US EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges

Case Index for CWA-05-2016-0015 - BP Products North America Inc. (Whiting, Indiana)

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Filing #: 1 - 06/12/2017 - Request to Assign Petition Officer

Filing #: 2 - 06/16/2017 - Order Designating Petition Officer and Directing Complainant to File a Response to the Petition

Filing #: 3 - 06/22/2017 - Complainant's Email Addresses for Service of Documents

Filing #: 5 - 06/29/2017 - Petitioners' Email Addresses for Service of Documents

Filing #: 6 - 07/06/2017 - Respondent's Email Address for Service of Documents

Filing #: 7 - 07/10/2017 - Complainant's Response to Petition to Set Aside Consent Agreement and Proposed Final Order

Filing #: 8 - 05/08/2018 - Order Denying Petition to Set Aside Consent Agreement and Proposed Final Order