US EPA Environmental Appeals Board

Case Index for NPDES 11-01 - ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.

02/19/2025 05:04:31 PM

Filing #: 1 - 08/26/2011 - ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc. Informal Appeal Letter

Filing #: 2 - 08/26/2011 - ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc. Exhibit 1

Filing #: 3 - 08/26/2011 - ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc. Exhibits 2 - 5

Filing #: 4 - 08/26/2011 - ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc. Exhibit 6

Filing #: 5 - 08/26/2011 - ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc. Exhibits 7 - 9.

Filing #: 6 - 09/08/2011 - Order for Additional Briefing

Filing #: 7 - 09/23/2011 - Fax - Joint Motion to Extend Briefing Deadlines

Filing #: 8 - 09/26/2011 - Order Extending Briefing Deadlines

Filing #: 9 - 10/21/2011 - Brief of EPA Region 5 In Opposition to Informal Appeal of Arcelormittal Cleveland Inc.

Filing #: 10 - 10/21/2011 - EPA Region 5's Submission of Certified Index to the Administrative Record

Filing #: 11 - 11/04/2011 - Arcelormittal Cleveland Inc.'s Reply in Support of Informal Appeal

Filing #: 12 - 11/04/2011 - Request for Oral Argument

Filing #: 13 - 11/10/2011 - Arcelormittal Cleveland Inc.'s Reply in Support of Informal Appeal and Exhibits 1 -- 11 and Exhibits A -- C

Filing #: 14 - 11/10/2011 - EPA/Region 5's Motion for Leave to File A Sur-Reply Brief

Filing #: 15 - 11/21/2011 - Arcelormittal Cleveland Inc.'s Brief in Opposition to U.S. EPA Region 5's Motion for Leave to File Surreply

Filing #: 15.1 - 11/21/2011 - Exhibits 1-3 to Brief in Opposition to U.S. EPA Region 5's Motion for Leave to File Surreply

Filing #: 16 - 11/23/2011 - EPA/Region 5's Opposition to Arcelormittal Cleveland's Request to Supplement its Reply Brief if Filing of Sur-Reply is Allowed

Filing #: 17 - 12/09/2011 - Order Granting in Part EPA's Motion to File Surreply, Denying Petitioner's Request to Provide Additional Information, and Granting Oral Argument

Filing #: 18 - 12/09/2011 - Facsimile Cover Sheet to Dale E. Papajcik et al -- Order Granting in Part EPA's Motion to File Surreply, Denying Petitioner's Request to Provide Additional Information, and Granting Oral Argument

Filing #: 19 - 01/07/2012 - Surreply Brief of EPA Region 5

Filing #: 19.01 - 01/07/2012 - Surreply of EPA Region 5 - Exhibits

Filing #: 20 - 01/20/2012 - Arcelormittal Cleveland Inc.'s Reply to Surreply Brief of EPA Region 5

Filing #: 21 - 01/20/2012 - Notice of Firm Name Change

Filing #: 22 - 01/25/2012 - Order Scheduling Oral Agrument

Filing #: 23 - 01/25/2012 - Facsimile Cover Sheet - Dale E. Papajcik et al - Order Scheduling Oral Argument

Filing #: 24 - 02/13/2012 - Oral Argument - Attorney Notification

Filing #: 25 - 02/14/2012 - Appearance at Oral Argument

Filing #: 26 - 03/01/2012 - Order Directing Supplemental Briefing

Filing #: 27 - 03/01/2012 - Facsimile Cover Sheet - Dale Papajcik - et al - Order Directing Supplemental Briefing

Filing #: 28 - 03/23/2012 - Supplemental Brief of EPA's Region 5

Filing #: 29 - 03/23/2012 - Arcelormittal Cleveland Inc.'s Supplemental Brief as Ordered by the Board

Filing #: 29.01 - 03/23/2012 - Exhibit List to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc., Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.03 - 03/23/2012 - Exhibit 1 to the ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.04 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 1 Continued to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.05 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 2 to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.06 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 2 Continued to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.07 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 3 to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.08 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 3 Continued to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.09 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 4 to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.10 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 4 Continued to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.11 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 5 to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc., Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.12 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 5 Continued to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc., Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.13 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 6 to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.14 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 6 Continued to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc., Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 29.15 - 03/24/2012 - Exhibit 7 to ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.'s, Supplemental Brief as Order by the Board

Filing #: 30 - 03/26/2012 - Received Email with CDX System Filing Error

Filing #: 31 - 03/26/2012 - Received Email -- confirming by phone in reference to exhibits

Filing #: 32 - 03/16/2012 - Oral Argument Transcript held on February 28, 2012

Filing #: 33 - 04/27/2012 - EPA Region 5's Motion to Strike Portions of Petitioner's Supplemental Brief and to Exclude New Exhibits, or in the Alternative, Motion for Leave to File Reply

Filing #: 33.01 - 04/27/2012 - EPA Region 5's Motion to Strike Portions of Petitioner's Supplemental Brief and to Exclude New Exhibits, or in the Alternatie, Motion for Leave to File Reply -- Exhibits 1 and 2

Filing #: 34 - 05/04/2012 - Arcelormittal Cleveland Inc.'s Brief in Opposition to U.S. EPA Region 5's Motion to Strike

Filing #: 35 - 06/07/2012 - Administrative Record Index

Filing #: 36 - 06/26/2012 - Remand Order

Filing #: 37 - 07/09/2012 - Domestic Return Receipt - Remand Order

Filing #: 38 - 07/09/2012 - Domestic Return Receipt - Remand Order

Filing #: 39 - 07/05/2012 - Domestic Return Receipt - Remand Order

Filing #: 40 - 07/18/2012 - Domestic Return Receipt - Remand Order