Filing #: 38 - 06/24/2014 - Order Extending Stay of Proceedings
Filing #: 39 - 06/24/2014 - Facsimile Cover Sheet - Kari Hadley et al
Filing #: 40 - 10/15/2014 - Joint Motion for Extension of Stay of Proceedings
Filing #: 41 - 10/21/2014 - Order Extending Stay of Proceedings
Filing #: 42 - 10/21/2014 - Facsimile Cover Sheet for Order Extending Stay of Proceedings - Kari L. Hadley et al
Filing #: 43 - 10/31/2014 - Permittee Notice of Change in Attorneys of Record
Filing #: 44 - 12/15/2014 - Petitioner Motion to Dismiss
Filing #: 45 - 12/19/2014 - Order Dismissing Petition for Review
Filing #: 46 - 01/05/2015 - Domestic Return Receipt - T. Pond