Filing - Petitioner Opposed 1st Motion For Leave to File
- Attachment 1 - EPA reply to Petition Response to Order to show cause
- Attachment 2 - Draft Permit
- Attachment 3 - Order to Show Cause Why Petition Should not be dismissed
- Attachment 4 - Response Brief for Oder to Show Cause MI-035-2R-0034
- Attachment 5 - Revised Petition for Review and Response to Revised response to comment MI-035-2R-0034
- Attachment 6 - Signed Revised RTC on Draft Class II Permit in Clare County MI Issued to Muskegon Develop. Co. #MI-035-2R-0034
Link to Filing (PDF. pages)
EAB Appeal Number(s): UIC 19-02
Filing Number: 8
Filing Date: 12/02/2019
Case Name: Muskegon Development Company
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