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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
09/20/2007  EPCRA-09-2007-0020 Consent Agreement (09/20/2007) (The Pictsweet Company)
09/20/2007  CAA-09-2007-0025 ESA (09/20/2007) (Ballantine Produce Company, Inc.)
09/20/2007  CERCLA-09-2007-0003 Consent Agreement (09/20/2007) (Diamond Oaks Winery)
09/20/2007  RCRA-07-2007-0012 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Pace Analytical Services, Inc)
09/20/2007  CAA-09-2007-0026 ESA (09/20/2007) (Sandrini Sales, Inc.)
09/20/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2739(b) Boehme Filatex, Inc. (09/20/2007) (Boehme Filatex, Inc.)
09/20/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2768(b) Susan Whitman (09/20/2007) (Susan Whitman)
09/20/2007  CAA-05-2007-0028 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (09/20/2007) (Strib Industries, Inc., d/b/a Products Chemical Co. (Cleveland, OH))
09/20/2007  CAA-05-2007-0027 Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/20/2007) (Mr. Zane Ward d/b/a Azimow and Culbertson Scrap Co. (Alexandria, IN))
09/20/2007  CAA-05-2007-0031 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (09/20/2007) (S. D. Warren Company (Muskegon, MI))
09/20/2007  CERCLA-09-2007-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/20/2007) (The Pictsweet Company)
09/19/2007  EPCRA-07-2007-0003 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Schwann's Global Supply Chain, Inc)
09/19/2007  TSCA-07-2007-0038 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Jorge H Barreto and Marilyn Berreto)
09/19/2007  CAA-07-2007-0003 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Schwans Global Supply Chain, Inc)
09/19/2007  CERCLA-07-2007-0003 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Schwann's Global Supply Chain, Inc)
09/19/2007  EPCRA-05-2007-0033 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (09/19/2007) (Columbus Chemical Industries, Inc. (Columbus, WI))
09/19/2007  FIFRA-07-2007-0014 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Alsbury Incorporated)
09/19/2007  FIFRA-07-2007-0013 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Utopian Trees d/b/a Kat Nurseeries)
09/19/2007  TSCA-05-2007-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/19/2007) (Ranger Properties LLC (Kenosha, WI))
09/18/2007  RCRA-04-2007-4010(b) Intertrade Holdings, Inc. (09/18/2007) (Intertrade Holdings, Inc.)
09/18/2007  RCRA-04-2007-4005(b) Mosaic Ferilizer, LLC (09/18/2007) (Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC)
09/18/2007  FIFRA-05-2007-0040 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (09/18/2007) (Target Corporation (Minneapolis, MN))
09/17/2007  CWA-10-2007-0160 Amended Expedited Settlement Agreement (09/17/2007) (GORDON PAVING CO., INC., AND FORCE ENGINEERING, LLP)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1017(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1025(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  TSCA-09-2007-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/17/2007) (Pima County Board of Supervisors)
09/17/2007  CWA-04-2007-5179(b) Journey Operating, LLC (09/17/2007) (Journey Operating, LLC)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1022(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  CWA-04-2007-5182(b) Journey Operating, LLC (09/17/2007) (Journey Operating, LLC)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1018(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  CWA-04-2007-5181(b) Journey Operating, LLC (09/17/2007) (Journey Operating, LLC)
09/17/2007  CWA-04-2007-5178(b) Journey Operating, LLC (09/17/2007) (Journey Operating, LLC)
09/17/2007  CWA-10-2007-0154 Amended Expedited Settlement Agreement (09/17/2007) (TUSCANY HILLS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1027(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  RUST-05-2007-0014 Notice of Violation and Compliance Order/Settlement Agreement (09/17/2007) (Brook Park Service Center (Brook Park, OH))
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1028(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1026(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  RCRA-04-2007-4003(b) U.S. Customs and Boarder Protection (09/17/2007) (U.S. Customs and Border Protection)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1024(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1023(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  CWA-04-2007-5180(b) Journey Operating, LLC (09/17/2007) (Journey Operating, LLC)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1019(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  RCRA-04-2007-4006(b) Diversified Container Services, Inc. (09/17/2007) (Diversified Container Services, Inc.)
09/17/2007  CWA-04-2007-5505(b) Paulding Properties, Inc., and P12025 LLC (09/17/2007) (Paulding Properties, Inc., and P12025, LLC)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1021(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/17/2007  EPCRA-09-2007-0019 Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/17/2007) (Hightower Plating and Manufacturing, Inc.)
09/17/2007  CWA-10-2007-0169 Expedited Settlement Agreement (09/17/2007) (HUNTSMAN SPRINGS, INC.)
09/17/2007  SDWA-04-2007-1020(b) Kelcas Well Services, Ltd. (09/17/2007) (Kelcas Well Services, Ltd.)
09/14/2007  EPCRA-05-2007-0032 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (09/14/2007) (HA International, LLC (Oregon, IL))
09/14/2007  SDWA-05-2007-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (09/14/2007) (Environmental Disposal Systems (EDS), Inc. (Birmingham, MI))
09/14/2007  RCRA-05-2007-0011 Administrative Order on Consent (09/14/2007) (Bway Corporation (Cincinnati, OH))
09/14/2007  CAA-05-2007-0025 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (09/14/2007) (Lang Ice Company (Chicago, IL))
09/14/2007  FIFRA-05-2007-0041 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (09/14/2007) (S. L. I. Corporation a/k/a P. M. O., Inc. (Chicago, IL))
09/14/2007  MM-05-2007-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (09/14/2007) (HA International, LLC (Oregon, IL))
09/14/2007  CERCLA-05-2007-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (09/14/2007) (HA International, LLC (Oregon, IL))
09/13/2007  CAA-05-2007-0024 Consent Agreement/Final Order (09/13/2007) (Tate & Lyle Ingredients America, Inc. (LaFayette, IN))
09/13/2007  TSCA-07-2007-0039 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Timothy A Mensing)
09/13/2007  CWA-10-2007-0153 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (09/13/2007) (AVERY CARDLOCK)
09/12/2007  FIFRA-04-2007-3020(b) Astro-Pure, Inc. (09/12/2007) (Astro-Pure, Inc.)
