Mayaguez Medical Center Dr. Ramon Emeterio Betances, Inc.
- Docket Number: RCRA-02-2016-7106
Status: Closed
Statute: RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 09/22/2016
Closed Date: 09/13/2017
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 02
(09/28/2016) #1 Complaint
(10/26/2016) #2 Motion requesting an extension of time to file an answer to the compaint and request for a hearing.
(10/27/2016) #3 Order granting an extension of time to file an answer to the complaint.
(12/01/2016) #4 Answer
(12/02/2016) #5 Letter to Chief ALJ Biro requesting an assignment of an presiding officer.
(01/31/2017) #6 Motion in compliance with complaint.
(04/04/2017) #7 CAFO/ESA/Stipulated Penalty
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: RCRA-02-2016-7106