Case Index for RCRA-10-2011-0164 - Joseph Oh and Holly Investment, LLC
02/12/2025 03:11:35 AM
Filing #: 1 - 11/08/2011 - ADR
Filing #: 2 - 12/01/2011 - Order Of Designation
Filing #: 3 - 12/07/2011 - Prehearing Order
Filing #: 4 - 01/31/2012 - Order Of Redesignation
Filing #: 5 - 03/13/2012 - Order Scheduling Hearing
Filing #: 6 - 11/13/2016 - Order on Respondentn's Motion to Reopen Case and Set Aside Default Order of August 3, 2012
Filing #: 7 - 08/21/2012 - Order on Respondent's Submission Dated August 17, 2012 and Notice of Deadline Set by 40 C.F.R. § 22.27(c)
Filing #: 8 - 08/03/2012 - Default Order and Initial Decision
Filing #: 9 - 07/16/2012 - Order on Complaint's Motno to Compel Discovery or in the Alernative Motion in Limine
Filing #: 10 - 04/18/2012 - Order Rescheduling Hearing and Prehearing Deadlines