09/12/2007  CWA-04-2007-5175(b) Volunteer Oil Services, LLC (09/12/2007) (Volunteer Oil Services, LLC)
09/12/2007  CAA-07-2007-0037 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (ESA) (City of Wellington Water Treatment Plant)
09/12/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2745(b) Carter's Royal Dispos-All and Scrap Metal (09/12/2007) (Carter's Royal Dispos-All and Scrap Metal)
09/12/2007  RCRA-09-2007-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/12/2007) (Romic Environmental Technologies Corp.)
09/12/2007  FIFRA-04-2007-3035(b) Coor Farm Supply Service, Inc. (09/12/2007) (Coor Farm Supply Service, Inc.)
09/12/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2760(b) Old Hickory Properties, Inc. d/b/a ReMax Savannah (09/12/2007) (Old Hickory Properties, Inc. d/b/a ReMax Savannah)
09/12/2007  TSCA-04-2007-2769(b) Old Hickory Properties, Inc. d/b/a ReMax Savannah (09/12/2007) (Old Hickory Properties, Inc. d/b/a ReMax Savannah)
09/11/2007  EPCRA-09-2007-0018 Consent Agreement & Final Order (09/11/2007) (Rhino Linings USA, Inc.)
09/11/2007  CWA-04-2007-5186(b) Werner Enterprises, Inc. (09/11/2007) (Werner Enterprises, Inc.)
09/11/2007  RCRA-09-2007-0015 Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/11/2007) (Jazz Semiconductor, Inc.)
09/11/2007  CWA-04-2007-5187(b) Werner Enterprises, Inc. (09/11/2007) (Werner Enterprises, Inc.)
09/11/2007  RCRA-09-2008-0005 Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/11/2007) (Harvey Duro and Desert Mobilehome Park, Inc.)
09/11/2007  CAA-07-2007-0044 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Thermal Corporation of America)
09/11/2007  RCRA-05-2007-0012 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (09/11/2007) (Alsco, Inc. (Chicago, IL))
09/11/2007  CWA-04-2007-5186(b) Werner Enterprises, Inc. (09/11/2007) (Werner Enterprises, Inc.)
09/11/2007  CWA-04-2007-5185(b) Werner Enterprises, Inc. (09/11/2007) (Werner Enterprises, Inc.)
09/11/2007  CWA-04-2007-5177(b) WilcoHess, LLC (09/11/2007) (WilcoHess, LLC)
09/11/2007  TSCA-07-2007-0035 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Lorraine Properties, LLC)
09/11/2007  TSCA-07-2007-0034 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Love Properties, LLC)
09/11/2007  CWA-04-2007-5183(b) Eagle Transport Corporation (09/11/2007) (Eagle Transport Corporation)
09/10/2007  FIFRA-07-2007-0010 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Harvey Products, Inc)
09/10/2007  CWA-07-2007-0057 EXPEDITED SPCC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (City of Davenport)
09/10/2007  TSCA-07-2007-0033 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (P&B Real Estate, LLC)
09/10/2007  FIFRA-07-2007-0018 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Roemerman Feed and Grain, Inc)
09/10/2007  TSCA-07-2007-0021 AMENDED CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (United Management, LLC)
09/07/2007  CERCLA-09-2007-0002 Consent Agreement (09/07/2007) (Western Precooling Systems, Inc.)
09/07/2007  CAA-09-2007-0023 ESA (09/07/2007) (The Wine Group, Inc. (Franzia Sanger Winery))
09/07/2007  CAA-09-2007-0020 ESA (09/07/2007) (Royal Valley Fruit Growers Association)
09/07/2007  FIFRA-09-2007-0022 Consent Agreement & Final Order (09/07/2007) (The Shell Corporation)
09/07/2007  CAA-09-2007-0021 ESA (09/07/2007) (Stratford Growers, Inc.)
09/07/2007  CAA-09-2007-0022 ESA (09/07/2007) (S. Stamoules, Inc.)
09/07/2007  EPCRA-09-2007-0017 Consent Agreement & Final Order (09/07/2007) (Shasta Beverages, Inc.)
09/07/2007  CAA-09-2007-0019 ESA (09/07/2007) (The HMC Group Cold Storage, Inc.)
09/06/2007  EPCRA-10-2007-0175 Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/06/2007) (BCI COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF LOS ANGELES)
09/06/2007  RCRA-UST-04-2007-0001(b) Circle K Stores, Inc. (09/06/2007) (Circle K Stores, Inc.)
09/06/2007  CWA-04-2007-5169(b) Dana Corporation (09/06/2007) (Dana Corporation)
09/06/2007  CWA-04-2007-5168(b) Dana Corporation (09/06/2007) (Dana Corporation)
09/06/2007  CWA-04-2007-5176(b) Keystop, LLC a/k/a Key Oil Company (09/06/2007) (Keystop, LLC a/k/a Key Oil Company)

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 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 
 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 
 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 
 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 
 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 [next]

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