US EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges

Case Index for RCRA-05-2010-0015 - Mercury Vapor Processing Technologies Inc., a/k/a River Shannon Recycling (Riverdale, Illinois)

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Filing #: 1 - 04/23/2010 - Administrative Complaint And Compliance Order

Filing #: 2 - 05/13/2010 - Answer (Information Send Via Certified Mail) - Cbi Asserted

Filing #: 3 - 05/27/2010 - Offers An Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Filing #: 4 - 06/03/2010 - Certified Post Card

Filing #: 5 - 06/08/2010 - E-Mail From Respondent On Acceptance Of Invitation To Participate In ADR

Filing #: 6 - 06/09/2010 - E-Mail From Complainant On Acceptance Of Invitaion For ADR

Filing #: 7 - 06/14/2010 - Order Of Designation

Filing #: 8 - 06/18/2010 - Prehearing Order

Filing #: 9 - 06/08/2010 - Certified Post Card

Filing #: 10 - 07/13/2010 - Complainant's First Status Report

Filing #: 11 - 09/20/2010 - Complainant's Initial Prehearing Exchange (Attachments Too Volumious To Scan)

Filing #: 12 - 10/21/2010 - Respondent Request Extenstion Of Time To File Response

Filing #: 13 - 10/21/2010 - Complainant's Response To Respondent's Motion For An Extension To File Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 14 - 10/25/2010 - Notice Of Appearence

Filing #: 15 - 10/29/2010 - Respondent's Initial Prehearing Exchange -Exhibits Too Volumious

Filing #: 16 - 10/29/2010 - Respondent's Motion For Amendment Of Answer

Filing #: 17 - 11/08/2010 - Judge Gunning - Order On Respondent's Motion For 7 Day Extension To File The Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 18 - 11/10/2010 - Complainant's Reply Prehearing Exchange With Exhibits 18, 19, 20 21 And 27, 28 29- (Exhibits 22-26 Are Cbi)

Filing #: 19 - 11/16/2010 - Complainant's Response To Respondent's Motion For Amendment Of Answer

Filing #: 20 - 11/18/2010 - Errata To Complainant's Reply Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 21 - 11/23/2010 - Order Scheduling Hearing And Order Granting Respondent's Motion For Amendment Of Answer

Filing #: 22 - 12/01/2010 - Complainant's Request For A Status Conference

Filing #: 23 - 12/22/2010 - Complainant's Motion For Leave To Amend Complaint And Compliance Order

Filing #: 24 - 12/22/2010 - Memorandum In Support Of Complainant's Motion For Leave To Amend The Complaint And Compliance Order - Business Confidentiality Asserted- Information Claimed Confidential Has Been Deleted. A Complete Copy Of This Document, Containing The Information Claimed Confidential, Has Been Filed With The Regional Hearing Clerk

Filing #: 25 - 01/12/2011 - Complainant's Reply Memorandum In Support Of Motion For Leave To Amend Complaint And Compliance Order

Filing #: 26 - 01/24/2011 - Complainant's Motion For Partial Accelerated Decision As To The Applicable Regulations And Liability And Complainant's Memorandum In Support Of Its Motion For Partial Accelerated Decision As To The Applicable Regulations And Liability -- Attachments B And C Are Included; Attachment A Is Too Volumious To Scan ( 40 Cfr Parts 8, 260, 261 262, 264, 265, 266, 268, 270, And 273)

Filing #: 27 - 01/24/2011 - Order Granting Complainant's Motion For Leave To Amend Complaint And Compliance Order

Filing #: 28 - 01/25/2011 - Certified Post Card - Confirming Of Location For Order Scheduling Hearing

Filing #: 29 - 01/28/2011 - Amended Compliant And Compliance Order

Filing #: 30 - 02/01/2011 - Complainant's Request For A Second Status Conference

Filing #: 31 - 02/04/2011 - Certified Post Card/Proof Of Service

Filing #: 32 - 02/08/2011 - - Complainant's Motion For Partial Accelerated Decision As To The Applicable Regulations And Liability - Attachment A Is Too Volumious To Scan And - Commplainant's Memorandum In Support Of Its Motion For Partial Accelerated Decision As To The Applicable Regulations And Liability And Affidavits Of Todd Brown And Gary Westerfer

