US EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges

Case Index for FIFRA-07-2023-0135 - Timothy Wilson d/b/a Wilson's Pest Control

11/04/2024 06:39:38 PM

Filing #: 1 - 02/08/2024 - Complaint and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing

Filing #: 2 - 02/08/2024 - Green Card to Complaint

Filing #: 3 - 03/09/2024 - Answer of Respondent to Complaint and Request for Hearing

Filing #: 4 - 03/12/2024 - Transmittal Letter

Filing #: 5 - 03/20/2024 - Order of Designation

Filing #: 6 - 03/20/2024 - Prehearing Order

Filing #: 7 - 03/29/2024 - Complainant Notice of Appearance (K. Kacsur)

Filing #: 8 - 03/29/2024 - Complainant Notice of Appearance (A. Hilbert)

Filing #: 9 - 04/12/2024 - Respondent Preliminary Statement

Filing #: 10 - 04/12/2024 - Complainant Status Report

Filing #: 11 - 04/12/2024 - Complainant Preliminary Statement

Filing #: 12 - 05/03/2024 - Complainant Initial Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 12.02 - 09/23/2024 - CX3

Filing #: 12.03 - 09/23/2024 - CX2 Part 1

Filing #: 12.04 - 09/23/2024 - CX2 Part 2

Filing #: 12.05 - 09/23/2024 - CX2 Part 3

Filing #: 12.06 - 09/23/2024 - CX2 Part 4

Filing #: 12.07 - 09/23/2024 - CX4

Filing #: 12.08 - 09/23/2024 - CX5

Filing #: 12.10 - 09/23/2024 - CX7

Filing #: 12.12 - 09/23/2024 - CX9

Filing #: 12.14 - 09/23/2024 - CX11

Filing #: 12.16 - 09/23/2024 - CX13

Filing #: 12.18 - 09/23/2024 - CX15

Filing #: 12.20 - 09/23/2024 - CX17

Filing #: 12.22 - 09/23/2024 - CX19

Filing #: 12.26 - 09/23/2024 - CX23

Filing #: 13 - 05/24/2024 - Respondent Initial Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 13.01 - 09/23/2024 - Respondent's Prehearing Exchange - Exhibit RX 1

Filing #: 13.02 - 09/23/2024 - Respondent's Prehearing Exchange - Exhibit RX 2

Filing #: 14 - 06/04/2024 - Complainants Notice to the Court Re PHE Exhibits

Filing #: 15 - 06/04/2024 - Complainants Rebuttal Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 16 - 06/21/2024 - Complaianant Motion to Compel Discovery

Filing #: 17 - 07/05/2024 - Complainants Motion for Ext of Time to File Dispositive Motions

Filing #: 18 - 07/10/2024 - Order on Complainants Mot for Additional Discovery & Ext. of Time

Filing #: 19 - 08/09/2024 - Complainant Motion for Leave to File Amended Pleading

Filing #: 19.01 - 09/18/2024 - Motion to Amend Complaint

Filing #: 20 - 08/27/2024 - Motion to Supplement Complainants Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 20.01 - 09/23/2024 - CX27

Filing #: 20.03 - 09/23/2024 - CX29

Filing #: 21 - 08/27/2024 - Receipt of Service of Amended Complaint

Filing #: 22 - 08/30/2024 - Complainant 2nd Motion for Extension of Time To File Dispositive Motions

Filing #: 23 - 09/05/2024 - Order on Complainants Motions