Aguakem Caribe, Inc.
- Docket Number: RCRA-02-2009-7110
Status: Closed
Statute: RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 09/25/2009
Closed Date: 05/01/2021
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 02
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(09/29/2009) #1 Complaint
(10/26/2009) #2 Respondent filed an answer and request for hearing.
(10/27/2009) #3 Letter to chief ALJ Biro requesting assignment of an presiding officer.
(10/29/2009) #4 Letter to Atty Britney regarding ADR.
(10/29/2009) #5 Letter to Atty Rodriguez regarding ADR.
(11/18/2009) #6 Order of designation ALJ William B. Moran.
(12/03/2009) #7 Prehearing order.
(01/21/2010) #8 Complainant's initial prehearing exchange (attachments not scanned).
(01/27/2010) #9 Respondent's initial prehearing exchange.
(01/29/2010) #10 Letter to RHC regarding CD for Respondent's prehearing exchange inadvertently omitted.
(02/05/2010) #11 Complainant's reply to respondent's prehearing exchange.
(02/11/2010) #12 Complainant's motion in limine and motion to strike.
(02/23/2010) #14 Notice of hearing.
(03/02/2010) #15 Respondent's opposition to EPA's motion in limine and motion to strike, and request for discovery and rescheduled hearing.
(03/12/2010) #16 Response to respondent's opposition to EPA's motion in limine and motion to strike, and motion to deny respondent's request for discovery and rescheduling hearing.
(04/26/2010) #17 Order of redesignation ALJ Barbara A. Gunning.
(06/08/2010) #18 Order on Complainant's motion in limine and motion to strike and respondent's request for discovery.
(05/18/2010) #19 Order on complainant's reply to respondent's prehearing exchange.
(07/16/2010) #20 Order scheduling hearing.
(11/03/2010) #21 Complainant's objection to respondent's additonal supplemental to its initial prehearing exchange.
(11/03/2010) #22 Complainant's supplemental prehearing exchange.
(11/05/2010) #23 Respondent's additonal supplement to its initial prehearing exchange.
(11/17/2010) #24 Joint set of stipulated facts, exhibits and testimony.
(11/17/2010) #25 Order on complainant's objection to respondent's additonal supplemental to its initial prehearing exchange.
(11/18/2010) #26 Complainant's request for clarification on matters to be addressed during the hearing.
(12/02/2010) #27 Notice of appearance.
(12/07/2010) #28 Notice of hearing location.
(01/06/2011) #29 Transcript (Day #1, no exhibits scanned)
(01/06/2011) #30 Transcript (Day #2, no exhibits scanned)
(01/06/2011) #31 Transcript (Da;y #3, no exhibits scanned)
(01/12/2011) #32 Certificate of service, serving transcript to parties.
(01/20/2011) #33 Order setting briefing schedule.
(03/02/2011) #34 Complainant's post hearing brief.
(03/02/2011) #35 Respondent's post trial brief.
(03/17/2011) #36 Complainant's post hearing reply.
(01/05/2012) #37 Initial Decision
(01/06/2012) #38 Certification of the Administrative Record
(01/06/2012) #39 Certiicate of service serving Initial Decision
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: RCRA-02-2009-7110