Filing #: 33 - 02/23/2011 - Respondent's Motion For Extension Of Time

Filing #: 34 - 02/28/2011 - Complainant's Response To Respondent's Motion For An Extension Of Time

Filing #: 35 - 02/28/2011 - Order Rescheduling Hearing

Filing #: 37 - 03/14/2011 - Complainant's Reply Memorandum In Support Of Its Motion For Partial Accelerated Decision As To The Applicable Regulations And Liability

Filing #: 39 - 04/01/2011 - Complainant's Response To Respondents' Motion To Supplement Preh-Hearing Exchange

Filing #: 40 - 05/04/2011 - Respondent's Motion To Complel Discovery And Request For The Production Of Documents

Filing #: 41 - 05/11/2011 - Judge Gunning - Order On Complainant’ S Motion For Partial Acceleratcision As To The Applicable Regulations And Liability Order On Motion To Supplement Respondents’ Pre-Hearing Exchange

Filing #: 42 - 05/18/2011 - Opposition To Respondents’ Motion To Compel Discovery And Reouest For The Production Of Documents

Filing #: 43 - 05/11/2011 - Respondent's Motion To Compel Discovery And Request For The Production Of Documents

Filing #: 44 - 05/20/2011 - Notice Of Appearance

Filing #: 45 - 06/02/2011 - Respondent's Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Lack Of Fair Notice And Convoluted Regulations And Memorandum In Support Of Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Lack Of Fair Notice And Convoluted Regulations

Filing #: 46 - 06/08/2011 - Complainant’S Motion For Leave To File First Supplemental Prehearing Exchange Instanter And Complainant’S First Supplemental Prehearing Exchange - Attachments Too Voluminous

Filing #: 47 - 06/15/2011 - Order On Respondent's Amended Motion To Compel Discovery And Request For The Production Of Documents

Filing #: 48 - 06/16/2011 - Complainant's Response Of The United States Environmental Protection Agency In Opposition To Respondents’ Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Lack Of Fair Notice And Convoluted Regultations And Declaration Of Todd Brown In Support Of Response Of The United States Environmental Protection Agency In Opposition To Respondents’ Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Lack Of Fair Notice And Convoluted Regultations

Filing #: 50 - 06/23/2011 - Errata To Complainant’S First Supplemental Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 51 - 06/24/2011 - Complainant’S Motion For Leave To File Second Supplemental Prehearing Exchange Instanter And Complainant’S Second Supplemental Prehearing Exchange - Exhibits Not Included, Too Voluminous

Filing #: 52 - 06/27/2011 - Respondent's Objections To Complainant's First Supplemental Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 53 - 06/28/2011 - Joint Stipulated Facts And Exhibits

Filing #: 54 - 06/30/2011 - Letter Confirmation Hearing Location

Filing #: 55 - 07/07/2011 - Complainant’S Motion To Strike “Respondents’ Response To U.S. Epa Opposition To Respondents’ Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Lack Of Fair Notice And Convoluted Regulations”

Filing #: 56 - 07/07/2011 - Complainant’S Reply To Respondents’ Objections To Complainant’S First Supplemental Prehearing Exchange And, Alternatively, Cross Motion For Ruling Regarding Admissability Of Testimony And Exhibits

Filing #: 57 - 07/08/2011 - Motion To Amend Proposed Penalty

Filing #: 58 - 07/08/2011 - Complainant’S Motion For Leave To File Third Supplemental Prehearing Exchange Instanter And Complainant’S Third Supplemental Prehearing Exchange ( # 62 Not Included - Enforcement Confidential; Demonstrative Exhibits Not Included; And Exhibits 58, 59 And 61 Not Included Contains Potential Personal Privacy Information)

Filing #: 60 - 07/08/2011 - Respondents' Request For Execution Of Subpoenas

Filing #: 61 - 07/12/2011 - Complaint's Response And Objection To Respondent's Motion To Supplement Their Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 62 - 07/12/2011 - Respondents’ Response To Usepa Opposition To Respondents’ Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Lack Of Fair Notice And Convoluted Regulations

Filing #: 63 - 07/19/2011 - Order Granting Complainant's Request For Excecution Of Subpoenas

