US EPA Environmental Appeals Board

Case Index for EAJA 10-01 - Lowell Vos d/b/a Lowell VOS Feedlot

05/13/2024 03:33:26 PM

Filing #: 1 - 05/07/2010 - Recieved via CDX Electronic -- Lowell Vos (Appellant) Notice of Appeal

Filing #: 2 - 05/11/2010 - Letter to Elden McAfee and Julia L. Vyskocil, Attorneys, offering parties the option to participate in ADR Program

Filing #: 3 - 06/01/2010 - EPA Response to Notice of Appeal of Recommended Decision Denying Attorney Fees and Costs Under the Equal Access to Justice Act

Filing #: 4 - 05/09/2011 - Final Decision

Filing #: 5 - 05/18/2011 - Domestic Return Receipt