Filing #: 64 - 07/19/2011 - Subpoena For Trial Testimony

Filing #: 65 - 07/19/2011 - Orders On Parties’ Motions To Supplement Prehearing Exchanges, Complainant’ S Cross Motion For Ruling Regarding Admissibility Of Testimony And Exhibits, And Complainant’ S Motion To Amend Proposed Penalty

Filing #: 66 - 07/19/2011 - Orders On Respondents’ Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Lack Of Fair Notice And Convoluted Regulations And Complainant’S Motion To Strike

Filing #: 67 - 07/20/2011 - Respondents’ Amended Reouest For Execution Of Subpoenas

Filing #: 68 - 07/19/2011 - Order Granting Respondents’ Anended Request For Execution Of Subpoenas

Filing #: 69 - 07/20/2011 - Notice Of Appearance

Filing #: 70 - 07/20/2011 - Respondents’ Response To Complainant’S Motion To Strike “Respondents Response To The Us Epa Opposition To Respondents Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Lack Of Fair Notice And Convoluted Regulations

Filing #: 71 - 08/09/2011 - Respondent's Exhibit Number 13 And Complainants Rebuttal Exhibit Number 1

Filing #: 72 - 08/10/2011 - Complainant’S Motion To Supplement Hearing Record

Filing #: 73 - 08/22/2011 - Order Setting Briefing Schedule

Filing #: 74 - 09/13/2011 - Complainant's Motion To Conform Transcript

Filing #: 75 - 09/29/2011 - E-Mail: Order Designating Certain Transcript Pages And Exhibits As Confidential And Resetting Briefing Schedule

Filing #: 76 - 10/04/2011 - U.S. Mail: Order Designating Certain Transcript Pages And Exhibits As Confidential And Resetting Briefing Schedule

Filing #: 77 - 11/07/2011 - Complainant’S “Post-Hearing Brief” And “Proposed Findings Of Fact, Conclusions Of Law, And Order”

Filing #: 78 - 11/08/2011 - Respondents' Post-Hearing Brief

Filing #: 79 - 11/21/2011 - Post-Hearing Reply Brief Of The United States Environmental Protection Agency

Filing #: 80 - 11/22/2011 - Respondent's Post Hearing Rebuttal

Filing #: 81 - 11/23/2011 - Respondent's Amended Post Hearing Rebuttal

Filing #: 82 - 12/14/2011 - Motion To Strike Respondents' Post Hearing Rebuttal And Respondents' Amended Post Hearing Rebuttal As Filed Untimely And, In The Alternatives, Motive To Strike Those Parts Of Respondents' Post Hearing Rebuttal And Respondents' Amended Post-Rebuttal That Contain Statements Not Of Record

Filing #: 83 - 12/21/2011 - Complainant's Appearance

Filing #: 84 - 12/28/2011 - Respondent's Reponse To Complainant's Motion To Strike Respondent's Post Hearing Rebuttal And Respondent's Amended Post Hearing Rebuttal As Filed Untimely And, In The Alternative, Motion To Strike Those Parts Of Respondent's Post Hearing Rebuttal And Respondent's Amended Post Hearing Rebuttal That Contains Statements Not Of Record

Filing #: 85 - 01/05/2012 - Complainant's Reply To Response To Motion To Strike Respondent's Post Hearing Rebuttal And Respondent's Amended Post Hearing Rebuttal As Filed Untimely And, In The Alternative, Motion To Strike Those Parts Of Respondents' Post Hearing Rebuttal And Respondents' Amended Post Hearing Rebuttal That Contain Statements Not Of Record

Filing #: 86 - 01/27/2012 - Certified Post Card/Proof Of Service

Filing #: 87 - 05/26/2010 - ADR

Filing #: 88 - 11/19/2010 - Order Scheduling Hearing

Filing #: 89 - 11/19/2010 - Order On Complainant's Request For A Thirty Day Extension Of Time File Consent Agreement And Final Order

Filing #: 90 - 01/20/2011 - Order Granting Complainant's Motion For Leave To Amend Complaint And Compliance Order

Filing #: 91 - 02/23/2011 - Order Rescheduling Hearing

Filing #: 92 - 08/18/2011 - Order Setting Briefing Schedule

Filing #: 93 - 09/29/2011 - Order Designating Certain Transcript Pages And Exhibits As Confidential And Resetting Briefing Schedule

Filing #: 95 - 12/14/2012 - Initial Decision (Redacted)